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Sunday, June 08, 2014

Bid To Overturn Maryland Transgender Rights Bill Fails

A conservative group trying to force a referendum on a transgender rights law scheduled to take effect this fall did not get the required signatures needed to bring the issue to a vote.

The group MDPetitions.com was attempting to get 18,500 signatures by midnight Saturday to get the issue on the November ballot, but said on its website it was about 1,000 votes shy.

"It is difficult to come this close and then fall short, and yet we know that it was only through this effort that people became aware of the effects of this bill," Washington County Del. Neil Parrott, a Republican who chairs MDPetitions.com, said in a letter on the group's website.



  1. "Supporters said the law would apply only to people who have shown they clearly identify with one gender, and not to a man who might put on a dress to sneak into a women's bathroom. Any illegal acts committed by a person in a bathroom remain illegal."

    Ridiculous, and that is after he has already hurt someone.

    What about my rights to privacy, safety and dignity?

  2. If you cannot get 18,000 now, you would never get the 55,000 required by the end of June.

  3. Stupid people of Maryland. Some outraged parent will beat the crap out of (or worse) some pervert they catch in the bathroom and the media and idiots in this state will try to sweep it under the carpet. Everyone who supports this bill is as guilty as the sicko's who will get caught (and they will mark my words) doing something they should not be...

  4. 9:39 You will see, nothing will change for you. You are just as safe as you were before this.

  5. Conservatives and Republicans have become some lazy @ss white people. This is sickening and everyone should be outraged.

    This is probably and indication of the upcoming elections where the Republicans are going to get slammed because they are going to be to lazy to get out and vote. They won't get out and vote, but they will be bitching on here about it. Lazy @ss dirt bags!!

  6. 9:39 you are a special kinda stupid.

  7. Homosexuals and transgender people have a mental disease. Being a homosexual is not about love its not about family, and its not about civil rights. Being a homosexual is nothing more but sick prevented sex. Homosexuals choose to be gay they were not born that way. If god had wanted 2 men or 2 women to be together he would made it possible for them to have kids without going outside of their gayness. They have to recruit kids into a sick lifestyle. Women dressing like women and men dressing like women. If they want to be gay do it in the privacy of their own home .

  8. 11:11 You need some serious mental health help.

  9. 10:26.. you are wrong, I assure you many perverts and child molesters will dress up as a woman to gain access to bathrooms... It will happen quickly too.

    10:26 - agree the republicans don't do enough but I believe your rant is very unfair. This is a Democratic state not a Republican state.. you should be blasting the Liberals who put this law into place.

  10. 11:28 must be a liberal to think that type of lifestyle is normal.

  11. It is not the transgenders you have to worry about.. it is the perverts and child molesters that will dress up in order to gain access..

  12. What about women dressing like men to get access to the men's room? Gay women use the women's room and they like women…same for gay men in the men's room and you might not know it they are gay or not. The transgenders are easier to spot. BTW, I'm heading family tractor to get some boots, jeans and a carhart jacket so I can be one of the boys!!! See you in October :)

  13. 12:45 Isn't that true right now without this law? So this does not increase risk.

  14. 1:07 only the severely sick will do it now and take the risk. Once it becomes legal the roaches will swarm out of their holes and it will be a free for all.

    The biggest joke is that they think by passing this bill, people will be more "accepting" (indoctrinated) and the freaks won't be bullied.

    I see more violence and bullying down the road. I have no problem telling the freak with the dick to get out of the ladies room. Call me a bully, I don't care.

    The last thing I need to endure is some guy I work with using the stall next to me. I will lock the door until I am done.

    I have just as much right to comfort and privacy as they do, although as the majority, that no longer matters. Every single illegal, religious nut or freak in this country seems to have more rights than me.

    Just like black on white violence is suppressed in the media, so to this will be.

  15. Ladies' Room is for ladies and the Men's Room is for men, period end of story. Only in a lower class society, it would be perfectly fine for a man whom "identifies" with being a lady have the option of using the Ladies' Room.
    It's not unexpected that those who "identify" with the democrat party would come up with such nonsense as they themselves are of a lower class level. They are not taught nor subject to finer, more refined gracious living.
    Recently a local democrat politician was parading his elderly mother around hoping to win votes. I could only think to myself-you can put lipstick on that sordid woman, but she's clearly still unsavory to have raised such a shameful child.

  16. If I ever see a transgender near me or my kid a beat down will ensue.

  17. 3:28 Right on and then you will get one in prison for a hate crime.

  18. How did they fix this?

    Isn't that always the conservative fall back excuse when they lose?

  19. Anonymous said...
    9:39 You will see, nothing will change for you. You are just as safe as you were before this.

    June 2, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    You must be one of those Fairness for all Marylanders HOMO!!

  20. Anonymous said...
    9:39 you are a special kinda stupid.

    June 2, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    Mebe thinkin you be special kinda stupid.

    Or a Chuck Cook Homo.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Homosexuals and transgender people have a mental disease. Being a homosexual is not about love its not about family, and its not about civil rights. Being a homosexual is nothing more but sick prevented sex. Homosexuals choose to be gay they were not born that way. If god had wanted 2 men or 2 women to be together he would made it possible for them to have kids without going outside of their gayness. They have to recruit kids into a sick lifestyle. Women dressing like women and men dressing like women. If they want to be gay do it in the privacy of their own home .

    June 2, 2014 at 11:11 AM

    You are spot on.

    Please vote for Republicans.

  22. Anonymous said...
    11:11 You need some serious mental health help.

    June 2, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    No dear, don't flatter yourself. You are the one that is a sick perverted homo that needs a frontal lobotomy.

    Just remember one thing folks, when gay men speak the have e-coli on their breath.

  23. Anonymous said...
    10:26.. you are wrong, I assure you many perverts and child molesters will dress up as a woman to gain access to bathrooms... It will happen quickly too.

    10:26 - agree the republicans don't do enough but I believe your rant is very unfair. This is a Democratic state not a Republican state.. you should be blasting the Liberals who put this law into place.

    June 2, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    When only 200 people out of 60,000 registered voters from Wicomico County signed the petition the point was proven. You ignorant asses are lazy and I guarantee you didn't sing that petition. Go crawl back under your rock.

  24. Anonymous said...
    It is not the transgenders you have to worry about.. it is the perverts and child molesters that will dress up in order to gain access..

    June 2, 2014 at 12:45 PM

    Quit trying to defend your pansy ass homo mental cases. Yes they are the ones you have to worry about because they have already proven they have a mental illness. America will be waiting for them to snap.

  25. Anonymous said...
    What about women dressing like men to get access to the men's room? Gay women use the women's room and they like women…same for gay men in the men's room and you might not know it they are gay or not. The transgenders are easier to spot. BTW, I'm heading family tractor to get some boots, jeans and a carhart jacket so I can be one of the boys!!! See you in October :)

    June 2, 2014 at 12:52 PM

    Don't forget your strap on.

  26. Anonymous said...
    How did they fix this?

    Isn't that always the conservative fall back excuse when they lose?

    June 2, 2014 at 6:41 PM

    You Obama lovers have some serious mental issues. You just don't get it.

  27. The amount of hillbilly ignorance flitting about in small minded people goes against all logic. You people are why we have the two least trusted candidates running for top office come November.


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