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Sunday, June 01, 2014




  1. that's tame compared to what Ray Lewis and Ray Rice have done.

  2. should have called them a cab. like they should have, for the drunk girl they kicked out, separated from her friends and belongings, who got assaulted.
    they have no problem taking your money and liquoring you up, but then claim no responsibility leaving you to fend for yourself, incapacitated.

  3. 1:00
    How about the bar just limit everyone to 2 drinks. That way most people wont get drunk and they don't have to be responsible for their own actions. (sarcasm off)
    There comes a time when people have to be personally responsible for their own actions. You can't expect bars to keep track of how many drinks each person drinks.

  4. Hey 1:07

    I can't believe that you actually think bars don't keep track of how many drinks each person drinks. A bartender certainly keeps tracks of his tips and who is leaving them. If a customer tips $5 every time he, or she, gets a drink, you can bet the bartender knows how many trips to the bar that that customer has taken. They do know the big drinkers and the big tippers. Its the two drink people that they don't keep track of. The more drinks a bartender makes for a customer, the more easily they remember what they drink, and how many they've had. But hey, its how they make their money. The bartenders would have to find another job if they went around and decided when all their customers have had enough. If the drunk is out of control and disrupting business, they WILL be cut off and asked to leave.

  5. We don't need these overpaid thugs down here.

  6. Hey narrow minded 1:07 I do not expect them to keep track of anything other than the patron they helped to incapacitate.
    No one said they had to count anything but to oust a obviously incapacitate patron to fend for themselves is simply wrong, especially when they had no issue taking their money and helping them get to that point.

  7. You can take them out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of them.

  8. You must understand and define culture. It's what they believe in and have practiced for many years , maybe centuries.
    This is not unusual for these guys!

  9. They just be chilling.

  10. Maryland needs to adopt what a lot of states have, a "Dram shop law", which holds everyone serving alcohol to anyone, is directly responsible for their getting drunk. This promotes sensible servers.

  11. Let's look at the positive side (seriously):
    1. They were asked to leave, and they left. "Kicked-out" is just a harsh way of phrasing it.
    2. They understood why they were asked to leave - and agreed.
    3. They coulda cleaned-house on the entire security detail. They didn't.
    In this day and age of bad-acting celebrities, I really think these guys should get some credit.

  12. I agree they should have called them a cab. Only an evil person would throw an obviously drunk person out of a bar and then not do everything they can to prevent that person from driving. Innocent people could be injured or killed. It takes a sick twisted person to just toss drunks out of a bar and leave them not knowing whether they will be driving or not. If they insist on driving then the cops should be informed. It's no different than seeing someone walking into a school with a gun. You see it and you inform the proper authorities.

  13. Seacrets in OC simply kicks them out and washed their hands of the issue.
    All they care about is $$$$.
    Drunck em up and turn a blind eye.

  14. If I heard accurately this is nothing as to what OC can look forward to next weekend. Watch Out All.

  15. Owners of the bars in OC have no morals people. All they care about is getting drunks to spend as much money as possible. They could care less if women get raped and assaulted or if these drunks get behind the wheel and kill themselves and other innocent people. All the owners care about is lining their pockets with a ton of ca$h!

  16. I think any bar has a moral and an ethical responsibility to the community at large to report drunk drivers. If you knowing toss someone out of a bar because of drunkenness, then you should make sure they don't get behind a wheel of a vehicle potentially putting other drivers and pedestrians in danger. It's no different than trying to prevent any other crime and drunk driving being very important since it does kill innocent people.

  17. 5:01 PM, I agree.

  18. There aren't any drunk drivers in OC they are all riding the bus. A bargain at $3 all day or so I'm told.

  19. I saw nothing in video showing them kicked out.

    Today I read that Football League called Seacrets about reported incident on line. Studds was unaware of any incident but questioned help and customers. Nothing happened. The group was not kicked out. Today, oth Seacrets and Football League have published a statement denying any such incident.

  20. I don't remember a thing, either.

  21. they dont need to call a cab theres only fifty of them sitting out front of the place


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