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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Maryland Set To End 'Bounty System' For Speed Cameras

Beginning June 1, companies that operate speed cameras in Maryland will no longer by able to collect a commission for each ticket they issue to motorists.

According to AAA Mid-Atlantic, the Speed Monitoring Systems Reform Act of 2014 will end the current system, which some describe as a "bounty system." Now, companies will not receive a commission and must pay a fine to the jurisdictions if 5 percent of the citations issued by their machines are deemed to be invalid or fraudulent..

Also, AAA Mid-Atlantic said the new law requires that an ombudsman must be appointed in each jurisdiction to retract erroneously issued violations before they reach the suspected motorist. The law also bans jurisdictions from placing cameras in schools zones with speed limits less than 20 mph and demands that each camera is calibrated annually, according to a AAA Mid-Atlantic news release.



  1. I still do not understand the purpose of the camera on E Main St, that is blocks away from the school and pointed in the direction going away from the school, so they "get ya" speeding long after you have already passed the school.
    How is that protecting the students?
    Shouldn't it actually be within a block of the schools perimeter?

  2. It was put there to appease the Devages. They were making a stink of speeders.. U can go back an google news stories where they were on tv. wanting the city to do something.


  3. Think the bounty system should be reversed.

    Pay $100 to anyone dragging one of the cameras to the dump!

  4. Oh, God, she's back. I've enjoyed the vacation, but now we'll all have to put up with this drivel once again...

    Vacation was so nice...

  5. 8:08 I have been here the whole time, just like you, as Anonymous. Would you like me to pick out all the comments I have made where you had nothing to say to me? I would be MORE than happy to.
    I see you have not changed and still have nothing better to do than troll the blogs spewing your sunshine.

  6. 8:08 seems you had nothing to say to me on my earlier Anonymous comments

    Lets see... I am

    BREAKING NEWS: White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Resigns
    I am 7:29 PM

    Court Upholds “First Amendment” Right To Film Police
    I am 6:32 AM

    National Park Service Plans To Note Places Linked To Gay History
    I am 6:27 AM

    The Secret To Winning An Argument Is Ridiculously Simple
    I am 3:08 PM

    But thank you for participating in our internet trolling research, you have provided us with a lot of laughs with your imbecilic behavior. I got an A.

  7. She has been waiting on her obama check to pay for her comcast bundle….she will go away in 30 days or so when they cut her off again.

  8. 9:58 ha ha ha seems you know way too much about such things... speaking for yourself?

  9. They should end all fine based action by police!
    It has turned into "policing for profit" by overzealous cops.

  10. It would be interesting to find out if any of the speed camera providers have given political donations to any of the politicians who passed the legislation allowing the devices

  11. Most are missing the point....
    By giving some "concessions" to the people about speed camera's, they've done the same thing they did with Nazi "checkpoints for impaired drivers. They PROMISED they would only be used for catching drunk drivers. LOL. You fell for that? Despite the 4th Amendment?
    NOW, the Nazi checkpoints are being used across the nation. Homeland Security does random, at gunpoint, "checkpoints" on interstate highways (so much for the right to travel freely and be free of "unreasonable searches" -- that phrase taken directly from the Bill of Rights, by the way). Local police use them now to check for "wants and warrants", K-9 searches, registration issues, and if you say anything they don't like, you get yanked out of your car and REALLY get hassled (taught a lesson about who's boss).
    So, keep on surrendering your rights. Bit by bit, a little at a time (because YOU have a personal tragedy to solve and to hell with the Constitution), you are GIVING AWAY the freedoms we OWN.
    Keep cheering. They probably already have a numbered bunk for you.

  12. These camera's need to be removed.

  13. Imclain you also missed where they are stopping people and herding them into parking lots and telling them they are asking for permission to do a DNA swab, for research.
    It's voluntary until you try and leave.....

  14. This bill may actually improve the validity of the speed cameras because it holds the company operating them to a higher standard. I also like the fact that each speeding ticket issued is not going to line the private corporations' pockets. However, if we are going to accept the presence of speed cameras in our society I really think we are going to have to shrink our nation's police forces or otherwise change their roll. If a camera can do your job, well you not that valuable to society. We are really coming to a point in history where we can come up with alternatives to pulling people over for a traffic citation. In my estimation it is an inconstant form of enforcement, does little to actually stop speeding, and is a huge violation of privacy in many situations.


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