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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Statement Of Senator Jim Mathias On Increased Relief Funding To The Lower Shore

Crisfield, MD – Today, State Senator Jim Mathias stood with United States Senator Barbara Mikulski as she announced an additional Housing and Urban Development block grant of $19 million to assist the Lower Eastern Shore, Somerset County and Crisfield, in their continued recovery from Hurricane Sandy.

These funds are a furtherance of funds that were initially delivered to the Lower Eastern Shore to aid in the recovery and rebuilding efforts. Today’s announcement of the $19 million much needed recovery money adds to the initial grant of $8.6 million to assist Somerset County and Crisfield residents in their recovery efforts and plans to go forward. Following the storm, Senator Mathias worked with Maryland’s entire Congressional Delegation and the O’Malley administration to successfully persuade FEMA to reverse the initial denial of the individual assistance for citizens and businesses in need.

“When this devastating storm struck Crisfield and Somerset County, I immediately reached out to our local, state and federal officials to marshal the support and resources necessary to begin the difficult recovery process facing our families and businesses,” explained Senator Mathias. “Federal, state and local governments, including the National Guard and others, responded immediately - assisting the local fire and ambulance companies, rescue squad, volunteers and faith-based organizations in unity to lead the Crisfield and Somerset County recovery effort.”

“The vital additional recovery funds will help with restoration recovery, construction, job growth and economic development,” stated Senator Mathias. “I remain dedicated to the victims of Hurricane Sandy as they continue their recovery effort, as well as my fellow citizens, throughout Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset Counties, in every challenge facing us. Today’s announcement is yet another example of working together to achieve progress and positive solutions for our citizens, and I appreciate the effort of our local, state, and federal leaders in their work for our community.”

***Senator Mathias represents District 38, which includes all of Somerset and Worcester Counties and part of Wicomico County on the Lower Eastern Shore. He is a member of the Senate Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over healthcare, energy, and business legislation. Prior to his election to the Senate, he served the residents of the Lower Shore as a member of the House of Delegates and as Mayor of Ocean City.


  1. Democrats buying votes again.

  2. Well, in typical liberal form the liberals are willing to pony up money for everyone other than the TAXPAYERS and those who suffered and were impacted the most.

    Yeah, pony up money for political offices and programs but ignore the homeowners who need it most.

    I was there. I watched the Mayor HIDE after the storm hit. I watched him treat citizens like, (oh, let's just say like someone might 150 years ago).

    Give Mathias his due, he fought for the people of Crisfield BUT THAT IS HIS JOB.

    Now there's an upcoming election and the LIBERALS just happened to come across MILLIONS of dollars to help buy yet another election.

    Sorry, Jim is a dear and old friend but I'm not going to sit back and watch this crap.

    Re Elect No One!

  3. I should add, why didn't they mention John Pheobus???? After all, HE did all the recovery work.

  4. I'd like to be able to say that's great news...BUT...I'd venture to say the more than 50% of the 19 million will be pissed away on things of little to no importance in the whole scheme of things. Can anyone name one program that HUD manages well....over sees well....isn't full of fraud and abuse? Just another check thrown down a hole.

  5. I'm with you Joe. Mathias as we would expect is getting gifts from the Democrats in control to help with his re-election. Absolutely, do not re-elect anyone.

  6. Trying to buy next year's election. Babs should retire on her own, if not, we the people need to put her out to her Baltimore pasture. Mathias is running scared of McDermott. Re Elect NO ONE!

  7. Really? Devastation? I would like to challenge anyone who calls what happened here on the shore devastating to post a picture of one house washed away....I was in New Jersey one month after they took a direct hit from sandy. Drove thru a town completely destroyed nearl every home washed away....that folks is devastation. Most of the homes damaged in Somerset county were in poor repair to begin with. Mathias has done really nothing for the shore recently unless you consider the casino money going to Balt county that he lied to us all about. It's time for him to go. The money going to crisfield will do nothing to help that dying town. Maybe if Mathias is so interested in helping he should get a ferry to crisfield from the other shore. That would do something for real.

  8. Lets hope McDermott bounces Mathais and somebody conservative beats the Mik.

  9. Vote NO on Mathias. He is a flake.

  10. I won't vote democrat anymore as I have on occasion. Too much incompetence & dishonesty. If you are a politician with a D behind your name you condone Obama and Omalley neither of whom have a thing to show for years of political life (except becoming proficient at lying) or for that matter their lives before politics.

  11. What a scary photograph...with Babs front and center...during the gov't "shutdown" she and other Dems hid like cowards and had a machine say that they couldn't even answer their phones because of the shutdown. I fired off some e-mails to her and Pelosi, Reid...I actually got an answer from Babs the other day--telling me I was wrong about Obamacare, and how it was such a great thing...that was only a small part of what I had in my e-mail--the rest was about the cowardice of the Dems, that SHE works for ME, not the other way around, trying to take guns, the UN treaty...once again, she proved to me that they don't listen! And the sheeple keep voting them in.....

  12. Why was only one county commissioner invited?? Isn't he the liberal member?

  13. I agree that at least half of the money will be wasted. Government just can't do anything efficiently. The government is broke (17 trillion) and the dems are always so proud to be giving away the tax payers money. It really makes me sick. What is worse is that so many people think receiving government money is a good thing. They just don't realize that it is our money and they take it away from us and then give it back and think that we should be happy.

  14. The big question is what strings are attached to this giveaway of tax payers money besides the obvious of how much will actually be spent on things we can see and touch?
    The bottom line is the overwhelming majority of these dollars would have more benefit used as toilet paper because we will see very little if any results.

  15. 19 million really doesn't sound like much considering what is needed.
    These morons should be real proud of themselves.

  16. The only decent one in that picture is Kim Lawson.


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