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Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Beware of Obamacare plans that do not cover cancer!

Did you enroll in a Coventry Health Plan in Delaware from choosehealthde.com or healthcare.gov?

FYI: The Coventry Plans do not have any benefit coverage for cancer, severe infection, or severe kidney disease. Those plans do not cover chemotherapy, radiation therapy, infusion therapy, or dialysis. This includes a lack of coverage for KIDS, not just adults. Furthermore, the costs incurred by the patient for those treatments that they do receive are not eligible for inclusion in the accumulators for deductible or out-of-pocket max. The patient must therefore shoulder 100% of the financial burden for such treatment.

During enrollment, the Summary of Plan Benefits and Coverage (SBC) available online did not provide you with that information. The SBC's contain a list of benefit exclusions, however they do not mention the lack of coverage for life-saving therapies. Instead they state: "This isn’t a complete list of exclusions. Check your policy or plan document for other excluded services." The problem is, the actual policy or plan documents are not mailed to the insured person until after he or she has already enrolled in the plan and made their first payment! Apparently the government did not want anyone to know about these exclusions.

This void in plan benefits is not due to a loophole under the provisions of the ACA, but exists entirely by design. Unfortunately, the Government determined that cancer treatments, infusion therapy, and dialysis were not Essential Health Benefits (EHB's) (ya know, the American People would absolutely flip if they knew this!). The Architects of Obamacare decided upon 10 EHB's that all plans must include in order to provide Minimal Essential Coverage (MEC). They determined that the cost of providing cancer treatments or dialysis outweighed the benefit of saving the patient's life. They also apparently concluded that the benefit of providing birth control, substance abuse treatment, and pediatric dental and vision, and maternity benefits to EVERYONE outweighed the benefit of saving a cancer or kidney patient's life.

The Government knew that the only way to offer Obamacare plans that were "affordable " was to exclude benefits for very expensive life-saving treatments from some of the plans. They also knew that hardly anyone would be interested in selecting a plan that was severely deficient in life-saving treatment benefits. And, they knew that if those prospective insured persons could not afford the more expensive plans that did offer benefits for life-saving treatments, then they probably would not sign up for any Obamacare plan. In order to ensure that more people would sign up, the Government knew that they had to hide the fact that the more affordable plans excluded benefits for life-saving treatments. They made sure that the list of exclusions on the SBC's did not state the exclusions for life-saving treatments. That was egregiously deceptive, and morally reprehensible. The lives of some American citizens were considered expendable for the sake of the political success of Obamacare.

I do not for one second believe that Delaware is an isolated case. The Coventry plans are 40% of all plans offered in the Obamacare Marketplace in Delaware. I would venture to guess that probably 40% of all plans nationwide also exclude benefit coverage for chemotherapy, radiation therapy, infusion therapy, and dialysis.

If you enrolled in a Coventry plan in Delaware, or for that matter if you enrolled in any Obamacare plan nationwide, check the details of benefit coverage and exclusions in your Policy documents when you receive them.


Heidi M.
Millsboro, DE

P.S.: I thought you'd like to know:

I previously had a private insurance policy that was comprehensive enough for me, and I was happy with it. It didnot contain all 10 Obamacare-mandated EHB's. It covered MY definition of EHB's, and in my opinion my plan certainly qualified as providing MEC. My monthly premium was $167.00 per month.

I now have an Obamacare plan that has a monthly premium of $756.00, an increase of 353%. However, due to my income level, my fellow taxpayers are being forced to subsidize my premium to the tune of $367.00 per month, and I now pay $389.00 per month, an increase for me of 133%.

The thing is: I don't need the substance abuse treatment benefits. I don't need the maternity benefits. I don't need the pediatric dental and vision benefits. I may however eventually need the mental health benefits, because the Democrats are driving me crazy.


  1. How many of the plans that did cover these things were deemed substandard by the OweBlama administration?

    This is just the kind of crap one expects from the federal government!

  2. Or,one can eat like Michelle does and not get sick.

  3. 2:26 - you made me puke my lunch!

  4. 2:38-Most likely something that Michelle would not have approved of anyway.

  5. Shabby treatment, again, by our president, offering something that people think is one thing but isn't. Thanks, Mr. O!

  6. and you american people fell for it as you always do time and time again...

    I find this hilarious how stupid you people actually are...

  7. As Seblius famously said "some will live and some will die."

  8. 2:26 - I hope you were being sarcastic. Diet alone does not guarantee good health. There are a lot of hereditary diseases out there that cause problems. Polycystic Kidney Disease doesn't care what you eat. Your kidneys will fail and you will have to go on dialysis and/or get a transplant. Some cancer can be activated by lifestyle choices - some are just bad luck.

  9. "I find this hilarious how stupid you people actually are..."

    Part of Alinsky's plan. Dumb them down so they can't think things out. Alinsky was both h clinton and obma's idol.
    Thank God Alinsky dropped dead of a heartattack in his 60's.
    Don't despair, these freaks who are doing this to the American people will get theirs. They are getting hints but they just aren't getting them and taking them to heart. Example being Biden. In the time between he was first elected senator in DE his wife and young daughter were killed in a car wreck. He's continued on with his evil ways and now his son is being affected. Only in his 40's and has had a stroke. That's a warning sign from beyond. Like the Kennedy so called curse. A gypsy psychic lady once explained how all this works to me and how you have to take even the most subtle of signs to heart. Like you hear of the people whose car wouldn't start so they missed a plane which then ended up crashing. The car not starting was a sign. If they had ignored the sign and taken a taxi or gotten a ride they would be dead.

  10. I think the people of DE will wake up pretty soon. I realise there are a lot of democrats in DE but when it hits them in their pocket book things will start looking a lot different.

  11. "coventry" should have been your first clue.

    we do not say we have a bad health care policy, we say we have a coventry.

    when they deny a claim, we say we have been coventryed.

  12. This is no big news. Obama has been a liar from the beginning. And anyone who voted for him is a scumbag and anti American.

  13. 341, I have to agree 100%! Ignorance is rampant, and our public school system is making sure this happens.

  14. 4:22-Yes I was being sarcastic,but somebody has to get the ball rolling.Nothing better at pissing everybody off than condoning anything Michelle does.

  15. You have to remember that the bulk of this legislation was written by the industry.

  16. @ 5;26 I agree, the sheeple wanted him now let them deal with him

  17. "Anonymous said...
    @ 5;26 I agree, the sheeple wanted him now let them deal with him

    April 22, 2014 at 9:10 PM"

    I would agree except this is affecting the good people and not just the jerks who voted for Obama. We knew he lied when he said if you liked your plan you would be able to keep it. Now that it's been proven a lie, the people who still continue to support not only him, but the democratic party as a whole, are such gross vulgar people. You don't support a liar-period-unless you have some major character flaws yourself.
    This will be the first time that I will not vote for at least one democrat but they are just not my kind of people.

  18. It all good when it was called Romneycare in MA.

  19. This is not true! Harry Reid said so! He said all obamacare stories were untrue!

    PS 10:50-What a good little subject to the government you are. Repeating their lies without question. Let me educate you. You are in need of a dose of how it is and not the BS they are shoving down your throat and you are happily eating by the shovelfuls.
    Romney vetoed significant portions of "Romneycare" in an attempt to control costs and unnecessary regulation. All of Romney’s vetoes were later overridden by the Massachusetts legislature which was 87% Democrats at the time.
    So all wasn't good! You got it! Now don't you ever forget it!

  20. 10:50-is the perfect example of how brainwashed democrats are. They hear these lies and they repeat them unquestioningly. It's not very becoming. It's not honest. It's out and out lying. I hate to even think that people like 10:50 have children. What and how are they teaching their own children? Responsible good parents do not perpetuate lies.

  21. 10:50 is the perfect example of why democrats win elections. The democrat politicians know for all intent and purposes the democrat voter is clueless. The politician can then tell lies and half truths or only part of the story and the voters are so clueless they don't know when they are being fed BS.


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