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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Crime Solvers Ups Reward Amount


Crime Solvers of the Lower Eastern Shore is announcing an increase in the current reward being offered in the recent homicide of Donald Mariner of Pemberton Drive in the early morning hours of 16 April 2014. Crime Solvers is now offering a reward of up to $5,000.00 for information that leads to an arrest in this case.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776. All information will be treated as confidential and all callers will remain anonymous.


  1. I saw East Side Deli on another post and it brought to mind the shooting and robbery of the owner several years ago. Was that perpetrator ever caught?

  2. $5000 is chump change for a murdered human being! I've seen $10,000 locally for a dog that wasn't even pure breed! We live in a sick world!!

  3. It's good that the amount has increased.Something will surface any day now.

  4. If this is some kind of initiation in a gang or something like that.. increase the $ until some snitch cannot resist. Is this the same group that just hit Nithsdale. Should we get ready for this to be an every day (night) event around Salisbury???

  5. Sad that a reward must be offered to get people to be responsible citizens. MSP needs to be better trained to investigate and not rely on eye witnesses that don't exists or willing to be labeled a snitch by their peers. Sick world indeed.

  6. Increase it a little more and the trash will drop the dime on the other trash. Birds of a feather flock together,But when the birdseed is spread out its all for yourself.To bad we can increase salaries and have tons on new cars and 40 k plus salaries but we cannot even catch a bank robber on a bicycle.This mans family deserves justice.Maybe we can take some of the cops out of the schools and courthouses and let them do some real police work.

  7. Police cant make evidence and information magically appear.

  8. Police can't do anything good except write speeding tickets.

  9. I hope they are working with Clear Channel to get this on billboards too for maximum exposure.

  10. The reason crimes don’t get solved is due to the lack of community policing. MSP, in large numbers will sit in the median on route 50 with trunks up and laser guns drawn all day long generating revenue for the State of Maryland.

    They have no inside, internal or external relationships of which to draw information from when cases like this confront them. They are completely ignorant and disconnected from the communities in which they (allegedly) serve.

    Case in point was the bank robbery in Vienna last week. There are dozens of State Police on route 50 at any one time every single day. The DOT weigh station is less than a mile from the bank, always loaded with troopers. Yet, the bank robbers got away. You have to ask yourself why?

    They ask for help via crime stoppers (after the crime of course) and the VERY NEXT DAY they are out there (three of them together walking in front of moving traffic) bagging speeders on route 50 in Mardela. Why?

    Because they are completely disconnected from the community and they actually think they can sit out there a write tickets all day EVERY DAY, and expect the public they write the tickets to, to help solve the crime(s) for them by throwing in a fraction of the revenue they generate back to the public.

    The Maryland State Police are nothing more than Highway Patrol Personnel. The crime scene techs can’t even get the info from a stolen truck from a murder scene to make an arrest or question anyone.

    Why? Because they don’t know how, and it wasn’t moving down the highway when it was found. That’s why. If they don't catch you in the act, you'll get away with it. Check the history.

    Don’t believe me? Then tell me the last time you saw a Maryland State Trooper (not conducting a traffic stop or conducting an investigation) out of his vehicle talking, and actually connecting or conversing with a citizen of the community in which they serve.

    Maybe this should be a poll question at SBYnews.?

  11. It’s like you conducting a murder investigation in Cleveland, Ohio sitting in your car in Salisbury, Maryland. You may know the right questions to ask, but if you don’t know who to ask, well, you get the point of 7:36

    I think a poll question is in order..

  12. Dam strange they put up helicopters, and brought out tracking dogs for a botched drug buy gone bad, when cops got injured, but let a citizen get murdered and nothing!

  13. Mike Lewis needs to get his head out of his arse. They need to build a detective unit that is second to none. The cancer has spread to the county. Do not wait another day. It should be built like a surgical tool. Comprised of the best of the best period. Same goes for the city. MSP can only do so much. The Sheriff is responsible for this county we elected him to do a job.

  14. 7:36 is correct. omally in his usual stupidity, took Baltimore city to new heights in unsolved murders and crimes due to the misguided and idiotic idea of zero tolerance.
    With crime you have to pick you battles. omally had city cops arresting everyone for every little thing like sitting on a stoop drinking a beer. For years the cops were befriending these drunks and used them as their eyes and ears and omalley as is par for course with him ruins everything he has ever touched, had the PD round up and arrest these drunks like they were hard core criminals. This in turn alienated them and they stopped giving info to cops about real crime.
    You can see what's happening. Cops are getting programmed and brainwashed by all the homeland security/FBI "training" they attend and bring back local to have a them against us attitude. It's not very becoming and is the reason why they have such a dismal failure rate in solving crime.

  15. Thet could not track a bleeding elephant in a snow storm.

  16. Wow you people find it easy to blast the detectives. It is not t.v. people these crimes are hard to solve without leads. There is more to this story I am sure. I bet they are working this case night and day. As for the comment about Sheriff lewis it is not a Sheriff's Department case. The bottom line is who cares who works it just finds the worthless bastards that did this. Then hang em high. Sorry liberals hanging will stop some of this crap.


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