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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Police Union Draws Fire Over Swearing Toddler 'Thug' Video


 The diapered child is bombarded with obscenities and racial slurs by the adults around him.

The African-American toddler knocks down a chair and gives nearly as good as he gets, responding to some of the comments with an upraised middle finger and telling one of the adults at one point, "Shut up, bitch." The adults laugh and prompt him to repeat other crudities.

Just another day on the Internet -- until the police union in Omaha, Nebraska, posted the clip on its website to highlight what it called the "cycle of violence and thuggery" the community faces.



  1. I swear these are my neighbors. They have kids 5 to 15 and they all talk and act like that. When the parents are out they also talk like that.
    They can cry racism all they want but if it quacks like a duck....

  2. this is how they really are, do you still love them you liberal idiots?

  3. Kinda simple....if they want to be treated equally, they need to act with the same civility and decorum that everyone should learn in kindergarten and grade school. Say please and thsnk-you, hold the door for others, don't cut in line...the list goes on...all you need to do is look around when something happens - yup, I expected to see what did it.

    I went to public school with a number of 'non-whites' of different ethnic groups. We were all taught manners, politeness, civility, and doing the right things. Some of those kids grew up to be folks I continue to respect...others went to their upbringing ways and never made anything better of themselves.

  4. No matter how blatant the misbehavior in school, it is never the fault of the doer. It is the fault of the rules, the teacher and the principal. Pandering to ethnic groups does nothing to help, but it does make sure those in power stay there.

  5. And you Wounder Why????

  6. the fact that you guys equate this video with "typical black behaviour" shows that the groups outraged are probably right. Any given summer evening the white kids walking down my block sound the same way.

  7. "Police union draws fire"????? For what? They have nothing to do with this child's behavior. Blacks wants to be treated fairly, then start acting like civilized human beings with a little bit of sense if your head.

  8. These are our future politician, doctors, lawyers, firefighters, police officers........ and there isn't a dam thing your going to do about it. Bitch on!

  9. Like I always say, there just animals!

  10. 4:53, because it is typical black behavior

  11. Taxpayer funded ignorance at it's best! We keep paying these animals to multiply, and then wonder why society is collapsing. Manditory sterilization is the only way to stop the cycle but it will never happen because it would shut the democrat party down forever.

  12. Is this one of Obama's sons

  13. What? are we supposed to be surprised by these actions these just normal interactions by this race nothing new here

  14. This is the behavior liberals endorse and protect. As a matter of fact liberalism was designed to lower the bar of decency, integrity and morality because they do not have the strength or personal fortitude to have either and live up to standards of basic human decency. Liberalism is an excuse to live on the lower rungs of the ladder and falsely still feel good about yourself.
    This is why so many are wrought with hatred and jealousy for righteousness.
    They simply do not possess the character or self control to live up to standards of humanity. This video proves it.

  15. The true difference between black and white . Just getting him prepared for jail.

  16. I've seen an equal number of white trash let/encourage their children to speak this way.


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