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Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Bundy View of Things

On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:03 PM, Carol Bundy <cbundyemails@gmail.com> wrote:


I have had people ask me to explain my dad's stance on this BLM fight. Here it is in as simple of terms as I can explain it. There is so much to it, but here it s in a nut shell.

My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887 around there. Then he sold them to my grandpa who then turned them over to my dad in 1972. These men bought and paid for their rights to the range and also built waters, fences and roads to assure the servival of their cattle, all with their own money, not with tax dollars.

These rights to the land use is called preemptive rights. Some where down the line, to keep the cows from over grazing, came the bureau of land management. They were supposed to assist the ranchers in the management of their ranges while the ranchers paid a yearly allotment which was to be use to pay the BLM wages and to help with repaires and improvements of the ranches.

My dad did pay his grazing fees for years to the BLM until they were no longer using his fees to help him and to improve. Instead they began using these money's against the ranchers. They bought all the rest of the ranchers in the area out with they're own grazing fees. When they offered to buy my dad out for a penence he said no thanks and then fired them because they weren't doing their job. He quit paying the BLM but, tried giving his grazing fees to the county, which they turned down.

So my dad just went on running his ranch and making his own improvements with his own equipment and his own money, not taxes. In essence the BLM was managing my dad out of business. Well when buying him out didn't work, they used the indangered species card. You've already heard about the desert tortoise.

Well that didn't work either, so then began the threats and the court orders, which my dad has proven to be unlawful for all these years. Now their desperate. It's come down to buying the brand inspector off and threatening the County Sheriff. Everything their doing at this point is illegal and totally against the constitution of the United States of America.

Now you may be saying," how sad, but what does this have to do with me?" Well, I'll tell you. They will get rid of Cliven Bundy, the last man standing on the Bunkerville allotment and then they will close all the roads so no one can ever go on it again. Next, it's Utah's turn. Mark my words, Utah is next. Then there's the issue of the cattle that are at this moment being stolen. See even if dad hasn't paid them, those cattle do belong to him.

Regardless where they are they are my fathers property. His herd has been part of that range for over a hundred years, long before the BLM even exsisted. Now the Feds think they can just come in and remove them and sell them without a legal brand inspection or without my dad's signature on it. They think they can take them over two boarders, which is illegal, ask any trucker. Then they plan to take them to the Richfeild Aucion and sell them. All with our tax money. They have paid off the contract cowboys and the auction owner as well as the Nevada brand inspector with our tax dollars. 
See how slick they are? Well, this is it in a nut shell. Thanks"

Shiree Bundy Cox
PS - Come make your voice heard.

Please Join us at out protest area.
Time: 8am - BLM goes home home daily
Place: Bunkerville Exit on I-15, 3 miles south of Mesquite. Go east 2 miles toward Bunkerville.
Bring: sun protection, its getting hot. Water, food, cameras.
DO NOT bring: Guns or wear Cammo patterned clothing.

This needs to be peaceful law-abiding people showing support. No more, no less.


  1. These people are nothing more than scofflaws and tax cheats. They deserve nothing more than 3 hots and a cot. Nuff said.

  2. I have learned in my life, that when people respect nothing they will respect fear.

  3. It's useless trying to explain any of this to any liberal. They aren't exactly the brightest bulb in the pack. I'm very intelligent and it's hard for me to follow so anyone would be better off explaining it to their dog, who anyone knows canines are more intelligent than liberals.
    Different circumstances but it reminds me of when they built the 13 bypass and how all the poor blacks, a lot elderly got screwed royally and had to move off their land so the bypass could be built and how no one came to their defense. They had to stand alone unlike Bundy who has rallied like minded people around his cause of government overreach.

  4. 12:39

    you have no idea what it is all about do you. You need to get out of the house more and see what your government is doing to you and your way of life. But if i was a sheep and told what to do and what i can have and not work for it well. i would stay in my home and let government run my life

  5. They do need to bring guns!
    The government just bought a gozillion rounds of ammo and the weapons to fire the ammo.

    Show a larger force - that's what won us the cold war and is losing us the rematch!

  6. You just can't stop paying the grazing fee. No more than you can stop buying tags for your car or pay your property taxes. Just because its not working for you? Hell none of us would pay for what WE feel is not fair. It's the damn law. Yeah you may not like it, but its the law. The next time you park next to a meter and choose not to pay the fee there will be a penalty for your non-action. So in a NUT shell its time to pay the piper Bundy. Maybe I can tell comcast and delmarva power that those user fees just aren't working for me anymore. See I feel for your rightwing gunnuts and off your rocker revolutionist, but REALLY? You got to get behind something worthy. We have a flim/flam leech in Bundy and you have all been chompin' at the bit to holler "grab the shotgun bubba big brother is coming for us". If your gonna show just how SMART you are better take some water to the other mensa members at the campoutapalooza.

  7. 1:31 take all your guns girlfriend and a body bag for yourself

  8. 12:39 It must be nice to live in your utopia, surrounded by walmarts, and fast food joints. That family lives off that land, the same land the feds "confiscated" to proper from. IE: Harry Reid, and his family. You're an embarrassment to what this country was founded on.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    These people are nothing more than scofflaws and tax cheats. They deserve nothing more than 3 hots and a cot. Nuff said.

    April 22, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    Well nuff said, I really, really hope that means you will be quiet from now on. It's obvious you know nothing other than what the government run media wants you to know. We realize there will always be people like you, we just wonder how much and what it would take to finally open your eyes to what goes on around you. If anything.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    you have no idea what it is all about do you. You need to get out of the house more and see what your government is doing to you and your way of life. But if i was a sheep and told what to do and what i can have and not work for it well. i would stay in my home and let government run my life

    April 22, 2014 at 1:28 PM

    Unfortunately, he is not alone. There are plenty of dead heads that think the same way, or should I say not think.

  11. I wonder how many went from Salisbury.Judging from the comments a whole bunch went.

  12. 12:39 based on this letter, you can add victim mentality to the list.

  13. 1:54-he just didn't stop paying his grazing fees. Get with the program before commenting on something you are clueless over. He didn't renew the permit when he saw, the BLM was putting restrictions on the ranchers which would ultimately run them out of business, such as limiting the number of cattle allowed to graze. One rancher has his lowered 90%. When he didn't renew, they cancelled his permit and in the meantime other ranchers were giving up theirs as well. The few that held out were eventually purchased back by Clark County. All this is documented so if you are not inclined to hear the truth from me, go and look for yourself.
    Bundy foresaw that the government was engaged in a plan to get the ranchers off the land, and he took a stand and wouldn't remove his cattle. If you were anywhere near as smart as Bundy and a lot of us, you would see how it all works as well. But you are a dumbed down slave of the democratic plantation.

  14. 1:31 The only thing that won the cold war was the fact that the Soviet Union went broke, nothing more.

  15. it is not about grazing fees he stated he will pay the fees to the county and state but the BLM came in after his family has been farming that land and then they try to say it to protect a turtle but they killing hundreds of them every year
    to keep population down you all need to go to the start of this and you will see it all about Harry Reid son and china solar co they have investments in. get you head out of the clouds and see what is going on around you BIG GOVERNMENT taking over your life WAKE UP PEOPLE

  16. "Anonymous said...
    I wonder how many went from Salisbury.Judging from the comments a whole bunch went.

    April 22, 2014 at 2:39 PM"

    What are you a half wit or something 2:39. Not by anyone's stretch of the imagination can ANY comment here be construed as though anyone went to NV from Salisbury. Your comment was just asinine. You are the kind of happy larry that when you say something you THINK is funny, people are laughing at you and not with you.

  17. To the Liberals who are chiming in saying "it's the law, deal with it", should remember that slavery was legal because it to, was the law . And every Liberal should know this since you were the ones that instituted slavery in the first place. And it was Republicans that had to straighten that out as well. You Liberals would screw up a wet dream...smdh

  18. 1:54
    what's left to say? you pretty much barfed out the tripe you've been fed.
    pathetic, you are.
    as 2:56 tried to tell you, it's not about paying his grazing fees, and the fact you think it is, tells us all just how simple minded you are.

  19. This was an attempted takeover of not only a free man, but the Las Vegas food supply, people! Harry didn't want these cattle for feeding the people, he wanted to sell them for cash, or kill them, ending the beef supply chain. He just wants his son's solar deal and that money; to heck with where Vegas gets its next steaks from!

    Mr. Bundy had his rights bought and paid for back in the 1880's, and a deal is a deal. The BLM was invented later along with the EPA.

    Can anyone pronounce "Ex Post Facto"?

    Please read "Amendment V" of the Bill of Rights, and try to dispute this.

  20. The Welfare Cowboy

  21. "Anonymous said...
    To the Liberals who are chiming in saying "it's the law, deal with it", should remember that slavery was legal because it to, was the law . And every Liberal should know this since you were the ones that instituted slavery in the first place. And it was Republicans that had to straighten that out as well. You Liberals would screw up a wet dream...smdh

    April 22, 2014 at 4:18 PM"

    They are too stupid to comprehend what you are saying 4:10. Not to sound harsh or anything these people have been so dumbed downed and brainwashed it's amazing. The democratic voters are nothing more than useful idiots to the politicians they elect. The useful idiots are killing each other in record numbers in democratic strongholds and the politicians act all concerned and then.......they do nothing. It's because useful idiots mean nothing to them.

  22. You people need to wake up really, STOP watching tv news, you need to read joes news, infowars.com, drudge report, ect... these people will tell you the truth always. Stop being sheeple. WAKE THE F UP...

  23. "Anonymous said...
    The Welfare Cowboy

    April 22, 2014 at 5:15 PM"

    What are you public school "educated" or something? Must be. Probably went to some "state" college or university also because the definition of "welfare" escapes you.

  24. You GOP rednecks should drive your big ole 4WD trucks on out there to NV and help them out. Might be expensive with those big V8 engines so you might need pawn some stuff first. Or you can just rant and rave on here and do nothing just like how you are handling your local problems.

  25. I'm surprised no one is bringing up the economic fallout caused by the federal government systematically closing down the ranches in NV. Besides tourism, cattle ranching was the other major economic activity. Could be why NV is ranked the highest in unemployment in the nation. Many other businesses failed due to the decreases in the cattle industry. Businesses such as livestock haulers, auctions, feed companies, etc as well as government employees losing jobs such as brand inspectors and others in the agricultural areas of government. This also was a contributing factor in the high foreclosure rates in NV.

  26. Cant you people see its lies lies lies the story started with endangered turtles, then went to unpaid fees, UNTIL Alex Jones broke the truth about Harry Reid and his sons, I mean don't that tell you something.DUH

  27. LOL-this GOP redneck has more money just in my back pocket than you could ever hope to have 8:44.
    You would give your left arm to live on my 400+ acre "ranch" in a neighboring county. I've heard it described as an "estate" much to my chagrin, since I'm so humble. I owe ZERO money and have banks and credit card companies begging me to borrow money as low as 2.9 interest rates.

  28. "Anonymous said...
    You GOP rednecks should drive your big ole 4WD trucks on out there to NV and help them out. Might be expensive with those big V8 engines so you might need pawn some stuff first. Or you can just rant and rave on here and do nothing just like how you are handling your local problems.

    April 22, 2014 at 8:44 PM"

    You people and whomever raised you are piss poor examples of human beings and are all that is wrong with the country. We have your idol Obama who is friends with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and not a word out of the Obama crowd. I just don't get it. Didn't your mother teach you honesty 8:44? Doesn't appear she valued it because you are such the hypocrite. Shame on her! A piss poor excuse for a "mother." Can spit them out but can't raise them properly.

  29. And how about the other Nevada rancher, Mr. Raymond Yowell. An 84 year old Shoshone chief. He grazed his cattle on the reservation, where we made him and his tribe go. Yet the Supreme Court ruled that reservation land should be under BLM rules and regulations, because, after all, that little old thing called a "treaty" that the government signed, it really is worthless and that land could revert to being public or government owned or some such happy horse sh*t.

    They took his 132 cattle, sold them, kept the money, and sent him a bill for $180,000.00. HUH!!

    132 cows ate how many acres of scrub grass that was on the reservation that we put him on. That grass in Nevada is silver lined or something. From all those mines in the area, maybe. I know my grass just grows back every week if I don't cut it. 180,000 dollars and then they garnished his Social Security check and he has been paying since 2008.

    It just seems so unjust to me when at the same time this afternoon I read something about Hillary Clinton and 6 billion dollars missing and yesterday it was 12 million or billion paid to dead people through Medicaid in some Southern State. Government mismanagement figures thrown around today are never in the thousands. They are rarely in the millions anymore. Everything is in the billions and trillions.

    Any yet, they can still take the time and trouble to go steal 132 head of cows from a Shoshone chief who was grazing them on land provided to his tribe under treaty with the United States Government, sell them, keep the proceeds, and send him a bill and institute a garnishment on an 84 year old man for 108,000.00. I have not personally seen the scrub grass in Nevada, but I have seen it in Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico and I can tell you that it is not worth 108,000 dollars if he grazed thousands of cattle there. PLUS IT WAS ON THE RESERVATION!!!

  30. 4:18 needs a history lesson. The "Republican" party he/she claims ended slavery was nothing like the one he/she is a member of; they were directly advocating massive federal expansion (including, you moron, the creation of Nevada so that Lincoln could get reelected) at the expense of states' rights advocates. These same states' rights advocates and those who would argue the federal government shouldn't be so expansive- that is, those who are coming to the defense of Mr. Bundy-were the same ones arguing for slavery, not the liberal Republicans.

    Go back to history class.

  31. 12:42.. Lay off the MSNBC talking points and revisionist history you dolt. Fact: it was the southern Democrats who were the party of slavery and, later, segregation. It was George Wallace, not John Tower, who stood in the southern schoolhouse door to block desegregation! The vast majority of Congressional GOP voted FOR the Civil Rights of 1964-65. The vast majority of those opposed to those acts were southern Democrats. Southern Democrats led to infamous filibuster of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

    You Libtards spout that "switched parties" BS WITHOUT ONE Ounce OF PROOF and expect everyone to swallow it. Good luck with that you imbecile.

  32. 11:23 These are white southern democrats I am to presume? What party would that segment of the population be more closely alligned with now? Are you seriously implying that this demographic of a southern white male is currently a democratic stronghold. These ARE currently voting republicans. They hate Obama more than you do, if thats possible. Perhaps you should extract your noggin from your rumpus long enough to visit the 21st century before you preach to the flock. Your twisted views are gnarled with venim and unwarrented insults. Your interpretation of history is jaded for the purpose of what? Attempting to prove that any view different from yours is retarded or imbecilic? Just saying that it is so, doesn't fly. You sir are an IDIOT!

  33. So, how many Republicans became Democrats and vice versa? Surely a man as knowlegable as you knows the answer to that question 12:58? I'll wait while you google an acceptable answer from Huffpo.

  34. 1:15 That's the point. Who knows but a great deal changes in 50 years. The repubs own the south and the bible belt. Did this huge block of southern democrats become extinct or have they been abducted by alien forces? Maybe its the huge number of minorities and women now electing these republicans in the south. In 2012 over 70% of registered white male voters south of the mason-dixon line are republican. It is what it is.

  35. So 2:26...you believe that all the racist Democrats switched over to the Republican side, but you readily admit you have no numbers to back up that claim. Just admit that you read that bull crap somewhere and it sounded good to your ears, so you repeat it over and over, even though you can't prove it...It's a myth until facts prove otherwise.

  36. 3:29pm google hr7152 for the civil rights act of 1964' note that there were 91 Dems that voted against it, all from Southern or Western states. Many of these concressional seats today are republican strong holds

  37. I like it when people say why doesn't Bundy pay the fees all the other ranchers pay. I guess they don't know that Bundy is the LAST rancher in that county of Nevada. The government ran off the other 50+ ranchers and Bundy is the last one standing.

    What's also funny is that other ranchers are supporting Bundy and NOT the BLM, or government.

    That alone should tell you something before you even consider Harry Greed's involvement, along with his son.

    If the government was so concerned about a fictitious million dollar debt, why would they spend over 3 times that amount trying to collect it?

  38. Contrast that with the 1998 opinion from U.S. District Judge Johnnie Rawlinson in a case where it was determined Bundy
    wouldn’t be allowed to use federal land for his cattle because of failure to pay grazing fees to the Bureau of Land Management. Rawlinson wrote that it wasn’t until roughly
    1954 that “Bundy or his father or both have grazed livestock on public lands owned by the United States and administered by BLM


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