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Sunday, March 02, 2014

Maybe There Should Be A Law Against Disliking Gay People

Everybody, it seems, is dumping on the Arizona Legislature for passing a bill that codified what used to be a basic principle of commerce; that a business owner could refuse service to a customer if he didn’t want the customer’s business. However, that pinciple has been abrogated, and business owners can be forced into involuntary servitude; all because a few hypersensitive, neurotic gheys got their feelers hurt when photographers, florists, or bakers didn’t want to be a part of their “weddings.”

So, why don’t we just cut to the chase and pass laws making it illegal not to like gay people; with fines and criminal penalties for anyone who uses any word, gesture, expression or behavior that any gay person judges to be insufficiently supportive of his or her lifestyle?The penalties could include mandatory sensitivity training at the offender’s expense; thus providing employment to otherwise utterly useless Gender Studies graduates.



  1. Utterly idiotic post.

  2. 2:06 Hi pot, meet kettle.

  3. Has anyone even read the law????

  4. What if a business owner doesn't like jews or christians or hispanics or blacks….should they be able to refuse service to those people too?

  5. 2:25 yes they should be to refuse anybody for anything period.

  6. 2:25 if it is your business you have the right to do what you want. i dont care what you think. you do understand this stems from the baker who chose not to make a cake for a gay wedding

  7. 2:25 that is exactly what this law allows

  8. Return American business to the owners not the communist government. If you don't like a business find one you like. That’s called FREE enterprise. The socialist sheeple have been too brain-washed by the commies, they have forgotten what that is.

  9. You can't refuse to serve a customer because they are black, why should a baker be able to refuse a person that is gay?

  10. How is it when a Christian refuses to do this the country goes nuts and is ready to have them killed, yet a muslim applies for a cashier job at target and target must make it so she doesn't have to touch any pork product.
    Colleges are having to install foot baths so muslims can wash their feet before they pray 5 times a day. The college gyms are closed down during the morning hours so the muslim women can exercise without any men watching them. A poultry factory in Shelbyville, Tn was forced to take away the labor day holiday so the muslims could be off for their holiday.
    Montogermy County schools are now giving musilms off for religious holidays yet Christians can't even say Merry Christmas or talk about Jesus in school anymore.
    When do we say enough is enough. You can't have it both ways. If you allow one religion to abide by their religion you must also let others do the same.

  11. I can deal with whomever i want, and am not required to deal with anybody if I don't want to. That includes you even if you are black, Hispanic, Gay, Lesbian, martian, Chinese, or any race, creed or color. I am my own person, and I have my inalienable rights.

  12. No shoes no shirt no service...seemed to work...whats the problem.... find a place that allows you barefoot and shirtless

  13. This is preposterous. In today's financial climate, if a business doesn't want your money, you can easily find a dozen others that do. What's the big deal? Unless, of course, you're a prissy drama-queen who wants to make a huge deal out of nothing.

  14. 7:02

    What's your business? Talk big on blog but put your money where your mouth is!

  15. So we will ignore the values and beliefs of Christians to make the gays happy. Can we ignore the values of the muslims and refuse to serve them specials meals while they are in school or prison? If pork is on the menu to bad!

  16. Sorry I support the baker here. I think anyone who owns a business should have the right to refuse anyone for any reason. We can not have it both ways. Just look for a business that supports you and treats you well. I have been in many locations where they did not refuse, but one knew you were not welcome.

    Being gay is not a right it is about sexuality. This country needs to find itself again. I think we are regressing. I was standing on the corner the other day and a Black man was standing beside me. He watched as three hispanic men walked out of the chinese carry out. He looked at me and said they are ruining "our" country. I just looked at him and smiled. He told me to have a good day. I am white. lol the circle of life is a strange thing indeed


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