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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Smart Meter Debate Intensifies At Resort Meeting; Delmarva Power Officials Defend Smart Meters

OCEAN CITY — Residents got a broad overview on several issues related to Delmarva Power’s installation of smart meters in the resort and across the region during an at times testy meeting on Wednesday.

Delmarva Power last fall began installing smart meters at residences and business throughout Ocean City and across the Lower Shore. The smart meters are part of a larger initiative to upgrade the utility’s electricity distribution system while allowing consumers to better manage energy use and streamline billing.

Almost from the beginning, however, the installation of smart meters has raised serious concerns in the community, from health worries over the potentially harmful effects of the radio frequency they transmit to security and privacy issues. Also at issue are the costs associated with the new meters and an opt-out provision for those who prefer to keep their traditional analog meters.



  1. I want my old meter back. I opted out and the thief contracted with Delmarva Power took it anyway. Said he couldn't put it back on because it had to be rebooted. That was a couple of months ago. I should have had the thief arrested for trespassing. I asked him for his name and card and he said he had to go back to his truck to get it. He then comes back a half hour later and leaves a door hanger card that only said someone from Delmarva Power stopped by today. No name or phone number. You talk about being pissed off. Does anyone have a number to call for this?

  2. Get a life!what is the personal info that you think they are gathering?and for the radio waves you are worried about I guess you don't have a cellphone either

  3. Well poster 12:08PM

    You are the Stupid one and should get a life for being so dumb...

    If you knew anything about electromagnetic waves you will know that if you have a million to a billion waves bouncing around they can make a picture? oh of course you didn't know that... Well it can make a picture and when you have it bouncing around your home, it makes a picture of your house where everything is... especially when all the SMART APPLIANCES are in the home as well... Also funny how the NSA or CIA guy said if we wanted to spy on you, we would use your washer and dryer... That is what he meant when he said that...

    NOT TO MENTION the smart meters will effectively burn your house down or destroy electronics in your home and there is proof of that also...

    1. Oh my someone needs a hobby.i think they already know where my house is.now for your brain it is already fried so stop worrying

  4. Hey 12:36. I hear the Mall's having a special on tin foil hats. Hurry on over.

  5. Smart meters + dumb people = great entertainment!

  6. 12:36 is already being tracked by the CIA and probed by aliens

  7. They installed a smart meter on my home a few months ago.since the installation I have suffered from headaches and bed wetting do you think the meters are to blame?

  8. No comment on the above comments other than most were hilarious BUT when I saw the article about other electric providers NOT having to tell you your price can go up without notice! How did I let this get passed me! I am usually on top of things,,,, i called public power this week and discovered after two months of HORRIBLE bills they were charging 12.4 cents perKwh and DPL 9.6 I was upset with myself and promptly went back to DPL I URGE YOU TO CALL YOUR PROVIDER and check what price you are paying! No I don't need a TIN FOIL HAT but a few of my assciates do! LOL

  9. 12:08PM
    I think the little black choppers are flying outside your house. Time to take cover.

  10. 12:08PM
    I think the little black choppers are flying outside your house. Time to take cover.

  11. don't be stupid. do your homework on smart meters. there is a lot of info out there from reliable sources. again; don't be stupid, as there may be reason for concern...

  12. I wonder how many people posting their fear of smart meters are sitting in front of the computer using wi-fi, have their cellphone next to them, while smoking a cigarette after eating a super sized McDonalds meal? Them dang meters are going to kill us!

  13. Anonymous said...
    Hey 12:36. I hear the Mall's having a special on tin foil hats. Hurry on over.

    March 14, 2014 at 12:49 PM

    Watch the Hunger Games Bozo and see what the future has in store for you. When you are one of Obamas peasants you will wish you listened to the ones smart enough to look at the whole picture.

  14. I was very glad that I attended this very important and informative meeting -something that Salisbury should do for the local residents to inform them of the pros and cons (more cons in my opinion of these smart meters) So many people are not even aware that their meter was switched out and have no clue about the concerns that go along with these "not so smart"meters.

  15. Tracking your every move is a big concern with these meters not just the radio waves. They are going to charge more money for something they already charge for as well the PSC is not doing the job they are tasked with allowing for these added charges. If they allege they won't have to send out meter readers then why in the world are they still reading my smart meter after 4 months of it being installed now? Delmarva power is skirting around serious issues and jamming this crap on the consumer. It seems to me that if we are saddled with this smart meter then a current charge on my bill should be removed and credited all the way back to the date when this meter was installed against my will. But again the PSC is not doing the job they are tasked with and just sweeping this mess under the carpet hoping not enough people will complain to bring this issue into a brighter light.

  16. Scope services the installer contracted by delmarva power is not following any guidelines when installing the smart meters. I have a fenced in back yard with a dog. They were supposed to make an appointment to install mine. Instead they just found a way inside my fence when I wasnt home. I contacted delmarva power and they could care less.

  17. I'm surprised that environmentalists haven't chimed in on this yet because of the affect smart meters have on insects.The frequency acts as a repellant because insects cannot tolerate it.Expect fewer ants and nuisance insects in your houses this summer.Insects contribute heavily to the ecosystem,so every home having a smart meter could have a profound impact.


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