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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Stop Hillary In 2016


  1. Is that her laughing about Benghazi? She needs to go to prison in the cell next to the POTUS

  2. I USE to be a Democrat until I seen them start to change and ruin America....Wake up people.

  3. Well, 7:19, please do NOT become a republican instead. Contrary to popular belief that Repubs believe opposite Dems, it is totally NOT TRUE. Both are on the same side.

    Vote Libertarian, who aligns best with the TEA Party that support our Constitution and founding principles. Something the R's and D's seems to be deeply against.

    Oh, and the 3 days before election schmooze that if you don't vote for one of the BIG TWO will nullify your vote? IGNORE IT. Vote anyway. Even if we don't win, the other two will be shown that there's a new sheriff coming to town, and we're taking names!

  4. Unless the Republicans nominate Chris Christie she will be the next US president.

    warrantless surveillance.
    Taxes, taxes and more taxes.
    Debt, debt and more debt.
    Broken promises.
    Lies, deceit and spin.
    Racial provocation.
    Lawlessness. Division. Extortion.
    Did I say TAXES? D^EBT? LIES?
    Enough is enough!

  6. Hillary 16!

  7. 741 ...at least I am Trying to change things back...what are you doing with your BS vote...Nothing.

  8. 741.me again I love our country and believe in America or Nothing...I.belived that as a Democrat also BUT when the. Perez bowed down to a Saudi king and went on a apology tour for America I almost chewed my arm off So when it comes to my vote I vote what's right for AMERICA....How America is going to last 3 MORE YEARS WITH THIS MORON IN OFFICE IS BEYOND ME...

  9. October 28, 2013 at 7:50 PM

    She will NOT be the next president. At least not for long even by some miracle, called cheating, she is elected.

    We cannot survive any more obammys in the spite house.

  10. Anonymous said...
    October 28, 2013 at 7:50 PM

    She will NOT be the next president. At least not for long even by some miracle, called cheating, she is elected.

    Cheating? That happened last time--when over 100% of districts voted for Obama, when dead voters all voted for him, when the Black Panthers intimidate voters, when low information voters vote for a person based on the color of their skin, then yes, she could be elected

  11. Excuse me, are there any Dems out there that can spell or write out a complete thought?

  12. Hillary will be elected President by an overwhelming majority in 2016. Count on it!

  13. Running scared already????? God forbid we talk issues and take a pass on the caricatures. Don't like her politics, fine. Have an intelligent discussion about them.

  14. Count on it you FREE LOADERSOctober 29, 2013 at 6:24 PM

    Hillary will drop over from a massive heart attack before 2014 year ends...


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