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Sunday, April 27, 2014


I'm talking with Jerry right now. He said that a Law Enforcement Officer told him last night that Federal agents are being moved into Las Vegas.

The Officer claimed that there were about 140 agents in the city. Recon sent in by Jerry found that there are more agents than can be counted! The hotels are being filled with Federal Agents, Rangers and FBI arriving in unmarked vehicles. Most of the vehicles are white, some are black. They are being parked in secure areas and are under lock and key and some are in back parking as well. So no one can nosing around. Never mind those who may be flying in. They're obviously building up for something. Three guesses what they could be up to. More Patriots are needed out there. Rotation is indeed in place. The Patriots who are there need all the help they can get in every way possible. It's still very serious out there. Las Vegas is 80 miles away from the Bundy property. So maybe an hour a half away. NOT FAR!! If you're planning to answer to the call, gear up and bring food. They're running a little low right now and Pray, Pray, Pray.


  1. This crap is idiotic. Bundy is nothing more than a common scoflaw and criminal. All of these so called pariots are nothing more than social misfits and cowards. End it now.

    1. Why don't you crawl back in that hole you came from, you won't have to see a thing then. You are a gutless, spineless jellyfish of a person with the brain capacity less than a piss ant. Now go back to your liberal sit in protests and let the big kids handle things of this nature.

  2. You are such a sheep 10:03! Answer this: Al Sharpton owes the IRS $1.8 million and yet,he get's invited to the White House on a regular basis and attends various fund raisers for the President. What makes him any different from the Bundys? Why does Reverend Al get special treatment? Put down the Kool Aid and think for a second!I bet you'd be singing a different tune if the IRS was trying to put your family business out of business...But then, you probably lack even a job, little alone run a business. Sheeple

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This crap is idiotic. Bundy is nothing more than a common scoflaw and criminal. All of these so called pariots are nothing more than social misfits and cowards. End it now.

    April 21, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    I would call you an idiot, but you're not that smart. I won't even mention your bad spelling...oops.

    The Bundy's and their supporters make me proud. You, well I just shake my head.

  4. 10:03 You forgot: a taker and a loser

  5. Or what about the illegals who are not only breaking the law by being here without proper documentation, but are also illegally camping on public lands along the border 10:03? This practice of allowing them free reign on public lands is costing the taxpayers more a year (to clean up after them) as what it is supposed Bundy owes for his supposed misdeeds.
    10:16-You really need to stop insulting sheep. Those like 10:03 are nothing more than the good slaves of the democratic plantation masters. They obey without question, their masters. So start calling them what they are---- brainwashed Slaves of the Democratic Plantation programmed to obey the government without questioning. "People" like this are nauseating to those of us who haven't lost the ability to think. They are cultists and need to be deprogrammed so they can start thinking for themselves.

  6. So, this guys is grazing his animals on FEDERAL land, not paying the fee, and wants people to show up with guns to protect his freeloading off of MY tax dollars?

    If we had a Republican president, y'all would be calling for his execution, but because a Democrat takes action, all of a sudden this guy's a patriot.

    I swear, lose two presidential elections and y'all lose your minds. This guy is a thief and liar and you're acting like he's Patrick Henry.

  7. some of you are so lost. you no longer know what this country is supposed to stand for. you watch your boob tube, you listen to some idiot give a speech and believe every word he says. you have lost your critical thinking skills.

    if you can't escape the fog you are in, won't listen to the truth, go line up on the other side and prepare to do battle.

    this is not about cattle, fees, grazing or any one of the other smoke screens 'they' are blowing up our butts.

    this is about freedom, right and wrong, over reach of the government, and by government I mean all agencies including law enforcement.

    some of us have told you over and over to get informed about this, and not by listening to some government shill on state controlled media.

    we are about to make history. which side of history will you be on?

  8. 10:50 AM

    Geesh I am so tired of people talking dumb crap. You guys could at least make an effort to get more of the story. Get current, you are way behind.

  9. guess most of you missed the part about the government changes the land boundaries so Harry Reid's son can run through the energy deal with the Chinese on bundy's property? doesn't surprise me though since so many of our fellow citizens are such ignorant bastards who should be take out to the woodshed for voting for the likes of some of these politicians!

  10. 2 words , adverse possession.

  11. This is about over reach of goverment and the denial of free speach.

    Mr. Bundy should pay his fees and he has lost in the courts but to have such a heavy handed response is uncalled for. The feds could easily put a lein on his income tax or use some other leagal way to get the money he owes.

    Surounded his ranch with armed BLM agents and creating "Free Speach Zones" is what the real issue is.

    Free speach is not something that can be taken away from us. No one should be under the threat of death (heavy use of armed Gov. agents) over a fine or fees.

    Bundy should pay the bill but the overeach by the feds is far far worse in comparison.

  12. Al Sharpton should pay his bill too!

  13. If some of you imbeciles would read the Complaint which gave authority to the BLM to seize the cattle you wouldn't sound so ignorant and know this isn't about grazing fees!
    He didn't reapply for his permit in 1993 and it was cancelled shortly thereafter. When it was cancelled he couldn't pay the fees even if he had wanted to!
    The dollar amount being tossed around is fines because when the BLM cancelled the permit any cattle remaining on the lands were subject to a fine because they were considered to be trespassing!
    The reason the dollar amount is all over the board is because in order to determine what the fines are, the cattle had to be seized and accounted for. Not all the cattle out there belong to Bundy! Some are feral and others they did find had the brand of other ranchers.
    So if you are going to offer up an opinion, make sure you know what you are talking about otherwise you are to be dismissed as the grossly uninformed person you are.

  14. Your all a bunch of morons....the guy doesn't pay his bill with the feds and now has to pay the price....your all a bunch of silly drama queens.....one person makes a comment and you all rush on board....FOOLS......but entertaining..

  15. This update or whatever it is, is a bunch of bunk. It's been making it's rounds since the day the cattle were let out of prison, Saturday a week ago. Unless you see it on the Bundy Ranch blog or put out by them on their official Facebook page Bundy Ranch, don't believe it.

  16. 12:27
    If you are seriously going to call someone else a moron at least know the difference in your vs you're. I wish I could say you were entertaining but pathetic would be a more fitting word.

  17. More of a request to aid and abet a criminal.

  18. 12:27 is the resident agitation and propaganda specialist for the liberal establishment. (Chuck? Is that you?)
    What fool thinks this guy should pay the Federal Government "grazing" fees for cattle on 660,000 ACRES of land the Feds just happened to "claim" long after he was there?
    Get your little sheeple heads out of your big sheeple butt ends!

  19. all you naysayers, I hope your chains rest lightly upon you.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    More of a request to aid and abet a criminal.

    April 21, 2014 at 12:48 PM

    thats funny since no criminal charges have been filed against him.

  21. "...aid and abet a criminal."
    Echoes of the cries of British sympathizers when Washington called for volunteers to fight the British.
    If you think, even for a moment, that this government is fair or objective, gives a rats ace about the law, our freedom, or what we want, then I have your sign.
    It is, as I've told you before, a snake pit of bribery, kickbacks, payoffs, and backroom deals. There is a bit of ALL of those things going on here.
    I also told you they will mass troops/police and intend to teach 'we, the people" a lesson here. If you haven't been paying attention lately, now might be a good time to start....
    I really like the part about 'the complaint' which gave the "authority" to the BLM to seize the cattle. Sort of how the police investigate themselves and can do no wrong....When YOU (the authorities) write the "complaint", which one of your bedfellows will strike it down or find it wrong???

  22. to rebel militarialy against a gov. as powerful as ours is useless in relatively small numbers. are these pro militia bloggers posting from texas? I see your resolution the matter.

  23. I don't think many of you understand a few critical terms here...

    Grazing Rights - The Bundy family has had this claim since the late 1800's..since before the BLM even existed.

    Water Rights - Ditto.

    Common Law - How things are supposed to work legally.

    Enclave Clause - Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 - The US Gov't is only supposed to own the capital and the land necessary to defend the country (forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards and other needful buildings).

  24. 2:52 It was just a paltry 3% of the population that dragged the rest of the colonist, kicking and screaming, into a war with Britain...Keep that in mind.

  25. "Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    More of a request to aid and abet a criminal.

    April 21, 2014 at 12:48 PM

    thats funny since no criminal charges have been filed against him.

    April 21, 2014 at 2:14 PM"

    Criminal trespass charges could be filed against Bundy because what he is accused of doing is a criminal offense 2:14.
    The question why haven't they filed criminal charges begs to be answered. They keep on going the civil route where the burden of proof is lower than beyond a reasonable doubt. The government is off base and out and out wrong and they know it and that's why they haven't charged criminally.
    Too bad people like 12:48 can't see the forest through the trees. I'm going to guess most likely a product of public schools where actually educating is a foreign concept.

  26. Where is the Governor and what is he doing about this??

  27. I'm with Bundy all the way 3:20, but even the BLM on it's site doesn't claim ownership of public land. They say they "administer" over 200+ million acres of public land.

  28. Why aren't they over at the Clinton's house looking for that 6 BILLION dollars instead of worrying this poor rancher to death. For the same reason the states are trying to take back their land from the Federal government. Because the Federal government wants to give the land to the Chinese to pay the debt we owe them for continuing to support the millions we are supporting who should be working. That's why. But keep voting Democrat. I guarantee you one thing. When the Chinese are over here running US, all of those who aren't working now--will be working then. In sweatshops.

  29. 4:48-the governor of NV has been very vocal in his commendation of the federal government and their ongoing orchestrated effort to rid public lands of ranchers. Well before Bundy became a household name, he along w/several other governors of western states had formed a task force to look into ways to as 6:45 stated "take back their land." Both NV and UT governors and UT Senator Orrin Hatch, put a detour in the BLM's plan to auction the seized cattle in UT by coming up with the plan to pull the UT state brand inspectors off the job.

  30. The federal government should not be trying to collect a bill by the end of a gun. That is tyranny.

  31. You might want to keep in mind, the FBI started a shootout over a pair of stolen boots, in 1973. What do you think they'll do over a piece of land they want to give the Chinese as a gift from Harry Reid?

  32. do your research tthis nhas been going on all over the usa farmers that grew food and those who raise meats. so when the blm takes all land that families have and no one grows healthy safe food for you to eat. then what are you going say. that's the whole idea. when you are hungry and your children are hungry. you will be easy to control just like a robot.this is a old man who is tired and he has had seen many dead cattle who were shot as many as 7 times. now if this happened to you. you might not handle this as well as bundy has, that I can bet on from many might get real upset and say a lot of things. I don't think he has done anything wrong and rick perry was right in what he said about land grab at red river.


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