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Sunday, January 12, 2014

O'Malley Seeks Minimum Wage Hike; Skeptical Of Tax Cuts

Governor Martin O'Malley says he will be focusing his energy on raising the state's minimum wage in his last legislative session as Maryland's governor.

O'Malley on Tuesday underscored the minimum wage hike as a top priority a day before the state's 90-day session is scheduled to begin.

The term-limited Democratic governor spoke at a luncheon of the Maryland Democratic Party. He says when workers have the ability to spend more money, the economy does better.


  1. Good! It needs to be raised.

  2. What ever happened to the days when a employee EARNED a pay increase?

    You let government get in the middle ad tell you what you are to do as a business owner and you'll watch businesses fail left and right.

    The fact here is, 95%+ of the people making these laws have never run their own business and have NO idea what it's like to survive and compete. And that's the deal here. Government doesn't want you to succeed, they want everyone as equal as possible.

    Many business owners today, INCLUDING Doctors are finding it easier to work for someone else and let them take the hits. Social Security, unemployment, medicare, city and state taxes, federal taxes, rain tax and the list goes on and on.

    Government needs to back away because IF you haven't noticed, MOST of the big companies that used to be headquartered in AMERICA are now moved to other countries because of this kind of BS.

    Earn your way or accept what you have.

  3. Minimally skilled workers is what the minimum wage is for. Want to earn more? Learn a marketable skill.

  4. So are you saying that there should be no "set" minimum wage Joe?
    If not, what do you think is a fair hourly minimum rate?

  5. Andy, I'm saying there is a set minimum wage in place right now. I'm saying Government needs to stay out of demanding business owners pay out MORE money in the Depression we are currently in. I'm saying that IF they force this upon the largest tax paying group, (small businesses) that many will fail and ultimately this will backfire. I'm saying most people cannot afford what is already out there today and it will without a doubt force higher prices on just about anything and everything.

    It's easy for you to suggest what I'm trying to imply but you failed to read my entire comment and respond to it. Are YOU trying to state that what I've said isn't true or accurate?

  6. No Joe...you must've misunderstood.

    Not sure why you became angrily offended, but if you read what I wrote above I was merely asking if you think that there should be no "set" minimum wage and if not-what you fair hourly minimum wage would be in your opinion.

  7. 938-You have yet to explain why it should be raised. Minimum wage raises, according to the majority of economists(across the political spectrum) agree that is does not lower the poverty rate, nor does it improve GDP, and it's a job killer for the minimally skilled.

  8. Andy, first of all, I'm not upset at you at all.

    What "I" feel is a proper minimum wage is not important.

  9. Joe, before you go any further with blaming the government, look who is behind this. It's Costco formerly known as Price Club. Now while the government is at fault for ultimately bowing down to these big corps., it is they who dream up laws/regs and present them to Annapolis and other law making bodies. It's a way to circumvent anti trust laws in order to get rid of competition.
    The democrats are controlled by big business contrary to what most are fooled into believing.

  10. 1144-Compare the average wage at Costco to Sam's Club. There's a reason my business shops at Costco, and there's more than a few reason for such low employee turnover at Costco.

  11. 12:31 I can't remember off hand the wages at either but the difference is minimal. The big box stores are all in cahoots. Because these retailers are so large, a small increase in the minimum wage can be passed off to consumers in such a way it would be hardly if at all noticeable. The increase is so minimal that it isn't going to help employees either.
    Who it hurts are the so called "Mom and Pop" shops, who don't have the luxury of spreading out the increase so it's not noticed. This is the goal of the big retailers. They want to get rid of everyone else, and have the monopoly.

  12. 236-The difference is not minimal. The average Costco employee is paid 42% higher than the average Sam's Club employee.

    Saying that all big box stores are the same or are all in cahoots, is just an easy way to say you don't know what you're talking about. Wal-Mart and Sam's Club do not get a dollar from my pocket. I'm happy to shop at Costco. Visit one, just once, and you'll see the difference.

  13. Okay, we raise it to say $10.00 and people working jobs that don't necessarily have special skills get a nice rain s e. But many jobs people are working in now and say have been foe year, make the same amount. Does that mean we should raise their salaries.

  14. A lot of people aren't wroth 7.25... they sure as hell aren't worth $10, or even $7.25 PLUS Obamacare. Lots of fresh meat for the gov's teat.


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