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Sunday, November 10, 2013


When James Comstock refused to buy his 19-year-old son a pack of cigarettes, the teenager took off with his dad’s truck. In an attempt to teach his son a lesson, Comstock called the police and reported his vehicle stolen.

The attempted lesson ended with police fatally shooting the man’s son, Tyler, on the Iowa State University campus.

The father is now outraged and confused as to why police were so quick to use deadly force.


  1. I wish I could have intervened before he did this.Never ever use the police to teach anyone a lesson.On one occasion when an 18 year old was arrested & put in jail his father was contacted for bail money.His father,wanting to teach his son a lesson,refused to bail him out & said "let him spend the night in jail.That'll cool him off" 20 years later he's still in jail for killing a guard the night he was arrested.

  2. This sad story only bolsters the already widely held opinion that cops kill unarmed citizens at will without remorse nor accountability.

  3. Idiots, Why do you expect the police to fix a problem in five minutes that took you the child's life time to create. This is sad, however, the 19 year old adult made a decision to break the law and put lives at risk.
    To 9:53pm, do you not think the 18 year old would have committed murder if he was not in jail? It appears to me that the person is now precisely when he belongs.
    Fed up with people not owning up to their own actions.....

  4. 11:03 PM

    I just knew one of you idiots would come on here spouting that same old tired crap.

    Cops are like obammy, reid, mcblame, rinos and the rest of the demoncrats. We know you're lying and don't bother wasting our time even listening to your bull anymore.

    Then you have the nerve to talk about someone taking responsibility. lol.

    You creeps don't even know the meaning of the word. But like obammy said, you too are good at killing people...and dogs...and kids

    When you're not raping and stealing and searching people on the side of the road and searching someone's anus for non-existent drugs.

    Can you feel the love yet?

  5. 4:49 Urine idiot.

    The dad got karma served up fresh on a platter.

  6. I love how again it is someone else's fault (obammy,reid, mcblame, rinos, etc. You name whomever you wish) but ask yourself this question. How would I feel if this 19 year old who stole his father's work truck was allowed to just keep running away following a short pursuit? I am willing to bet you would be furious because the police did not do their jobs and let a criminal run free. You would say, "so what! the cops know who he is." Just wait for him at his father's house surely he will come home soon. Never mind the kid has hit a patrol car in his reckless temper tantrum. Never mind he put numerous lives at risk while he was throwing this temper tantrum. He is just making one of those little life mistakes right? What would you say if he flew past you on a quiet town street? What if it was your neighborhood he speed thru while your kids were playing outside? You wouldn't be to happy with him then? I am willing to predict you would be on you phone and demanding, "Where is a cop when I want one!"

    The father of this 19 year old should have began putting his foot down when his child was 7 or 8 years old. However this father was most likely playing Grand Theft Auto and being his child's buddy instead of being this 19 year old adult's (and I keep addressing him as this because he is an adult, should know right from wrong, and makes his own decisions.) Father, mentor, role model.

  7. However the father raised his child does not justify putting 6 rounds into someone before they even do anything to warrant their murder. The dispatcher TOLD them to back off. But what fun would that be?? He could have just put his car behind the truck and trapped the kid. What fun would THAT be? Sounds like the cop's training was SEVERELY deficient or he was on a donut run when that class (minimum required force) was being taught. Please stop using the "I was afraid!!" line for KILLING people. Your job is to protect the community and give YOUR life, if necessary, in that endeavor. It NOT to kill everything that scares you or murder someone so YOU don't get hurt. And its time States Attorney's and JUDGES start recognizing all this over-the-top response to situations that could be handled much differently. And start getting rid of cops who say "good job!" for murdering UNARMED -- read that again --- people.

  8. 6 rounds got the job done, right? No longer was the criminal driving recklessly or trying to hit police cars or whoever else gets in his way.

    This comment is sad,
    "Your job is to protect the community and give YOUR life, if necessary, in that endeavor."
    Sure just get hit by a car, or shot, or stabbed because it is what we pay you for. Your reasoning is mind numbingly stupid.

    This one is also disgusting,
    "UNARMED -- read that again --- people."
    How many DUI/DWIs are charged as manslaugter or murder? The vehicle is the deadliest weapon in the world. It kills or disables more people worldwide every year than any other act of violence.

    The dispatcher is sitting behind a desk. The decision is not the dispatcher's to make. It is the person that is there to decide. I suppose next you will want the dispatcher to make shoot/don't shoot decisions as well? Ask some of our military how asking permission before shooting is working out for them.

  9. ARMED with a 2 ton weapon ACTIVELY attempting to strike police officers. Good shoot. Period.

  10. 9:44 AM

    Oh yeah, he was really driving crazy BEFORE being chased wasn't he?

    Another cop asked about peds in the area and suggested TWICE for the pursuing officer to back off, stating they knew who the suspect was.

    So yes, all of that COULD have been avoided if the cop could have swallowed his ego and backed off.

    And YOU are trying to blame his father. HE is the one who called police to teach his boy a lesson. He will regret that call the rest of his life.

    There is no situation so bad that a cop cannot make it worse.

    Just like the woman in D.C. recently, the cops had her stopped too, just like this 19 yo. But the cops decided to murder both of them anyway, AFTER any threat had ceased to exist.

    I know you guys try to justify anything you or your cohorts do. That's a given. And likewise, there are those like me who will keep your feet to the fire in an attempt to reign in your abuses.

    We have a long way to go.

  11. 11:04... Dear dumbass. My point was this -- instead of opening fire on everything that scares you, including kids, try DE-ESCLATING the situation at hand. Chill out on the adrenaline and macho "We are the Police!!" BS. The car was NOT moving, so the "weapon" wasn't exactly a weapon. Citizens don't need to be subjected to military tactics or responses and rarely is murder called for, but its OFTEN the FIRST choice for cops, i.e. the 13 year old kid in California, who TURNED AROUND and was killed. he would probably have preferred three enema's and a colonoscopy, but that's is ANOTHER cop matter. Quit killing or beating to death everyone who mouths off or doesn't "comply". If you haven't noticed, which you'd do well to, you people are pissing off a whole lot of citizens. THAT can't lead to any good thing for you...you know what I'm saying...

  12. Further, 11:04, cars DO NOT kill more people in the world every year than anything other violence. Don't you have to pass a test or something to be a cop? I mean one that actually measures intelligence and reasoning skills? And maybe if the dispatcher DID decide shoot/no shoot, there would be a whole lot more citizens alive today, but THAT has never been anything you'd be concerned about, would it??? And if my definition is wrong about your job, pray tell, what IS YOUR description of your duties? Feel free to include dealing out death to whatever scares you, you sissy. And sign your name.

  13. Don't you have to pass a test or something to be a cop? I mean one that actually measures intelligence and reasoning skills?

    Mr. Imclain, didn't you recently read about a cop wanna be in Ct. that lost their lawsuit over something similar?

    I think it was a woman, but I forget now, anyway, she took the exam and scored TOO HIGH. She was not hired.

    She filed a discrimination lawsuit. The judge ruled she was not discriminated against because they do the same thing to EVERYONE.

    It is their policy that if someone is too intelligent, they don't want them.

    True story. You can't make this stuff up.

    That explains a lot of things to me.

  14. Andrew is more of a name posted than yours Imclain. Why is it always the, "I'm gonna call you out and punch you in the nose", when people do not agree with me attitude with you. Your a punk and most sadly an idiot. I am happy that you still feel the need to defend you pig headed idea that people are inherently good and just get thrust into bad situations. It is not this 19 year old's fault that he was involved in a police chase because he did nothing wrong.....He did not drive off road and into a campus while taking out a tent which occupied a truly innocent bystander at the time. (Have you watched the deceased's last moments in his temper tantrum before his truck was blocked by a police car and he still drove backwards in an attempt to hurt whomever he wishes so that he would not have to face the consequences for his actions?) In you sick warped mind it is perfectly fine for the wicked to kill the last true stand against pure evil that we have left in this country.
    These local cops are not against you and your family. They are not after your guns or bibles. Some of them are the most vocal against the current dictatorship's laws against guns. And trust me if you are just driving along and following the rules of the road you may see a cop but I am willing to bet the cop will not pull you over and kill you.

  15. 6:27, humpclain is an idiot of magnificent proportions and needs to be put in her place more often. It's amazing how many people read her posts and do nothing! GOOD JOB!!!

  16. 10:48 AM

    Probably because most agree with imclain. Too bad you folks can't handle the truth, but that's your problems. YOU have a nice day.

  17. Stop defending your child mrs. humpclain. I'm sure he or she is old enough to wipe their own butt. Tootles!

  18. I'm sensing some hostility....

  19. No hostility, no hatred. Just education Im. I like to educate and inform.


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