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Sunday, March 02, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Ariz. Governor Vetoes Controversial Religious Rights Bill

Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer says she has vetoed a controversial religious rights bill that would have allowed businesses to deny service to gays and others based on faith.

From Fox News


  1. 8:25, Show some respect. "God" is ALWAYS spelled with a capitol "G".

  2. Sad times for our nation ..the world turned upside down...greed perversion evil hate and tryanny seem to prevail ... just remember ..we all fall short

  3. 76% of Americans identify themselves as Christian, while 3.5% identify themselves as gay. Majority rules.

  4. Thank you, Jan! God is on your side.

  5. 9:32

    It's only a small minority of those Christians who believe gay people should be discriminated against and persecuted, though.

  6. But to have to participate in their misguided belief system because you provide goods and/or services is wrong.

    Everyone should have a choice! Now a certain portion of the population has someone elses beliefs forced upon them.

  7. I want Gays to work for my Constitutional Rights as well

    Retribution mentality is what I see as driving the activism-- especially when many Gays are among the nastiest secular haters of Religion.

  8. 7:20 - cuz in the end they'll be judged by God...

  9. This law was backed by those that would turn us into a Christian Taliban.

  10. 8:27 Thats kind of silly, I think the motive was more of a backlash to the militant homosexual agenda. I don't think your going to see the end of that. The more the homos push, the more you will see laws like this proposed and one may stick as the pendulum swings back from the far left.

  11. 7:32 Keep drinking the koolaid.

  12. The problem with these gays is they are stupid and use no common sense. I don't approve of the lifestyle but when it comes to their money it's just as green and I'll take it all day long and just talk about them behind their backs.
    The question becomes why would these gays want to support a business whose owner thinks they are freaks? I would think they would want this law passed so they know who NOT to spend their money with.
    The more we hear of their grips the more apparent it becomes that something is wrong with their logical thinking.


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