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Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 3-14-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "New Director For Worcester Humane Society":

To the new JoeAlbero of March 14, 2014 at 10:06 AM

I am so glad you decided to chime into Contributor's article on Linda Luna.

In no way did I realize you felt this way about our Police Officers or Firefighters or Linda, In no way did I guess there could be another side to a story.

All the years of reading this blog with all its vile comments from you and and your viewers, this is certainly not the image I gleamed. So glad you now have changed your ways.. What light bulb went off that caused you to wake up to these facts?

First of all, this is EXACTLY what so many people have been trying to express to the "nay sayers' for years. YOU have to get to know ME personally to know who and what I'm about. My heart is always in the right place. Thousands of people learned that when I campaigned door to door for the Mayoral election.

Just because I don't like seeing Fire Trucks out and about buying groceries does NOT mean I dislike Firefighters. Just because I disagree with Sheriff Mike Lewis on certain issues does NOT mean I dislike Mike or Police Officers.

For far too long I have been targeted as a bad guy because I disagree with certain LEADERS. I have that right. I simply have a venue in which tens of thousands of people come to each and every day. I'm NOT saying ANYTHING different than the majority of you are thinking anyway. I simply put my name on the line and for that I am easily criticized.

Don't feel bad for me, I know what I got myself into and I stand behind everything we do here. Look, I like Martin O'Malley, as a Father, a Husband and as a Person. He's a great guy. I can say the same about Mike Lewis, Rick Pollitt, Stevie Prettyman, (not as a husband) Tom Stevenson and Rick Hoppes. I simply do NOT agree with their politics at times. The same can be said about Linda Lugo. 

I think, in the end, people tend to dislike me because I have the stones to put things out there that NO ONE else would dare. In the end, the FACT that we receive so many hits per day proves that love me or hate me, we do things no one else will do and YOU have every opportunity to voice your opinion, agree or disagree. 

In closing, I've NOT changed at all, (as you suggest). You are just getting to know me better, is all. 


  1. People feeling the way they do is more about what you allow others to say more than what you say yourself. You provide a place for the vile things said about all these people. You could be the nicest guy around yet you will be associated with what you post.

  2. 11:18, Oh, I see. I should censor the Site to fit all of YOUR wants and needs. That's just ridiculous. Here's an idea. Go to the Daily Times instead. There you'll not see ANY comments. A prime example is, we have almost 200 comments on yesterday's top post. They have what, one comment? You'll feel much safer there but you'll also be a LOT less educated about how the COMMUNITY feels about important matters.

    It shouldn't be about MY opinion on each matter. It should be about YOUR opinion and the pulse of the entire community.

  3. Problem is I don't think we get the pulse of "the entire community" here. There is definitely a "one sided" feel to most of the comments on this site. I think it would be really GREAT if other viewpoints weren't immediately trashed and piled onto by the regulars here. Human nature I suppose but surely discourages a great number of people. I think folks with other viewpoints would like to feel "safe" here too.

  4. Are we talking about Linda Luna or Linda Lugo?

    I know a Bonnie Luna.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Problem is I don't think we get the pulse of "the entire community" here. There is definitely a "one sided" feel to most of the comments on this site. I think it would be really GREAT if other viewpoints weren't immediately trashed and piled onto by the regulars here. Human nature I suppose but surely discourages a great number of people. I think folks with other viewpoints would like to feel "safe" here too.

    March 14, 2014 at 11:36 AM

    It seems one sided to you because the majority of people are interested in the dirt Joe post oh people. Apparently you are affected by the comments and the truth hurts. If you don't like what you see then hit that little red box in the upper right hand corner or just don't come here.

    Buh Bye!!

  6. No, you should not censor to fit anyone's needs - just have some standards. You said you don't allow personal attacks, and you followed thru with the post about Prettyman. What the comment is saying is why can't you do that all the time? You say you don't post personal attacks, yet you do time and time again.

  7. 12:26, Without making excuses, I am not the only one who moderates comments. I'm NOT trying to blame others for what may get through because I believe they do a better job at moderating than I do.

    That being said, this is a free Blog. IF YOU only knew how many JT, JR and other people who spend all their time trying to get racist comments through, you'd be absolutely amazed.

    Here's what I think. I think the people complaining about comment here are the people who are pissed that we've rejected their comments.

    I will not allow such racist and personal attacks, even against the people I may not personally like. Do we miss some at times, absolutely. If YOU took the time to make ME aware that one got through, you'd see us quickly fix that situation, yet we rarely, if ever, hear of such complaints.

    If YOU had ANY idea how much time we spend each and every day for the past 10 years bringing you the information we'd do, again, you'd be blown away.

    The FREE service we provide without charging each one of you $1.50 a day like the Daily Times, (in which we deserve) is second to none. IF we got that kind of money per day, per viewer, I'd make MILLIONS each and every year.

    We do NOT do this for the money. With all due respect, you have every right not to come here, especially if your not satisfied.

    Might I suggest you simply read the articles and ignore the comments.

  8. 12:04 perfectly demonstrates what 11:36 is talking about. Very inclusive community here. My way or the highway.

  9. That is actually a very good suggestion. Read the articles and skip the comments. And for the record, I have, on occasion, questioned why you would allow a particular comment? Surprise, comment ignored and nothing taken down. No, you haven't ever written about me. I'm not a decision maker in any capacity. I just hate to see good ideas discounted because of the tenor or the comments.

  10. Don't go changing Joe

  11. There is a fine line between organized crime and politics. Both can make you rich.

  12. do some research on that Linda!

  13. Anonymous said...
    12:04 perfectly demonstrates what 11:36 is talking about. Very inclusive community here. My way or the highway.

    March 14, 2014 at 12:53 PM

    You just don't get it do you cry baby. Please just leave.

  14. Are we talking about Linda Lugo or not? Please answer. 4:04 PM which Linda is it?

  15. 4:29, Linda Lugo. I have published it in my Post and in my comments.

  16. I find it hard to believe that you don't dislike law enforcement. A majority of your law enforcement stories focus on negative events and try to make LEOs look like cold blooded murderers, like DEP Knox shooting an old man pulling a cane out of his truck. That cane looked like a long gun, and Knox had a split second to identify a potential weapon and react to defend himself. There are plenty of stories out there of cops being ambushed on traffic stops and while sitting in their vehicles. There's also plenty of stories out there where cops are doing great things, fighting for their lives and catching bad guys, and supporting their communities but we rarely see those on your site. Please do some investigative reporting regarding how hard it is for a cop to defend himself on these "routine traffic stops". There is something called a FATS machine. Find one and try it out or get a demo. You'll find out its not as easy as you think.


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