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Sunday, March 02, 2014

Hold On Jimmy Sarbanes, There Could Be A Challenger

Governor O'Malley recently announced the appointment of Jimmy Sarbanes, (Nephew of former Senator Paul Sarbanes) to be a Circuit Court Judge.

It's been reported Salisbury resident and local attorney M. J. Caldwell may challenge Sarbanes for the position.

More to come...


  1. Com'on MJ....didn't you know nepotism was alive and well in Maryland? It's rarely about who's qualified it's all about who you are and know!

  2. 2:53: You are absolutely right. Just look at Somerset County. It should be renamed Nepotism County and for some reason it's not about qualifications but rather about Bloodlines. Apparently there's a gene that unless you have it you're automatically disqualified for any elected county position. Unless you carry the Simpkins gene or related to a person with same, then you are automatically not qualified for any political office or appointment in Somerset County The only exception is the Sheriff and that qualification is dependent upon proof. Eighty (80) to Ninety (90)proof is the only accepted qualification required for this position. Come on Somerset, wake up and let's get some really qualified folks in office. It's long overdue.

  3. Let the games begin!

  4. Jimmy Sarbanes will make the best judge.

  5. Does Jimmy have any courtroom experience since he began practicing law?

  6. i am not surprised with this appointment--in maryland being a democrat means more than competence. the governor is expecting major support from former sen sarbanes in his bid for the pres nomination. i knew this was going to happen as soon as i saw his name in the hat for consideration.i have seen sarbanes in court--i was not impressed.

  7. How about the inside of a court room since he once was arrested for running a multi level gambling operation. Even had enforcers that roughed people up.

  8. With Sarbanes contacts no one else had a chance. Even with his checkered pass. What a shame! Don't we deserve the best man for the job?

  9. 4:25, Jimmy doesn't have much experience with anything, much less the law. I haven't seen him in a courtroom, but I have seen him in his office. Worthless.


  10. Help me out...

    If he's been appointed it's a done deal. Think there is a retain or not ballot question at a future election.

    If a vacancy is forthcoming or a new job is being created then attorneys can put themselves forward for sorta/kinda vetting and OweMalley's choice will get it.

    Up to a point we can suffer incompetents being town clerks or county executive because there is a removal process. We live a long time with both good and bad judges so let's hope OweMalley surprises us with a good choice.

    Don't have a preference. Local bench has improved from what it used to be; backsliding won't help us.

    Snarky side note: If it's a new job mebbe it's due to the volume of cases generated by 'bury council members?

  11. 6;12 pm

    You say that Jimmy Sarbanes has a "checkered past" - please give us the details.

  12. 9:54 --

    It's not a done deal yet!

    Fortunately for the public, the Maryland Circuit Court's judges must still stand for election in which they can be challenged.

    The liberal democrats have been trying for years to change that, but the people won't let them.

  13. O'Malley and the Progressive Democrats -- always out to usurp and corrupt the process --this "anointment" by virtue of last name alone is business as usual..

  14. If M.J. gets the job it will be a nightmare for Beckstead, no more getting around and no more DWIs for staff!

  15. Hey I like MJ but Connie would have made a great judge also. This is just sad for all involved. Marty made an ass of himself.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Hey I like MJ but Connie would have made a great judge also. This is just sad for all involved. Marty made an ass of himself.

    February 27, 2014 at 2:57 PM

    Connie Who?

  17. I know the young man personally and think he is a gentlemen and a family man who would be fair to all.


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