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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Did Anyone Happen To See This In The News ? I missed it!?!

Did anyone happen to see this in the news ? I missed it!?!

Somehow we all missed this one -- funny how that happens!!
‘Chickens Come Home to Roost’ – Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Daughter Convicted on 11 Counts of Fraud Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, March 8, 2014, 7:54 PM
Jeri Wright and Rev. Jeremiah Wright In September Jeri Wright, daughter of Reverend “God Damn America” Wright, and 12 other Democrats were charged with embezzling $16 million in Federal health grants that should have gone to AIDS charities and other programs for the poor and needy.
More than one of the defendants had direct ties to President Barack Obama. On Friday Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s daughter was found guilty of eleven counts that included money laundering and lying to federal agents. Breitbart reported: On Friday, a federal jury took less than two hours to convict the daughter of President Barack Obama’s controversial former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, of fraud.
Jeri Wright was found guilty of a fraud scheme that siphoned thousands of taxpayer dollars intended for a not-for-profit work and education program known as We Are Our Brother’s Keeper.  Prosecutor Timothy Bass said Jeri Wright lied “over and over” and went on a “spending spree” that included traveling to Las Vegas, buying vehicles, and remodeling her basement with cash from the money laundering scheme. She was found guilty on all counts.
“If you take and misuse government money, and then lie about it, you will be held accountable in a court of law,” said U.S. Attorney for the Central District of Illinois, Jim Lewis'
Obama and his mentor


  1. I must have missed it, too.

    What's wrong with these people, anyway? It's not enough that they pretend to speak for African Americans, but then steal from them and those who would help them? Incredible.

  2. Ah....Rev.Wright is not responsible for the crimes his grown child has committed is he????? What is the big point I'm missing???? Help

  3. From whence our King of the Land came!!!

  4. Holder will let her off.. no worries

  5. Yes he is 8:13. Children raised by positive role models rarely go on to commit crimes.

    1. 8:41. You Cant be serious? Shew

  6. I think that the illustration here is that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
    Doesn't it strike you as strange that so many people who purport to be working to improve black people's lot are really just there to rip them off and get away with it?

    1. As far as people that claim to be working to improve black people's lot but instead are ripping them off.. I've never paid that any attention, I've been too busy taking advantage of the many opportunities available to improve yourself that this great country offers. My household of 2 gross earned income for 2013 was $100,000 ....I don't think that was too bad.......Yes I'm a black male 46 years old

  7. I was raised by loving parents in a loving home in a wonderful neighborhood.......I was still negatively influenced by the world I live in. I've done things that my parents would definitely not approve of, I made these bad decisions with my own free will. My parents were most certainly not responsible for my actions...

  8. "so many people who purport to be working to improve black people's lot are really just there to rip them off"

    replace "black" with "white" here and I'm still not surprised. No race holds a monopoly on crooks or susceptibility to being a victim of fraud

  9. I'm shocked, shocked I say!

  10. I would expect nothing less from this leadership running our country....Hopefully things will start to change this November.

  11. In the old days they would hang people like this at the courthouse. Thank God it wasn't a white person stealing from them...we'd never hear the end of it. Her excuse will be that she was "dis-enfranchised" like they all say.

  12. Fox Had it briefly,but pulled it shortly after for some reason.

  13. 5:42 No mystery there. B.S.


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