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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Is Your Home Only Worth $10,000.00?

On the 6 PM news tonight on WBOC, Steve Hammond did a story on the Town of Seaford discussing the possibility of raising property taxes in that town 16%. 

As if that wasn't bad enough, Steve tried to use an example of how the increase might impact the community. So, rather than using a normal average figure of $100,000.00 or $200,000.00, he used a $10,000.00 value, trying to make it look like the almost $40.00 increase per year was not so harsh. Leave it to a Liberal News Station to soften things as much as possible.

No Steve, the IMPACT is at least a $400.00 per year increase per $100,000.00 value. Hold it, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe WBOC believes everyone is Seaford lives in a Trailer only worth $10,000.00 each. Well, if that's true, how can all these people afford to buy all those cars and furniture they're constantly advertising on their show? Ohhhhh, because they all live in trailers. I get it now. 


  1. shame, shame, shame WBOC. this kind of reporting is deceptive. you shouldn't continue to lower yourself like this.

  2. Here this local news outlet.....COWARDS scared to tackle the real issues....as i said before your local advertisers will suffer...boycotts on..ill shop in va bch

  3. wow I'm surprised someone actually watches that news show with him. I thought he retired years ago! what ever happened to that skeletor lady named what was it? oh yeah I think it might be something with an L yeah! lisa? She retired?

  4. Steve Hammond for Predident! Of Nairobi.

  5. Ummm...Nairobi is a city...

  6. I haven't watched them in over a decade

  7. WBO_ what? Never heard of them.

  8. They are reporting news tonight that was on this site days ago. What a shamble that place is! Are you watching and listening Mr Draper?

  9. Draper doesn't care what you think; all of his advertisers are in Delaware. Anything south of Delmar doesn't mean squat to him.

  10. I don't understand any of these numbers. 16% of 10,000 is not $40, and 16% of 100,000 would not be $40. What am I missing please?

  11. Poor Steve. I went over his house with my kids recently and he had the heat on 50 degrees and it was freezing. No sleepover for my kids again. He is either a tightwad or he is struggling to pay his bills. He has also been trying to unsuccessfully sell his house here in Wicomico County.

  12. 10:39, you have to use creative math to arrive at the proper figures.

    Assume the current rate is 2½%. That makes your tax bill $250 on a $10,000 assessed property.

    Take 16% of that $250, and you get $40. New total tax bill = $290.

    Just add a zero on the end for calculating taxes on a $100,000 property.

    Current taxes: $2500.
    New additional: $400.

    Total: $2900.

  13. Why doesn't WBOC do us all a favor and get rid of Steve and Paul Butler while they are at it. We have had enough of them and their stale news.

  14. DE needs to quit spending. The state is broke. Some roads in DE were closed for more than 6 months not so long ago, because no money for repairs. Now street lights in Seaford can't be fixed for weeks.

  15. Whaaaaa. I hate it here but i'ma not going to leave because I was born in a duck blind while my pappy was hunting for muskrats and thing will be getting better here. You just watch, we been going to church and praying real hard. God bless y'all real good.

  16. Don't worry you DE residents will catch us here in MD soon. I am talking about your cheap property
    taxes, the money is drying up from the casinos and the state likes its money to fund the private public schools.

  17. 9:43 sure you wasn't born at one of purdue's hatcherys?

  18. Gosh he looks so fat in the face these days!

  19. These liberals are going to make the homeless problem explode.

  20. Hammond starting to look like ham!

  21. So many section 8 housing complexes are there. Businesses are closing and being run down near them. Revenue is down because of it. So the people who are still there who PAY a mortgage will be the ones suffering. That town is a downward spiral, just like any other town with HIGH section 8. Behind the old Woolworth building, Behind and in front of the Ace hardware. Its becoming a welfare town.

  22. Looks like a plunp ham in person. Saw him and his bad kids at Walmart. Control your kids


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