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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Most Admired President in Last 25 Years

A collaborative poll was conducted by the Wall Street Journal, NBC News, and Annenberg to determine who the most admired U.S. President is of the last 25 years.

Not that there was a huge selection to choose from. In 25 years, there have only been four presidents, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.

The poll was conducted June 2-8 on 1,238 adults with a margin of error around 2.8%.

And the winner is: Bill Clinton who received 42% of the votes. The final results were as follows:

42% Bill Clinton
18% Barack Obama
17% George W. Bush
16% George H. W. Bush



  1. WTF!!!

    I hope this is a joke!,

  2. Well all three are left wing entities. Would you expect anything different as they go into their preferred areas for the question?

  3. The economy was booming during most of Clinton's term.

  4. Clinton was no dummy. With the Monica issue he said "soon it will all blow over". And Hillary said "what difference does it make". And Obama said "it's just a bump in the road". Give me a friggin break. Oh. That was Clinton.

  5. Scumbags on top, decent patriots on the bottom. The liberals have succeeded in making everything wrong, right and everything right, wrong. Upside-down land!
    180 degrees backwards!

  6. Don't let facts get in the way of your redneck mentality…

    Clinton took the deficit of 4.7% of GDP in 1992 and turned it into a surplus of 2.4% of GDP in 2000.

    Educational savings and retirement funds were given tax relief. Some of the expiring tax provisions were extended for selected businesses. Since 1998, an exemption could be taken out for those family farms and small businesses that qualified for it. In 1999, the correction of inflation on the $10,000 annual gift tax exclusion was accomplished. By the year 2006, the $600,000 estate tax exemption had risen to $1 million.

  7. Hmmm. Seems like the haters can't deal with facts...

  8. Next is Hillary.
    Now you want facts... Proof.. Lol

  9. Looks about right.

  10. Facts.. looks right, This tells us a lot about your morals and values errrr lack there of. Clinton is no role model for my family to admire.

  11. Facts.. looks right, This tells us a lot about your morals and values errrr lack there of. Clinton is no role model for my family to admire.

  12. So the "BJ", president is America's favorite, doesn't say too much about American standards does it???

  13. I always wonder when I see one of these polls, couldn't you get a particular result depending on what demographic you select to choose the people you survey? Just saying.

  14. That's really unbelievable! Clinton did more to lower the morals in the nation than anyone has ever done and Obama has almost taken us down. The mentality of the country has just declined so much!

  15. Role models should also be judged for their ability to keep us out of war.Anyone who has been deployed umpteen times knows how big of a deal that is.

  16. OMG. Clinton most morally corrupt President of all time; and Barack most legally corrupt President of all time. Liar 1 and Liar 2.
    GW took us to war which wasn't my personal preference, but he has more moral character than either of those two gangsters. Also, no comparison between Laura Bush and Michelle Obama. No contest.

  17. Wake me when it's over, please. Or not.


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