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Sunday, February 23, 2014

K-Mart Of Salisbury Notifies Its Employees That It Is Going To Start Trimming Hours To 30 Per Week

This morning Kmart of Salisbury informed its employee staff that it was going to start trimming its weekly employees hours from 40 hours per week to 30 hours per week.  Could it be that this is the first local big box retailer's response - to initiate personnel changes in preparation for ObamaCare?

Just this week, the White House delayed the Health Insurance mandate until 2016 for medium-size businesses (50 - 99 workers).  Companies with 100 workers or more are getting a different kind of one-year grace period.  Instead of being required in 2015 to offer coverage to 95 percent of full-time workers, these bigger employers can avoid a fine by offering insurance to 70 percent of them next year.

Originally, the employer mandate - which affects companies employing 72 percent of all Americans - was to have gone into effect on January 1, 2014, at the same time the law began requiring most Americans to have health insurance.

As word of the delays spreads, many across the ideological spectrum viewed the delays as an effort by the White House to defuse another health-care controversy before the fall midterm elections.   

Locally - the spill over from Obamacare could also result in diminished State & Local income tax revenues as a result of diminished earnings.  Either way - it will undoubtedly cast a dark shadow for Democrats who are now seeking to shelter themselves from the political fallout caused by the detrimental economic effects. 


  1. Go ahead keep voting Democratic if deserve it

  2. This is just the beginning. Obama's Muslim goal was to engage the US in a civil uprising so he could declare Martial Law and become dictator. He must be stopped before it's too late.

  3. Its better than "hey, here's your punk slip" or "hey, we are closing this store."

    It can always be worse.

  4. I don't blame them at all.

  5. I hope all the people who voted for him get cut off from welfare and forced to see the reality of working everyday.

  6. This is a total obamanation and its just getting started!

  7. 3:50 Idiot. Ask those employees if they feel that way. Jerk.

  8. My Prez is Black YO...February 20, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    Someone has to pay for Obama-Care for the lazy...so you all white peoples gots to get the slave note...

  9. Anonymous said...
    This is just the beginning. Obama's Muslim goal was to engage the US in a civil uprising so he could declare Martial Law and become dictator. He must be stopped before it's too late.

    February 20, 2014 at 3:18 PM

    You are correct, but Americans are to dumb and naïve to believe it.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Its better than "hey, here's your punk slip" or "hey, we are closing this store."

    It can always be worse.

    February 20, 2014 at 3:50 PM

    Typical liberal thinking.

    by the way Dumb**s what is a punk slip?

  11. BUT when they file their tax forms, they will be required to certify that this reduction WAS NOT due to Obamacare. How's that going to work??

  12. that's beside the point, you could say it could be worse that you're homeless. The point which you seemed of missed is that less hours less pay less insurance covered.

  13. I believe Lowe's and Home Depot already have done so? Anybody? That would be 3 major employers. Just in time to alienate democratic voters for the primaries and the November elections!

  14. 3:50 PM "It can always be worse."

    I like to use that tag line frequently to put things into perspective for myself and others. It also usually applies to events that are beyond our control. Therefore it does not apply here.

    This legislation was pushed onto us using lies and deceit. The truth about these outcomes were known to our legislatures for several years yet they rolled the dice expecting a different outcome. Our leaders are supposed to be thinking of all of us when creating legislation not a just small few and certainly not at the a the detriment our way of life.

    This bill should be repealed in its entirety.

  15. This is going to be the new norm. But it's okay, according to the democrats this gives you more time to spend with your family! That's the good face put on it by the white house propaganda minister carney when asked about this by a reporter.

  16. We have allowed the rape and pillaging of this once great nation..The blame rest solely on every frigging politican greese balls...and the illegal unconstitutinal FED...our fore fathers never wanted a central bank for this very reason...its made washington drunk with greed... and we get the hangover.... while they eat cake and get fat likes pigs...WILSON started and some have died trying to stop it...

  17. *pink slip. Not punk slip. Sorry about that.

  18. obamacare is not only going to result in diminished state and local taxes but also hurt the economy in general because less disposable income for these workers. The local democrats should be real proud of themselves. obamacare is hurting a lot of people. I hope a lot of democrats are voted out. They deserve it.

  19. KMart is moving ahead of schedule because of the IRS sending out notices that if it downsizing is the intended goal of evading health care. I'll bet you that the rest - (ie Lowe's, Sam's, Wal-mart, Home Depot, and others) - will move very soon.

  20. Response to 4:39 - This is now the NORM.

    I agree, the rest of our nation will move at blazing speed to cover their own ass(CTOA). And 4:52 you can add Sears, SuperG, Superfresh, and a heck of a lot more to that list. This is just the beginning.

  21. The Democrats are now running for cover by delaying the implementation. I'm tell you folks, this election is going to be a BLOODBATH FOR THE DEMOCRATS! People are just now starting to wakeup to the lies about being misled by the current administration.

  22. Kmart is doing this to force their employees under the Affordable Health Care Act. We have hearing about this coming, guess what, it has now arrived. America is now just like Europe, maybe even worse off.

  23. The feds will just have to issue more EBT cards. I can see it now, 90% of America will eventually be on welfare. Wasn't that the grand plan to begin with.

  24. I wonder how Whitehouse spokesman Carney will try and spin this. This nation gets crazier and crazier with each passing day. I never thought I would see the day when it would become a sin to go to work.

  25. Look at the bright side, they won't have to work as hard!
    I'm being sarcastic...

  26. Similar financial moves are sweeping across this nation as I am writing this. Don't think for a moment that this same conversation is not being discussed behind corporates closed doors. They know what they have to do and they are now doing it. In the end the only ones that are getting hurt are the middle class. And soon the middle class will be at or below poverty.

  27. This is a good thing for Dems. Employees can work 30 hrs per week and qualify for food stamps, welfare, and section 8 housing. Democrats don't want to work and Obama knows it. Democrats should be listed as "people with no pride". In other words, lazy free loaders!

  28. Hey all you Obama supporters, how is that hope and change working for you?
    You get the kind of government you deserve!

  29. Look at Europe, especially the Ukraine. Just a matter of time before the violence spills over here in the states.

  30. It will not result in less income tax. They need a specified amount of employees working a specified amount of hours. They will simply hire more part timers to fill the vacant time.

  31. Ooh the scary liberals…neither side is correct. the truth lies in the middle ground. Dumb azz hillbillies can't see the forrest for the trees.

  32. Part time workers who make too much to get a "subsidy", but don't make enough to afford a monthly health care premium and a ......$5000 DEDUCTIBLE. And you brilliant liberals who are SO proud of this goof of a president think this is, in any way, a good thing? Try paying the mortgage on 30 hrs a week, or paying a local slumlord $1200 a month on 30 hours at $8-9 an hour. Plus car payment, food, gas, electric, car repairs, clothes, medicine, etc. I know, I know.....stop eating, you lazy bastids. And who REALLY needs to heat their house? And doctor care for your children? Let 'em die.
    I can't believe there are ANY idiots stupid enough to think this goof of a president is doing ANY good. He's playing golf on a golf course using a million gallons of water while bemoaning global warming that is creating droughts. A real winner and brilliant beyond belief.

  33. Try not having $100/mo. cable bill, fancy car, largest flat screen tv with video game console and $50 games and designer clothes…every person I have ever rented a property to on the ES had nicer stuff than mine and most of the time they broke the lease and wanted their security deposit back. It's less about the president (either party) than the sad reality that people don't want to work to get ahead.

  34. 6:48 get a clue. I am slack-jawed by your unbelievable comment. Please do us a favor and don't vote.

  35. Imclain -
    I didn't notice your name and was reading the comment laughing. Then I glanced up and saw it was from you.
    I don't know why others don't get it. Thanks!

  36. 6:48....I'm callin' BS on THAT. You're living in a two room dump and NEVER go to the Bahamas, huh? Work to get ahead? At 30 hrs a week? On minimum wage or a little better? I know people who haven't had a raise in YEARS while their boss buys another 50 acres of land and talks about how he's barely making it. Something like you are doing.
    I know slumlords (thats right, slumlords) who complain about "barely making it" and blame the poor people (who they charge $1200-1800 a month for a 40 year old rag house) for missing their rent payments. Then fly to Punta Grande for two weeks at an all-inclusive resort. Barely making it, my arse. What they (and YOU?) are REALLY saying is its hard these days to get by on $250,000 a month.
    "..nicer stuff than mine...", huh? TOTAL BS.

  37. What you are seeing are the results of our nation turning away from GOD. For almost a quarter century now, we have taken out the Bibles, removed the 10 Commandments, excluded any references to Christ, including Christmas. We have endorsed Abortion, and come to accept normalcy of GAY Marrages.

    Now - we as a nation must suffer the consequences and the Wrath of GOD.

  38. It's as almost if I could see this freight train coming right from the beginning. The current President isn't going to be satisfied until he breaks this country's back, and the people in it.

  39. Great, first JC Penny's - now Kmart. Next will be Sears.

  40. The bricks of this road have been laid for many many years. Democrats & Republicans alike. Those of you crying foul now, need to step back and re-evaluate your own lives.

  41. And congress still doesn't have the ba$$'s to even mention impeachment. I predict that this president will suspend the 2016 elections and say that he needs 4 more years to finish his work. Congress would still sit back and accept it and do nothing about it.

  42. The unfortunate thing is that even if Obamacare is fully repealed (never going to happen, but anyway) the companies that have cut people's hours back will never give the hours back. That cat is out of the bag and running away as fast as possible.

  43. Just another way for them NOT to insure their employees. Let the employees buy their insurance.

  44. All Retailers Have Started Doing This, 25 Hours A Week Is What Most Had To Do To Prevent From Going Over The 30 Mark. This Began A Little Over A Month Ago.

  45. most Retailers In The Mall Are Doing This Including The Big Anchor Stores, Also Target, Best Buy, Ross, Marshals, Staples, Old Navy, Cvs, Exc. I Work In Retail Managment And Have Been Communicating With The Others. We All Agree Its B S!!

  46. I guess most of you do not work in the retail world!?!? This is nothing new! Notice there was no mention how many employees this affects...I'd be surprised if it's more than a handful. Most larger retailers and box stores cut out 'full-time' employees about 5 years ago! If you took a poll at the stores in the mall, I bet you would find that other than the Store Managers and possibly some Assistant Managers, 95% or more do not work enough hours to qualify for corporate benefits! Same thing for box stores like Target, Kohl's, Old Navy, etc.... This announcement is probably part of the reason K-Mart has been struggling the past few years...it's behind the times cutting out full-time employees with benefits!!!

  47. 7:49 Is Correct This Is Old News, Full time In Retail Barely Exist And All Part Timers Are And Will Be Cut To The 30 Hours. Kmart At One Time Had 40 To 50Ish employees

  48. 7:14
    sounds like a from here…always complaining about how everybody else is getting ahead but the man just keeps me down. BTW, only been the Bahamas once and only for one day. Got paid to deliver a yacht to Atlantis resort. Yep in addition to them worthless degrees, I gots a captain's license and a pilot's license.

    You totally missed the point of the post which doesn't surprise me. Some of the wealthiest people live very frugal lifestyles. If you live, shop or eat in Salisbury then I'm certain you have seen me but never noticed me. Google warren buffett home.


  49. When Communists are in charge of government you can be sure the rich elite will get richer, the poor minimum wage workers will get poorer. One goal of communism is destruction of the middle class. You will be left with the elite communist party bureaucrats and their cronies and all the equally poor workers. It is important to keep them "equally poor". That is the commie/liberal definition of "fairness".


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