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Friday, June 06, 2014

Taliban chief freed in Bergdahl swap 'vows to fight Americans again'

One of the terrorists President Barack Obama released last week in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is already plotting to avenge his captivity by attacking American soldiers serving in Afghanistan, a Taliban commander has claimed.

As a condition of the deal with the Taliban that secured Bergdahl’s release, the U.S. relinquished five Taliban associates to Qatar, where they are required to stay for the next year.

Already, Noorullah Noori, is pledging to return to return to the battlefield, the commander said.



  1. I hope they hid a GPS positioning chip in him so they can coast a hellfire missile into his bed one night soon.

  2. Dispatch a team to kill all 5 of them right now. Obama?

  3. 8:38 - he wouldn't kill one of his 'muslim brothers'!

  4. Well DUH.... did anyone think any different, NO not even Obuma, he knew this that's why he did it...

  5. Plastic surgery does amazing things. He will be one of America's biggest assets. He is still in a cell in Virginia somewhere. God Bless America kill the rest.

  6. Time for a nice, friendly drone strikes on 5 customers


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