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Sunday, November 10, 2013

SPD Press Release 11-8-13



  1. Great job chief/mayor for you continued service to Salisbury...NOT.

  2. I guess we'll see many of these businesses closing early, (AGAIN) and other businesses locking their doors and only open them when people knock.

    I know people who refuse to shop in Salisbury at night. I left the Bronx many years ago Folks. Then again, maybe I didn't. Welcome to the new "BURY".

  3. Something needs to be done about the video cameras in these places. You really can't tell who are the perps on most of the ones I've seen. I don't know if I know these people or not since you can't tell who they are.

  4. the new world order via Obama

  5. Evil only wins when we do nothing. Refuse to be a part of this insanity. We cannot change what is going on. There is too much evil and evil people in high places. Just know that you are MOST effective when you show others that you STAND for something GOOD and ignore all that is evil. I'm not suggesting you turn a blind eye... just the opposite.. be a positive witness. That is also the hardest thing to do in this day and time. Being positive when all around you are giving into negative responses is not for the weak. Think about it...mold, mildew and all that is evil only grow in the dark dank places. Shine a light. Thank you Joe.

  6. 10:05
    I am not sure I understand the "be a positive witness" theory.
    My positive attitude isn't going to stop a 45 at 1 AM.
    So I get shot while I am standing there with a smile on my face being positive?

  7. The POLICE need to do a sting in one of these grocery stores and start taking a bite of of crime in this town already.

  8. How does the K9 work? Tracking someone without a scent?
    We live in the adjoining neighborhood of thirsty's and heard some commotion that made all the dogs in the neighborhood start barking.
    I never complain about neighbors barking dogs, they are our alarm system, especially at 1 AM

  9. To many cops SLEEPING on the JOB.

  10. A sting? lol, what do you suggest they do in a grocery store? Should be easy to catch them, most robbers call the police before the crime and give them all the details.


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