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Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Bump At The Pump? Senators Propose A 12-cent Hike In Federal Gas Tax.

A bipartisan Senate proposal emerged Wednesday to rescue beleaguered federal transportation funding by raising the tax on gasoline by 12 cents a gallon.

The proposal to hike the 18.4 cent federal tax for the first time since 1993 came from Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and won quick endorsement from an array of advocates ranging from road builders to AAA.

In addition to increasing the tax by six cents in each of the next two years, the senators want the rate indexed to inflation in the future. Failure to keep pace with inflation over the past 20 years along with steadily increasing fuel economy have caused the Federal Highway Trust Fund that receives the money to sink to a dangerous level.



  1. These Guys are nuts!

  2. Another broken OweBlama promise!

    Will they never listen?

  4. that certainly wont effect the lower and middle class..

  5. Would you prefer to drive on dirt roads? Asphalt and concrete are not free.

  6. 9:36, Get a Grip!

    We already pay high taxes to the state and OweMalley steals those Hwy user funds and gives all the money to Baltimore.

    Paying more at the pump and not being able to massively improve our local roads is complete BS!

  7. 9:36 - you must be a Democrat - or someone that doesn't believe that we had a highway trust fund that was raided by governor OweMalley to balance his budget.

    Enough tax money is already there - it just needs to be used properly.

    Consider what one of the candidates for governor touts in her ad - legalizing and taxing marijuana to pay for better schools...wasn't the lottery proceeds supposed to do that a while ago...and then the casinos the same thing...

  8. Joe, that is an issue for Annapolis. This proposal is for the entire nation. If we can change how Annapolis spends the money, great, but it won't matter if there IS no money.

  9. How do you propose the folks with low paying jobs(but keeps it because the health insurance is very good)get to work? The lower middle class has fallen into poverty and inflation just keeps on going. Since 2008 I have received a 1% cola. Now I am looking for a second job. I guess I will just have to work 80 hours a week to keep up with the cost of basic needs. I am in the age bracket that is close to retirement, too old to return to school, won't live long enough to pay off the student loans.

  10. He steals the "Save the Bay" funds as well, then wants to refill the coffers with the Rain Tax.

    Theft should come with a prison sentence.

  11. Tax and spend. Screw the middle class.

  12. We don't have a money problem .....we have a spending problem. ....of course all the industries that are on the dole for " infrastructure" are for it.... how did that stimulus spending go? How easy we forget that we spent billions or improving our infrastructure .....maybe it's because we are taxed so much .....we aren't even paying attention to what we're already for...


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