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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Parents Call Police For Help, Cops Show Up And Kill Their 18-Year-Old Son

Two North Carolina parents are in shock after local police shot and killed their 18-year-old son in their own home, while they watched helplessly.

The family called police because they were worried about their son, Keith Vidal, who is schizophrenic and suffers from depression, according to local news. Vidal, armed with a small screwdriver, was apparently having a psychotic episode. Mark Wilsey, Vidal’s father, called the authorities to help deal with the situation.

An officer from the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office and another from the Boiling Spring Lakes police department showed up to the house soon after. Eventually, a third officer from the Southport police department entered the home as well, and ordered the use of tasers to subdue Vidal. According to Wilsey, Vidal was pinned on the ground by two of the officers when a third said, “we don’t have time for this,” and shot Vidal, killing him.



  1. ps... i cringe every time i get that envelope! it usually reads that i owe AT LEAST $250-$300. this sickens me.

  2. do not I repeat do not call the police for help. They are not your friends and will not help you! Do what you have to do and hire an attorney. Never ever speak to the cops! f them!

  3. Murder 1.
    Hang the cop and move on.

  4. They called the PD for their sons violent behavior, then they said he would not hurt a fly. People have to stop expecting the PD to be babysitters. Where was social services?

    Problem the PD has, is they shot him while he was subdued on the ground, unarmed.

  5. "can't hurt someone with a screwdriver"???? LOL that's funny and incorrect. Would love to know that actual truth about what happened.

  6. Surprised that Mike Lewis was not there to get his face on TV!

  7. I'm sure the family's side of the story is 100% accurate, because they have nothing to gain by lying. No money, and no clearing their violent/psychotic son's name.

  8. Bad choice of helpers. But, Social Services would have probably sought the same help. Insanity is just that. Now, he's not insane anymore. I really can't think of another solution. If he was like that for the first 18 years, chances of him becoming a wonderful, giving human being is zero. Game over, sorry about your relief from a nightmare.

  9. 3;34 is spot on. Never, ever trust a cop. Almost all of them are psychopaths on an authority trip.

  10. 9:20, so your advocating Adolf Hitlers answer to mental illness? Euthanasia?
    Oh, that's rich.

  11. social services does not help in this kind of situation, they will tell you call 911.

    police must be trained to deal with this medical situation because everyone and everywhere a person goes to get help they respond the same way, Call 911.

    forget the ER at PRMC it will be of no help

    my source :< been there

  12. 10:36 is clueless.

  13. whats that, murder she wrote...

    oh but its ok, he has a metal shiny badge that lets him shoot anyone he wants and gets away with it...

    oh well, maybe next time it will be you, so when this shit happens to you, before you go you can think damn those people where right this could happen to me and did...

    then fade to black....

  14. 7:27 you appear to be the clueless one. cops have a suspect of mental illness under control then become judge jury and executioner and you think he's the clueless one for not trusting cops? wonder what fantasy you are living in! Can't wait for the day you have your run in with some arrogant uneducated unprofessional little napoleon!
    Good luck with that!

  15. I wonder when the actual truth will come out, not just a partial story from a money hungry family too afraid to deal with this nut themselves.

  16. 11:40 three cops against one kid? and they had to kill him? seriously? wtf is wrong with some of you people?

  17. For some reason this brings the Saylor case to mind.There are significant differences,like the Saylor episode occurring in a movie theater and this at a family home.One with off duty deputies (technically)and the other with on duty police.Unless something surfaces to vindicate their actions,steps taken with Saylor appear to have been more acceptable,even though death was the result in both cases.


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