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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Opponents Of Transgender Law "Scrambling" To Get Signatures

Opponents of a measure that protects transgender people from discrimination in housing, employment, credit and public accommodation say they do not have enough signatures to put the measure before voters this fall.

Washington County Delegate Neil Parrott, whose organization MDPetitions.Com is leading the referendum effort, told WBAL News that volunteers are "scrambling" to meet a deadline for filing signatures by midnight Saturday.

The opponents need to submit at least 55,736 signatures to the Maryland State Board of Elections by June 30, but must submit at least one-third of that total (18,579) by midnight on Saturday.

EDITORS NOTE: I received a call from Mike McDermott last night stating they need at least 500 more people from the Eastern Shore to sign this petition.


  • Don Coffman - 1405 South Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD 21801
    • 410-422-4811, doncoffman@ezy.net
    • Box is available for after-hours drop-off.
    • Sign from 9am to 2pm Sat.


  1. Further evidence that all people do is sit in front of their computer and complain, but take no action when it requires actual effort.
    MD intentionally made the petition guidelines burdensome if an effort to kill any citizens ability to change the course of this absurd government.
    You want a say in what YOUR government does, get off your azz and go sign the petition.

  2. simply resolved, make all bathrooms have doors and locks

    NOT Stalls

  3. simply resolved, make all bathrooms have doors and locks

    NOT Stalls

  4. 8:43 you are an idiot if you think every retail establishment is going to incur the cost of remodeling their bathrooms.
    No one will take action until someone gets hurt and sued.
    And it will not be your idiotic politicians.

  5. I totally respect your tenacity and your opinion 8:41,and under normal circumstances and a less sensitive subject additional signatures would make a difference.However,the mechanism has been set in motion and the decision made.As much as you and I despise the absurdity of our government,this is here to stay.

  6. People are tired of the sky is falling rhetoric from the anti everything crowd.
    This is about a lot more than bathroom use and more about respect for peoples differences. Maryland is better for it.

  7. My what a good little slave to the government you are 9:51 as well as an extremely sick and disturbed person. YOu need to grow a brain as well because FYI it is about "bathroom use" you idiot! Read the law you dope! It's about BATHROOM USE-period you half wit.
    That's the problem with you democrats, you have the IQ level somewhere down in the imbecile range.
    It's one thing to respect and another to allow those of the opposite sex to use what ever restroom they feel like and anyone who thinks it's okay is a God dam pervert
    The sky is falling and it's because of people like you who were raised by useless parents who didn't value morals. You are why people are killing each other because morals are a foreign concept to your low class ignorant stupid type and it's about time other start telling you and shunning and ridiculing you. God help your children if you have any!

  8. 9:51 is the perfect example of why abortions should remain legal. The last thing the country needs are any more liberals.

  9. "This is about a lot more than bathroom use and more about respect for peoples differences."

    OK - that's just fine. Then you shouldn't mind if the people actually vote for it - instead of a bunch of agenda-driven, progressive politicians cramming it down our throats.

  10. WE just signed it..

  11. What is strange about all of this hullabaloo is that in many cities of Europe that I have visited, there are men, women, and children in the same restroom. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Roman Baths, China, Romania, ect.
    How come you liberals are upset?
    Everything on the planet has to eliminate waste, what's the big deal? They don't make a big deal out of a natural bodily function across the pond. American's must be a bunch of bathroom perverts!

  12. I think I will start using the men's bathroom, I am feeling sorta testosterony today.

  13. I guarantee you women will not tolerate this and will block the door.
    I will create such a ruckus and put such suspicion on the guy, when security shows up, he will think twice before trying it again.
    What a sick phucking world this has turned into.
    If there is a dick attached to your body you need to be in the mens room.
    Wasn't there recently a case locally where some freak was cell phone recording women in the bathroom.
    Sick Sick Sick.

  14. I mailed my petition in this week.

  15. "in many cities of Europe that I have visited, there are men, women, and children in the same restroom."

    Thanks for the travelogue, but I don't think we need to style ourselves after Europe. From MY experience, many toilets there are without seats and paper, too.

  16. Hey Don-

    Please do something worthwhile, like helping us elect Republicans in Wicomico COunty this year!

  17. 12:11 you are a liar, I have been in Romania and there is no such common practice. Nice try.

  18. Anybody ever watch Ally McBeel on TV? It was cutting edge at its time when they had all sex bathroom on the show, for all of the people in the law office to use. Well, guess what folks, many offices in big cities now have uni-sex bathrooms. You ask why, well when building space is rented for thousands of dollars a foot, you don't waste valuable space on a second bathroom!
    Push your liberal legislators for a law allowing Marylanders to exercise their 2nd. Amendment rights, take your daughter to the toilet, and shoot the perverts!

  19. 2:29 go to the train station at Gară de Nord, there a "Squat toilets" for everyone to use. I also ran into many in small towns while there. Get out of the cities, and go where the real people live.

  20. This is a true war on women but where's the outrage?

  21. 4:54
    I have worked in unisex bathroom offices, but only one person used it at a time.
    And you are an idiot.
    TV isn't real life.

    Laws do not permit sharing bathrooms between genders.
    Ever hear of sexual harassment?
    I am shocked at just how stupid you are.
    You probably think sponge bob is real.

  22. An overwhelming portion of the female population in Britain are against unisex bathrooms. And in fact Europe has been turning away from the practice in the more civilized parts of the country.

    The population of California is trying to over turn the bill.

    To make a blanket statement that we are prudes and against progress is simply wrong.

    A majority of the population is against this, only the gays and pervs are for it.

    One of the reasons there is a little outrage is because, like in California, this is a hush hush project of Owemalley's.

    The media has barely spoken about it. Ask your neighbor and I bet they do not even know this is an issue.

    Use the "family" bathroom if you can't decide what you are. That is what it is there for.

    I do not eliminate in front of my husband, I am certainly not interested in doing it in front of another stranger male.

    Let the rapes, molestation's, and lawsuits begin.

  23. Ally McBeal before its time? What a laugh. It was about sluts, perversions. alcohol, drugs and gays.
    I am not sure what value it added to society.

  24. Failed to even get to get this minimum to continue collecting signatures for the June 30th deadline.
    The law stands and will go into effect Oct.1st
    Also failed in California to get on the ballot.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Failed to even get to get this minimum to continue collecting signatures for the June 30th deadline.
    The law stands and will go into effect Oct.1st
    Also failed in California to get on the ballot.

    June 1, 2014 at 1:44 PM

    Lazy Ass people.

  26. 1:44 - Failed to get the necessary signatures? Are you kidding? If that is accurate, I don't know if I'm more disgusted by the politicians or the citizens of this state.

  27. When this becomes law, I as a hetero male, will stand inside womens' bathrooms with the next petitions for all to sign to get me the phuck out of there. Security will be helpless to stop me. Police will be helpless, as long as I make the verbal statement that I feel like a woman today. S will hit the fan, and petitions will get signed.

  28. It appears the majority your all talking about doesn't exist . Where were the vast numbers of people who were going to sign this?


  29. 12:27 says "A majority of the population is against this, only the gays and pervs are for it."

    Looks like you are wrong, again.

  30. "Looks like you are wrong, again."

    That would appear to be the case. I held the citizenry of this state to a higher standard. Apparently, I was mistaken.

  31. What about the boy who wants to be a girl dresses like one and then tried to use the girls bathroom in school, some girls complained, they got suspended for being sexist, so basically what this tells me that no matter what sex you are if one day you feel like being the opposite sex you may use their bathroom, hmmm that just opened the door for some perverts.


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