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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Parking Notice: College Square Shopping Center

SALISBURY, MD---The Salisbury University community is reminded that local businesses have parking lots that are for the use of customers and employees only.

The owner of the College Square Shopping Center, located on College Avenue across from the Dresser parking lot, has notified SU officials that in the very near future, vehicles parked in the College Square lot not associated with businesses at the shopping center will be ticketed and towed.

Campus community members are urged to avoid parking in this location. The elimination of this parking lot does not permit individuals to park on side streets and in neighborhoods that are restricted by a city ordinance. Those parking off campus should observe the posted signs and not park on streets that require residential parking permits (including (West College Avenue, Loblolly Lane and Smith Street.)

Students wishing to obtain a University parking permit may do so by accessing their GullNet account and following navigation path: Self-Service>Campus Finances>Register for a Parking Permit. The parking permit charge will be placed on the student’s GullNet account.

Blue (evening), Gold (East Campus), Parking Garage (quantities limited) and Red (for faculty/staff only) permits are still available for purchase. Permits may be picked up in the Parking Services Office in the East Campus Complex. The office is open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

For questions, please call Parking Services at 410-543-6338 or visit the Parking Services website at http://www.salisbury.edu/police/Parking/.


  1. Along the RR tracks is full.

  2. I cannot stand these Obama-Voting Party Heathens..

  3. @2:18 You have got to be kidding me, let me guess, you love the attention that these troll comments bring, there is no way you are truly that ignorant.

    Back to reality, the parking situation at the school has always been a joke, you pay almost $100 for a spot you are not guaranteed to have.Its just a money making scam for Parking Services.

  4. The shopping center is not using this space since Superfresh moved out. This is an obvious move of hate towards college kids. No wonder they can't rent their storefronts. They probably treat their tenants they have left the same way.

    1. Are you an idiot 4:29? It's private property. In other words, contrary to popular belief, not everything in Salisbury is here for college students to use and abuse!

  5. 2:18
    I love people like you. So funny and unintelligent.

  6. Well now a gym has opened where Super Fresh was, so they are going to need parking space.

  7. I do have to ask, why are they focusing on SU and not the whole community. I never gave it a second thought, when car pooling, that leaving my car in a shopping center lot was going to result in ticket/towing.
    I wonder how are they going to prove you weren't in a store/restaurant.

  8. Well, 548, the gym opened up in a storefront between Primo Hoagies (yum) and Ace Hardware. The Superfresh space is still dead empty. There's no way that gym will ever need those spaces!

  9. I don't see why the property owner has to be the bad guy. Let su daycare figure out where to let the kiddies park.

  10. @11:53, were you ever young? Yes? Thought so. Your snide wording makes you sound like the immature one, not the students.

  11. Hey idiot (12:51), I had and still have respespect for mine as well as the property of others.Think about it dummy, that's the equivalent of me driving my car into your front yard and leaving it there all day while I take a basket weaving and libtard 101 course.

  12. @7:25, You have once again shown what a fool you are. I never once said students should be able to park there so keep spouting off and letting those "Basket Weavers" know that there is not an educated bone in your body.

  13. You forgot "libtard 101" 7:12. Happy Halloween!

  14. 712 seems kind of stupid. I mean isn't "parking" what this post is about?

  15. Being young in this town is bad for you,watch cops chase kids on bicycles just trying to find something to do.

  16. Yes. Very bad. You should move.

  17. Like seriously dude. I never see the kids on bikes doing anything. I can't believe it.


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