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Sunday, November 03, 2013

No Offensive Halloween Costumes

University tells students they can't wear 'offensive' Halloween costumes including cowboys, Indians, and anything with a sombrero

The University of Colorado Boulder has told its students to avoid all 'offensive' costumes for this year's Halloween celebrations, including cowboys, Indians and any costume with a sombrero.



  1. I guess freedom of speech and expression are no longer allowed in America. But, you can go as a politician, as long as you can find a way to get your head up your ass.

  2. 4:12 Now that would be a great costume! What I want to know is what is so offensive about cowboys and Indians? Aren't they part of our American culture? I have several Cowboy hats and wear them out in public and have gotten nice compliments on them. If someone is offended by a cowboy hat, they need to pack up and leave America!

  3. 4:21 You must have been in a coma over the last 6 years. This isn't America anymore, it's Obamaland.

  4. Good 4:12 Let's suppose I would dress as a hobo. Would that be offensive to homeless people? This politically correct attitude has gone to far. If I dressed as a Witch, would that be offensive to Hillary Clinton?


  5. University?? They should lose their accreditation for trying to micro-manage on this scale. Trick on the parent's paying tuition to this operation. No treat for the students either.

    Isn't this the university that had the professor masquerading as an Indian descendant?

  6. 4:36 If you are Caucasian and dressed up as a black, you would then be a racist.

  7. -U-N-I-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y I'm trying here to see the word "Universe" and "Ity" which combine to say all residents are pulling together to recognize all cultures and beliefs, and I would think that any costume would be acceptable and celebrated by such an institution. However, after this institution making this statement, it makes them no longer a "University", but a Myversity.
    Not a place to send your children to.

  8. Wave goodbye to the first amendment. Political correctness is one of the platforms the liberals use to steal your civil rights. Government will continue until we force them to stop!

  9. People being offended at anything, and everything under the freaking sun OFFENDS me.

    So can we ban THEM?

  10. Only weak people with insecurity issues get offended. Strong intelligent people could care less what others are doing or saying.
    These insecure people need to just crawl in a hole and stay there until they die.

  11. Has nothing to do with weak or insecure people. To tell someone to crawl in a hole and die sounds like a BULLY Mr. Anonymous.

  12. I will be asking any college girl trying to get in wearing an offensive costume to remove it immediately before entering the party! LOL!


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