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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Salisbury Council Asked To Help Fund Fireworks

SALISBURY — Red, White and Boom organizers in Salisbury are requesting that the City Council return to a former practice of financially supporting Independence Day fireworks in the city.

The event is looking for a $10,000 donation and whether the city supplies the full amount, several council members want to see some kind of concession made.

At the very least, Council President Jake Day feels that “a nominal amount” of money needs to come from the city to help fund the fireworks.

“I think it’s an opportunity to fix what’s pretty embarrassing, that we don’t support our own fireworks in the city of Salisbury,” he said.

The fireworks show has become popular in the city despite being in its infancy.



  1. Hey I'm all for things that put Salisbury on the map. And in the grand scheme of things, this amount would probably pay off for the city. Heck I'd be happy with a compromise of $5k (though lord knows neither sides could agree to a compromise)

  2. Day is correct it is an embarrassment that the City and other organization do not come together to put on a celebration with fireworks. Pitiful.

  3. hebrons are better. they put on a show! salisbury is ho-hum.

  4. FIX THE ROADS, JIM AND JAKE!!! F***ing bike lanes, dog and skateboard parks, third Fridays, and all the other pandering to special interests can come later. FIX THE ROADS!!!

  5. If the County didn't eat so much pizza they might be able to put on a really good display!!!!

  6. The Jaycees used to do the fireworks show, and the council (including Dunn) stopped funding a measly $2500. Funny how he wants the council to pony up $10,000 now that his name is on the line.

  7. I agree with 2:02 - FIX THE ROADS, they are in horrible condition and all this patchwork does not help. Quit the damn spending on everything but what you should.

  8. “I think it’s an opportunity to fix what’s pretty embarrassing, that we don’t support our own fireworks in the city of Salisbury,” he said.

    What an idiot!! This was never the city of Salisbury's Fireworks. The money just isn't there so get over it.

    Anything that has to do with Mike Dunn and Bill Gordy I can not support.

  9. Anonymous said...
    If the County didn't eat so much pizza they might be able to put on a really good display!!!!

    March 14, 2014 at 3:16 PM

    We are talking about the city not the County you idiot.

  10. “I agree that Salisbury should participate in the fireworks. I’ve supported it before,” she said. “I also look at how we have hundreds of people, thousands of people, coming into our communities that do not live in Salisbury.”

    What is it Dummy hundreds or thousands?

  11. 3:16 But, it's for the children.

  12. Something to spend the rain tax on? Will the rooftops that the spent rounds on and roads and driveways have to chip in extra cash for that?

    You only have $20k in the budget to stop stormwater pollution, are losing more than that by running the parking meters and booths, and you want to spend money on WHAT?

    Do we pay the EPA fines before or after the 4th of July?

    Idiots, all.

  13. 5:43 if you comment made any sense it may be valid, but it sounds like gibberish.

    Nothing like having a little pride in the community.

  14. Anonymous said...
    5:43 if you comment made any sense it may be valid, but it sounds like gibberish.

    Nothing like having a little pride in the community.

    March 14, 2014 at 7:14 PM

    He is saying pay your bills first dumb butt.

  15. The return of fireworks is fine but the City Council voted to cancel funding back then I believe the holes in the street would be best attended to and let anyone who want to contribute to the fireworks fund. Then again I am just a tax payer who apparently doesn't matter to the majority of the council's votes

  16. Who's paying that Bill?

  17. What's wrong with the way it's been done the last couple of years? Mike Dunn was part of the end of the fireworks during his run on the city council, how is that old mall property that cost taxpayers an arm and a leg working out?

  18. If Day wants the fireworks funded, he should cut a personal check to support them like Debbie Campbell did. I was at the meeting when it came before the council when she was serving. She stated that, especially in light of the city's finances, that this should be a personal choice rather than forcing the taxpayers to pay. She voted down using tax money and gave Mike Dunn a personal check to fund the fireworks.

  19. If Day thinks it's such a NOMINAL amount, then HE should pay it. Ya gotta love it when politicians, from the lowest level to the highest (I think they are ALL the lowest level), talk about spending OUR money and referring to it as "nominal". How often do you hear one of these slimy little bribe-taking, two-faced, lying slugs say something like "its ONLY a few million (or billion)..."?
    Thats OUR money, you bastids. And we work hard for it. And you FORCE us to give it to you or go to prison. Don't throw it around like confetti at a birthday party.

  20. funny........Wicomico Eastside Chamber of Commerce nevers asks the county for a penny. Members donate what they can.

  21. What about soliciting the businesses. There are enough car dealerships if they contribute $1000.00 each would exceed the money needed for this event. How about it Pohanka "Pay it forward"


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