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Sunday, March 02, 2014

School Bus Driver Smacks Student With Broom In Brawl

INDIANAPOLIS – What happened on an Indianapolis school bus is beyond disturbing, and FOX59 has the video. A bus driver smacks a child with a broom. The driver is suspended, according to the bus company. The shocking video is just part of the story.

FOX59 sat down with the child hit and her mother to get their reaction.

Autumn Bonilla, 14, said she started arguing with the bus driver, while the driver was trying to discipline another child. Bonilla said she swore at the driver, then the two went at it first verbally then physically.

Video appears to show the driver, 47-year-old Charlotte McDaniel, taking a broom to the face of the teen.


  1. Yeah, I started the fight, I made the first hit, but somehow that doesn't allow a retaliatory strike? Okay. So, all of a sudden the prosecutors are the problem?????

  2. 9:40 PM

    With a weapon? By a 47yo woman? Umm, no, that is NOT allowed. Sorry. That is called a CHARGE.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Yeah, I started the fight, I made the first hit, but somehow that doesn't allow a retaliatory strike? Okay. So, all of a sudden the prosecutors are the problem?????

    February 26, 2014 at 9:40 PM

    I read the article and watched the video. Nowhere did I see or hear that the child made the first hit. She admits to starting it, but I believe that is concerning the verbal exchange.

    Regardless, even IF the child did make the first hit, that does not justify the bus drivers reactions.

    You think the driver hitting the girl with a wooden broom handle, in her temple and causing a fractured bone in the girls nose, is fine?

  4. 11:10
    I was reading about this somewhere else. It stated that the girl had the bus driver pinned down before the video started. Maybe the women just feared for her life. She was out numbered by kids.

  5. 11:29 PM

    Yes, I read that too, in this same article I believe. I find your theory of the driver fearing for her life, merely by being pinned and outnumbered by kids laughable. But then, cops use even less justifications to shoot and kill innocent citizens and pets.

    Which prompts the question, if she was in fear for her life, why didn't she escape when she had the chance instead of continuing the battle?

    I suggest she was angry, and embarrassed by being pinned down by a 14 yo girl, and wanted some payback.

    Regardless of her reasons, they are not acceptable or defendable. Bottom line is she lost control, of the situation and of herself.

    Game over. Take her license and send her to criminal court. Then the parents and child can take her to civil court.

    Seriously, what would most of us want to do to that driver had it been our child that got hit with a wooden broom handle by a 47yo woman?

    1. My child wouldn't be in that situation because she knows how to show respect. This is why kids think it's ok to act crazy. Parents don't know how to take responsibility for not teaching their children right from wrong. Everybody is so quick to jump on the driver but nobody is asking why the girl acts like that. Yeah, the bus driver maybe gone and the girl might transfer schools, but all that makes is another headache for another bus driver and school smh. It will.continue

  6. 12:41
    If you watch the video when they fall into the seat the seat is to the drivers right which means she could not get back to the front of the bus until she got past the girl.

  7. The kid should have calmed her ass down and conducted herself as expected. She had a choice. Obviously she didn't want to comply the easy way, so she was forced to the hard way. I don't feel sorry for the girl.

  8. as usual in a case of where two wrongs not making a right --somebody always has to enable one of the two as having an excuse--

    grow up face responsibility - You wonder why Lawyers are low on the respect totem pole?

  9. Maybe if they crack a few more heads the kids will start to listen. The ones complaining are the ones who don't make their kids behave now and fear they might be next. Kudos to the driver. They have enough to put up with.I wouldn't want their job these days for all the money in the world.

  10. Nobody is asking why this little girl acts like this? Parents don't want to take responsibility for not teaching their kids right from wrong. I'm not going to worry about that being my kids because my kids know better. Yeah, they can fire the driver, the girl can change schools, but then what? All that makes is another headache for another driver and another school. It will continue

  11. All bus drivers are bullies and think they are better than everybody! Time to lock and load! Just because she drives a bus she thinks she has a license to dish out assaults at will??? TIME TO RISE UP AMERICA! THEIR TIME IS COMING!!!

  12. 9:25am..I have to say that these disrespectful youngsters feel they are better than everybody and think they can do what they want when they want to at anyone else's expense. THEIR TIME IS COMING! Kudos to the bus driver for letting them know that this has gone too far. I am sure that the bus driver gave them some sort of verbal correction before she grabbed the broom. The kids have to learn to be obedient to authority...By the way obedience is: Doing what you are told to do When you are told to do it with the RIGHT ATTITUDE.

    8:22. I know why the girl is doing it. Because she has been allowed to apparently without consequence..until now.

  13. 10:46 AM

    wow, you're a sick individual just like the bus driver. you seem to be approving of the drivers actions with the broom handle. Unbelieveable.

    The kids time is coming? Good Lord, this country and it's people have sunk to a new low.

    What if the driver had killed the kid when she hit her on the temple? That would be okay with you as well?

    I guess that woman in India who was gang raped and had a metal rod shoved up her was acceptable too, right?

    If only she was OBEDIENT to the 5 men? and let them have sex with her, that would not have happened right?

    It's all her fault. If only she had done what she was told things would have turned out different.

    Do you want to know what is wrong with this country and its people? Just read 1046 comment and a few of the others on this thread and some others.

    You are not good people.

  14. 11:05pm..what the hell does this have to do with anyone in India? First off, she didn't get killed so that was pointless to bring up..and that point is moot. If, If, If..If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass on the rocks. Lets throw the "IF" a in a different direction.."IF she had acted like the a human being and not shouted, refused to sit down, and acted like a damn thug then she would not have been pinned with the broom..it's very simple actually. She was being rude, disrespectful, and refusing to listen to a school bus driver, who was not trying to rape or or shove a metal rod up her. The driver expected her to act as a LADY! And you think I'm sick? You seriously condone this teenager's behavior? You think it is ok for her to behave this way without consequence? You are not good people dear because you are part of the problem.

    You see, she was not defending herself or her peers, she was instigating, being rude, screaming and out of control. She had no reason on this earth to behave that way unless someone was trying to hurt her or her family or peers. If that were the case, then yes, the bus driver was way out of line. I don't think that was the case. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I am sure you will.


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