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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Under Pressure, Delmar Delaware Mayor Houlihan Reinstates Commitment For SRO

Based on the FACT that it was Salisbury News who broke the story about Mayor Houlihan and the Town Council refusing to fork up the $300.00 to keep the School Resource Officer, (SRO) in Delmar Middle and High School, Houlihan called for a special meeting this morning.

It was decided, AFTER I personally offered to pay out of pocket for the Resource Officer, Delmar Delaware has now agreed to fulfill their original commitment and pony up the money and reverse their formal decision. 

Houlihan stated it was just a misunderstanding. He claims that Rob Thompson had seconded the motion BUT NO ONE HEARD HIM. The Council then proceeded to DROP it and now, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, it was a misunderstanding. YEAH, RIGHT!

In other words, citizens got PISSED OFF as Salisbury News was the ONLY source to expose what had happened and the pressure was, (once again) on. This clown of a Mayor needs to go. 

Oh, and when Houlihan finds out who my source is he's going to make damn sure they are fired. 


  1. SBYNews Rocks!!!!!!


  2. Now, Now, no curse words will be allowed. Your comment was rejected. I wonder who that could have been. LMAO

  3. So, they want us to believe that with ten people sitting at the table and maybe 2 people in the audience, no one heard the motion seconded? And if that were so, Rob Thompson didn't speak up and ask why a vote wasn't called for? Get real.

    1. It was a Delaware only meeting. So 5 at the table and 2 in the audience lol

  4. Too many cops for the wrong reasons STILL>=.

    1. Too many cops?? I bet they'd love to be able to say that in crime filled Salisbury!

  5. Salisbury had 3 more armed robberies Thursday morning. Crime is down folks.

  6. Did they take your offer to cover the cost?

  7. anonymous 7:24, IF you took the time to read the article, they didn't have to. They, (being humiliated) chose to hold a special meeting to agree to fund the position instead.

  8. There was no second. There was no vote. There probably wasn't even a motion.

  9. he has no autority to fire anyone, he needs to go.

  10. This isn't true. Someone is giving you bad info. There was no meeting. Rob Thompson didn't second anything. Call him. He won't lie to you.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Too many cops?? I bet they'd love to be able to say that in crime filled Salisbury!

    November 7, 2013 at 9:59 PM

    It doesn't matter how many cops anyone has, if they don't get out of the car and do some work. And I don't mean getting out of the car guns blazing either.


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