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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Worcester Sheriff: ‘We’re Going To Be Very Proactive’; Agencies Prepared For Unsanctioned Event

OCEAN CITY — The Ocean City Police Department and allied law enforcement agencies all over Worcester County are bracing for an unsanctioned event, rather ominously called “College Takeover Beach Week” next week, which will likely draw several thousand college-aged individuals to the resort area.

The active word in the event’s title is “takeover” and that’s exactly what the same group did in Virginia Beach and Myrtle Beach, for example in recent years. In April 2013, the event in Virginia Beach resulted in crowds estimated at 40,000 to 50,000 college-aged individuals invading the town’s Oceanfront area.

According to reports, the big crowds roamed the streets, disrupted traffic and businesses and generally scared local residents and other visitors to the town. Perhaps more importantly, the event included several significant crimes including three shootings, multiple stabbings and other serious crimes all in the span of about four hours.



  1. As if there isn't enough trash in Ocean City. This should draw a really nice crowd.

  2. Welcome to Ocean City, the family resort!

  3. Considering the incivility, intimidation, and filth that descended upon other recently documented locations, the 'authorities' here should be highly prepared to ensure the safety of the folks that are here to have family fun....they need to curb the droopy trousers, gang-appearing activity, and provide a significant show of public-safety force.

    Otherwise, the family-fun seeking public will go elsewhere leaving you with revenue sucking chaos!

  4. In other words they are gearing up for a black mob riot!

  5. Hey don't forget to ticket all those people riding in the back of the pick-up trucks! LOL!

  6. Good time for the BIKERS to have a rally in OC. Especially the Hell's Angels.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hey don't forget to ticket all those people riding in the back of the pick-up trucks! LOL!

    May 30, 2014 at 10:08 AM

    while drinking a beer.

  8. I didn't know there were native palm trees and coconuts in Ocean City MD.

  9. Go git 'em police!

    Don't let them even breathe in O.C.

    Make them all paranoid to do anything which resembles having fun.

    We don't need no stinking money-spending college age kids in our resort town!

    go git 'em!

  10. That week they should also have a Gay Pride parade ! Salisbury's mayor could be the Grand Marshal !

  11. Seen it in Ft Lauderdale,it is one out of control mess!

  12. Bet their parents never put them in time our...or heaven forbid, spanked them. No rules, no boundaries.

  13. No BS No Warnings and get some temp buildings for holding cells. Bail needs to be cash only and violators need to be displayed on all social media and ads placed in their school papers to show what responsible students the college produces. Tired of baby sitting people I never conceived or had part of. Last suggestion is all orders placed a restaurants need to be paid for in advance.
    Kids will be kids but the law clearly states drinking age in Maryland is 21

  14. The worst is yet to come for OC. The "Family Resort" days are long gone---just a faded memory.
    Every time a retail or a non-alcoholic business closes shop, a bar filled with a bunch of low-life drunks takes its place. Mostly tourists that now visit OC are alcoholic trash who come here for vacation and leave on probation.

  15. "Anonymous said...
    I didn't know there were native palm trees and coconuts in Ocean City MD.

    May 30, 2014 at 2:07 PM"

    There aren't. They truck them in and replant them. I think it's because they are one of the few plants the public urinators (I made this word up) can't kill.


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