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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Salisbury News Delivers Investigative Reporting On HOW YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE SPENT: Part 2

Executive's office: 
9/27/12 Dumsers Dairyland $4.75 
These people can't even buy their own damn Ice Cream Cone 

Market street Inn $104.50 
Evolution Craft Brewing Co. $33.03 
Uno's Chicago Grille $26.57 
Brew River $ 44.47 
Plaza Deli $38.69 
Market Street inn $101.04 

These are just a sampling more can be seen by going to the County Website Board of Ed 

Rita's Ocean City 5/19/11 $65.00 
Rita's Ocean City 5/19/11 $65.00 
Rita's Ocean City 6/6/11 $120.00 
Delmar Pizza 5/12/11 $82.50 
East Side Deli 1/30/12 $50.00 
East Side Deli 3/19/12 $ 50.00 
East Side Deli 11/29/12 $45.00 
East Side Deli 1/31/13 $50.00 
Chick -Fil-a 5/16/11 $133.75 
Chick-Fil-a 9/27/11 $ 424.50 
Station 7 Restaurant 6/9/11 $276.08 
East Side Deli 6/6/12 $145.00 
Devage's 8/24/12 $155.00 
Devage's 1/23/13 $124 .08 
Devage's 3/ 30 /13 $41.36 

Again this is just a sample of the 1,600+ charges made by the BOE in a two year span totaling over $162,000.00. This has been going on for years ladies and gentleman and none are repeats from last week. 

You decide if this is right or wrong.


  1. Those teachers shore do like thier food and thier little alcohol, that for sure. I wish somebody would pay to feed me and get my drink on.

    1. How in the hell so you figure it is the teachers? Do u think teachers get a damn board issues credit card to use at their leisure you idiot. Teachers are just as upset about this absurd spending as everyone else.

  2. This is totally wrong on the BOE! How can they justify all these charges ? No wonder people in the education system love their job at the BOE -sounds more like a country club atmosphere than a work place. At the taxpayers expense!!!

  3. I am sure that most of these from the BOE can be substantiated through grant money, money collected from field trips, or PTA funds, not tax payer dollars.

    Rita's OC...schools typically go to OC near the end of the year. Looks to me that each kid got a gelato and which was built into the trip.

    Delmar Pizza...probably a reward for something in school...typically paid from a grant.

    East Side Deli...hmm...East Salisbury is a Title I school. Enough said there.

    Chick fil a....this place supports our schools better than any restaurant in the county. Schools typically use them to purchase incentives for kids.

    OK...will give you the other ones as possible waste but before bashing the BOE, how about doing some more in depth reporting that shows WHERE the money is ACTUALLY coming from and for WHAT PURPOSE before getting everybody fired up.

  4. Glad to see they support Chic fil A

  5. I have at least one question. Are these charges allowed by rule or illegal? That is primary.

  6. The Right needs to rethink their position on abortion. Taking advantage of anyone (in this case the tax payers) is learned behavior. These people weren't raised with values, morals and honesty. They were taught to take take take by equally as taking and promoter of the ideal parents. It's like a dog. These undesirable traits need to be bred out. Unless and until there is some kind of spay/neuter program in place for sponges, aborting as many as possible will serve reduce the numbers.

  7. 9:24 if they were state or federal "grants" that equates to tax payers money.

  8. Joe,

    People can say they think this is right or wrong, but who cares anymore?

    I mean Sure there might be a couple of people who do and Like you who will try to make the difference... However putting the evidence out here still does not do anything, I mean it shows you're speaking the truth joe, and it shows you do your homework, but these people are too damn lazy to give a sh!t about all of this or they would do something about it...

    I am tired of these dumb lazy people sitting back waiting for a white knight to ride in and save the day and that won't happen...

    I wish we would have people stand up against this spending crap like they did or are doing for the bundy ranch...

    They both are equally important but, if people are willing to take arms to defend a man and his ranch, surely some of these lazy people can stand up for the over spending...

  9. 10:03, it shows nothing for homework. If you don't report the surrounding facts, you aren't doing anything but trying to rile people up. Look at 9:24 comment. Where did the money come from and for what purpose? Look at the 9:40 comment: is this allowed? Before you go postal, lets get some meaningful facts, not just random numbers.

  10. Devage's? Wow that's a whole lot of donuts!

  11. To the anonymous commenter who called me a "washed up Blogger with five followers". I rejected your ridiculous comment but if you want to believe we are washed up and have very few followers, you go right on believing that all you want.

    There is NO doubt in our minds we WILL make a major difference in the upcoming election. That is, unless we cannot control the electronic ballots this go around.

    You'd have to be a complete moron to vote for I've Done Absolutely Nothing Rick Pollitt again and every one knows it.

    I mean no disrespect towards Rick. I'm simply stating and proving that he has no control or management skills whatsoever and he is killing the County. His lack of business experience is yet another major downfall for Rick.

    In the mean time, where would you like to meet Mr. Taylor? I'll bring my cell phone and show you our numbers face to face. Maybe then you'll stop making stupid comments like the one I just rejected. Or is it you Mr. Strausburg? Either way, it's one of the two names above.

  12. Who are they feeding?

  13. Ha Ha the Progressive mentality on display. Grant Money is theirs to spend at their discretion even on themselves. Truly amazing... the thought processes the Parasites have manifested.

    They make me chuckle ..then shake my head every time they display how disassociated they truly are from the rest of the People. I guess this is taught to them by other parasites.

  14. The waste and abuse of our hard earned tax dollars will continue if we don't make dramatic changes at the poll. We can make a difference. These arrogant people need to be held accountable once and for all.

    The nerve of them to come back to the council every year and ask for MORE MONEY is just off the charts. I believe we should NEVER give them another dime until they can demonstrate a dramatic CUT in their budget.

  15. "Anonymous said...
    Those teachers shore do like thier food and thier little alcohol, that for sure. I wish somebody would pay to feed me and get my drink on.

    April 21, 2014 at 9:08 AM"

    You think any of this money actually found its way to classroom teachers? You're more clueless about the BOE than I thought. The LAST people the BOE spends money on is teachers.

    When they ask me "Why teachers don't do something about (whatever perceived injustice to students)?", I tell them "Get your parents to call. Or you call. They'll listen to you and your parents a lot more than they will ever listen to teachers. We're the last ones to know anything and the last ones they ever ask about anything, and we're usually never asked."

  16. Yes, grant money is taxpayer money but until the "tax paying organizations" that provide, approve and allow the purchase of such items stops with funding, why shouldn't the BOE go after them.

    Many of our local citizens do not support education so schools have to look for funding elsewhere. Now that schools are over 50% free lunch due mainly to the poor economy and lack of jobs (except welfare scums), they have to be creative and with that opens them up to criticism like this.

    Is a shame that all I ever see on this blog is negativity about education. Yes, it has it faults but maybe Joe could do a weekly column on whats GOOD in eduction.

    The challenge has been put out there for you Joe!


  17. "I guess this is taught to them by other parasites."

    It is 10:34. It's all in how you were raised and good parental examples. Heck in the late 1960's someone had a sign up where I lived "Free Puppies." We went to get one and my father insisted on paying the people for the puppy. I have many examples of this growing up and it has stuck with me, throughout my life. Just a few weeks ago, I attended a bake sale. They had pans of some sticky buns for $2.00. A good sized heavy pan of them. I felt embarrassed only paying $2 so gave them much more. I bought 2 other things which in their pricing would have been only around $10 and I gave them a $20.00.

  18. These infractions should be turned over to the State Prosecutors office immediately. And everyone of these unappropriated expenditures should be required to be reimbursed to Wicomico's taxpayers.

  19. I agree with the posters who said we need to know exactly what those expenditures were for before we pass judgement. It does appear that the even-numbered expenses could have been for gift cards as student incentives. However, we don't know what any of it is for ... I have to agree that just publishing the dollar amounts does nothing but rile people up. Get the details and see who did the buying and why.

  20. "Get the details and see who did the buying and why"

    This will never happen, how much do you want to bet and if they do decide to implement that policy of who and why, you will see a dramatic decrease in this type of spending because we are dealing with nothing more than common thieves and parasites who yes learned it from their parents. It's no difference from the welfare class in general. It's generational.

  21. I'm not sure how bribing students to do what is required teaches them to respect themselves or the rules of society. Required behavior should be required, and schools should stop linking food with doing what is expected. How did food become so important in teaching human beings? It sounds like we're training show animals.

  22. I doubt this money is spent by or for the teachers. Teachers spend too much of their own money buying their students paper, pens, notebooks, shoes, and coats to be ALSO buying ice cream and sugary treats.
    Rip the administration and executives for this rip-off cheating and stealing scam. Fire a few for misappropriation.
    But thank God every day there are people (teachers) who get to tell your kids eight times in a hour to sit down or be quiet, or correct their homework while in awe that a 9TH grader still can't spell, or have to listen to language and threats that a police office could KILL you for saying. The teacher must ignore it. The teacher, who spends 2 hours every night trying to decipher your kid's handwriting (on their own time) and then has to wonder if they, after 15 years of outstanding service, will be run out of their job because some kid said "the teacher YELLED at me, just because I stabbed that girl with my pencil!!".
    Superintendents and various "assistant' something or others get paid FAT money --- and "we, the people" have to buy their lunch, too? Make a few heads roll for that recklessly stupid spending, like it's done in the private sector (unless the CEO does it).

  23. Wait a minute, why are 8 of the charges ending in .00 are they
    tax exempt or is there something else going on? Hmmm!

  24. Yes they are tax exempt and no teachers do not have access to the boe credit cards...

  25. 1:39
    Some people tip and round the charge to the next whole dollar.

  26. $4,75 would be a milk shake, for those of you asking just exactly what did they purchase. Need I say more?

  27. if you worked in the school system and know how hard it is to spend money. All of these transactions are legit.

  28. Wasn't Pollitt once on the school board -- that's probably when this stuff started.

  29. Guess what you can't and won't do anything about it so just sit back and chill.

  30. for what its worthApril 21, 2014 at 6:11 PM

    Thanks Mr Albero again and again for taking your time to keep us up to date with all this mess.Also you do so much for the animals here locally.


  31. Grants are like fishing. Give a man a grant and he eats for a day. Teach him how to write grants and he eats forever.

  32. If families need food, help them get food stamps but stop spending so much of the education budget for food.

  33. Joe,
    I've seen copies of the actual charges and you need to post the actual pages so the taxpayers can see what's really going on. You should post all 1600 charges with the names and the amounts. There are amounts that don't make sense like $3.60 at McDonald's which can only be for personal use; and there are many, many charges that are $400, $500, and $600 and up that need to be explained. Please, please post more of the pages. Thanks.

  34. The people writing on this just don't understand,we all work very hard in Wicomico County and for very little pay. We buy this food so we have the energy just to work. I for one am glad the taxpayers are having to pay for these meals you all pay very little taxes and we deserve to be treated to nice meals. Sorry got to run before Market Streets parking lot fills up and I have to park across the street

  35. anon 7:43
    More to come every Monday

  36. Joe this is a GREAT POST my coworkers are now reading this and shaking their heads. I wish our employer treated us that well. Keep up the good work,best thing you have posted in a long time people need to know.

  37. Just heard Ireton is about to squander more taxpayer dollars to push his little plan for election districts, something that was already decided but he didn't like it. Don't know all the details, but sounds like Salisbury may get the best elections special money can buy. Glad to live outside SBY/Wico.

  38. Joe -- agree with 7:43.

    If it's really important, let it all hang out. ASAP.
    If not, fuggetaboutit!

  39. they work 200 days a year over 2 years that is 4 charges a day at ..oh heck I need Common Core Math to do the rest...cursed Public Education has failed me again

  40. what tickles me is the "free money ,it came from grants"..well guess what numbnuts,,,, that's taxpayer money as well.....

  41. Taxpayers have to fund food stamps, free breakfast and free lunch for the same kids whose families get those food stamps, summer food programs and food to get adults to attend school meetings. Ridiculous.

  42. Your tax dollars hard at work.

  43. 11:37 turn over the the state's attorneys office?, wonder how their purchasing card transaction look like?

  44. Anonymous said...
    Joe this is a GREAT POST my coworkers are now reading this and shaking their heads. I wish our employer treated us that well. Keep up the good work,best thing you have posted in a long time people need to know.

    April 21, 2014 at 9:06 PM

    I know this spending is wrong, but not one of you complains about having to pay for breakfast, lunch and dinner of the 53% FARM children. Do you mind spending my money on someone elses children? Apparently you don't mind. These little charges are just scraps compared to the free and reduced meals that cost local tax payers millions. Complain about that first.


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