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Sunday, June 08, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Moses And Messick Get Massive Awards From E.E.O.C. And Demand Fredericksen And ALL Employees To Go Through Sexual Harassment Training

In February of 2012 we brought you the following stories...

It turns out the E.E.O.C. agreed with these two women, (good for them) and from what I have been told, one of them received $100,000.00 more than the other. I do not know the totals but as we have been trying to say for years, John Fredericksen should have NEVER been allowed to serve another term. You have to wonder, will the rest of the so called Press publish this information?

More to come...


  1. Once again you are way ahead of the rest. Dr. Freddy needs to go.

  2. John Fredericksen should have NEVER been allowed to serve another term.


    You can blame that on Michelle Wright.

  3. Who cares...the HR dept. is better without them. Mr. Pavic has done a remarkable job getting order back into this dept. At least now there aren't any under the table deals going on.

    Feel bad for how these ladies were treated and happy they are getting something for what they went through but in the end, the HR dept. is much better.

  4. the EEOC has found that the women were terminated in violation of EEOC federal guidelines and that the WCBOE has to enter into compensation negotiations - expect large compensation to be required

  5. Hope 4:52 is not implying only one department was subjected to treatment that makes him feel bad.

  6. One down.. one to go ...unions next...unions must go .good ole boy network paying up this time for the mistake via taxpayer..union favorism cover up?

  7. Not sure why the board didn't just appoint an independent investigator to determine the validity of the women's complaints. There was enough time for the investigation to have been completed before the superintendent's renewal vote in February. What would have been wrong with doing that?


  8. EEOC can issue a 'Right To Sue' letter (kind of meaningless since you have a right to sue with or without their blessing). Some plaintiffs view this as positive leverage in deciding to sue an employer and hope it will sway a jury.

    In some rarer cases EEOC will actually file a suit.

    EEOC generally tries to 'muscle' the defendant to an agreement; faced with extended, costly litigation many defendants knuckle under since if EEOC files the suit they have free lawyers with relatively unchecked funds.

    Whatever other shortcomings the administration or board may have, they removed a cancer. Hope the board hangs tough.

  9. In Maryland, in the absence of a contract, an employer is allowed to fire an employee at will. No reason has to be given. It is when the employer gives an "illegal" reason for termination that the legal issues mount.

  10. How amusing that some think the head of a WCBOE department could have done as she pleased with no direction from the top.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Not sure why the board didn't just appoint an independent investigator to determine the validity of the women's complaints. There was enough time for the investigation to have been completed before the superintendent's renewal vote in February. What would have been wrong with doing that?

    June 2, 2014 at 7:20 PM

    The liberal Board is out to protect Freddy. After all they said something about the Board president and her lover to Dave White who was president of the lawless teachers union so the "lover" fired the two.

  12. Anonymous said...
    How amusing that some think the head of a WCBOE department could have done as she pleased with no direction from the top.

    June 2, 2014 at 7:37 PM

    Are we talking about Michelle's sexual encounters?

  13. 1:36--Please don't assume the alleged remarks were actually made. But the investigation was stopped and the renewal happened so . . .

  14. Is it the Board who's being held accountable for the actions of the superintendent?

  15. This is why we need an elected school board, accountable to the voters.

  16. Wow WTF is going on over at the board. The credit card deal is bad enough. I have no idea what happened in this case, but it starts with the Super. What has this guy brought to this county other than shame. Don't know him and don't care to know him. I have seen enough. Who has the power to clean house at the Board Joe ? I am one of the few apparently that does not know what happeded here but this clown needs to go. If it is Rick P. then he better do his freaking job and fire this man. Rick only won the last election by a handful of votes.


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