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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Salisbury Council Halloween: The Night Of The Personal Attack

Laura Mitchell and Jim Ireton were over the top again for yet another council meeting. These two need to get their unprofessional emotional outbursts under control.

Mitchell's regular attacks on city attorney Mark Tilghman, complete with on-the-verge-of-tears quivering voice and lip, are getting to be one old soap opera. Mitchell obviously has a personal vendetta going against Tilghman. If he had done what Mitchell asked him to do, she would have been writing up yet another complaint or "inquiry" to the Ethics Commission against him for the crime of doing his job. In fact, what happened to the LAST one she claimed she filed, hmmmm?

Then there was Jim Ireton's rant on Terry Cohen for - are you ready for this? - asking questions! Terrible, just terrible to ask questions. Cohen asked for the head of Finance to explain for her and the public what the plan was for sustaining the costs of employee raises. No attack, just a request for an explanation. That's her job. Ireton REFUSED to let him speak!

Just for added drama, Ireton attacked Cohen and others as FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE for raising police salaries at the point when the many veterans were ready to walk, thereby putting YOUR safety at risk. Don't you feel safer knowing that Jim Ireton considered it fiscally irresponsible to protect YOUR safety?

Ireton finally let the finance department head speak, in which everyone watching could have been spared a lot of drama. But that just goes to show you that Ireton did it deliberately FOR the drama, not to mention another opportunity to be rude to a woman, in which he has shown himself to have quite that pattern of behavior. You also have to wonder why he keeps putting through his high-dollar proposals BEFORE things like the audit come out. Hmmm, again.


  1. Mitchell is a pig

    I'm sure all Lore' Chambers needs to do to convince the court that Ireton blows, is that it can be seen on PAC-14 and played as circumstantial evidence of many an occasion of his rude demeanor.

    Just tag those outbursts by Ireton and Mitchell on youtube for the world to see how our democracy works, what an embarrassment.

  2. That pansy mayor was rude to a woman? I thought homo's were nice to women since they are one in the same??

  3. F'em Joe, F'em all, the voters wanted this so they got it so I better not hear a damn peep from them in complaining...

  4. Joe,

    I understand you want to help and to fix things and the like...

    But the residence of SBY are like the rest of america just to damn stupid let alone being able to think on their own...

    I know you had a lot invested in SBY but you don't live here and this shouldn't concern you... I for one say good, let the SBY residence get a taste of what they voted for, maybe just maybe some of these stupid residence might change the way they act or talk or think in regards to this kind of stuff tho I hardly doubt it...

    I say let them go down with the ship because these residence are so f'ing stupid it will only take them getting hurt in someway shape or form before they will actually want to help fix this problem and if not, oh well I and you don't live in this shity city so I say let them burn it down and when the come crying for help, I might help but i will laugh at them all the way to the bank...

  5. No name because I now hate my hometownOctober 29, 2013 at 1:12 PM

    It is obvious the Bozo and puppet show was in full force.

  6. Both are nothing but White Trash.
    The way they act is a reflection of their low class upbringing.

  7. Shields got a little nasty, too.

    These people just don't know how to behave. It's like watching punks on a playground.

  8. I especially love how the "residence" are "stupid!" Pot/kettle/black! LOL

  9. First and foremost everyone should note that the "Mayor" is not required to be there and should not be there for this reason in itself.

    Mr. Ireton you are a guest and a guest only at the City Council meetings. You are only to be there if you are giving out a proclamation. You don't run the council meetings like you think you do. If Jake Day doesn't understand the charter then he will understand the chart a little be better come election time. Oh, that election isn't very far off either.

    Terri Cohen and Debbie Council understand that charter better than anyone else in the city and I doubt seriously Tom Stevenson doesn't understand the charter at all. As a matter of fact he probably isn't educated enough to know how to run a City this size. It's going to be scary when they start working on the budget and I hope Terri and Tim do not show them how it's done. Terri and Tim I know you are better than that, but I would like to see you allow the city to crash and burn.

  10. I just got this Spam from "Laura Mitchell." How did she harvest my email address? Her and Jim are using the same play book. If it was sent by the Salisbury City Council then why is Laura Mitchell's name attached as the user name? Notice they use a spam company out of San Francisco California. I wonder how much this Spam is costing tax payers?

    Hello *****,
    You are invited to the following event:

    Coffee With Your Council
    Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:

    Wednesday, November 6, 2013 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (PST)
    Bethany Lutheran Church
    817 Camden Ave
    Salisbury, MD 21801

    View Map

    Attend Event

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    The Salisbury City Council will host their first “COFFEE WITH YOUR COUNCIL” on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 6:00 PM at Bethany Lutheran Church, located at 817 Camden Avenue, Salisbury. Citizens will have the opportunity to discuss their ideas and concerns with the City Council members in an informal setting. Light refreshments will be served. All interested citizens are invited to attend any and all meetings regardless of where you live.

    Have questions about Coffee With Your Council? Contact Salisbury City Council

    Share this event on Facebook and Twitter

    We hope you can make it!

    Salisbury City Council

    This invitation was sent to ****** by Salisbury City Council the organizer. To stop receiving invitations from this organizer, you can unsubscribe. Eventbrite

    Eventbrite | 651 Brannan St. Suite 110 | San Francisco, CA 94107

  11. The parts of the video where they got out of hand should be posted on here and everyone needs to post on FB and everywhere else. If they want to show off then their antics need to be spread around as much as possible.

  12. For Debbie Campbell's sake, I'm glad she was not re-elected. They treated her like dirt, from Mike Dunn all the way up to Phony Jim. Debbie is sought after by national and international people for her brains, but the little "club" of elites (there's a laugh!) didn't want to hear what she had to say.

    Ditto with Terry Cohen. She has more brains in her toe than the rest of them put together and they HATE her for it. The "B" word and "C" word have been used by the little club members on more than one occasion for both of these women.

    No way in hell will anyone other than the club's anointed will ever get elected again here.

    1. They might have used the "B" and "C" word when referring to Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen but they have never been called dope addicts or druggies or hoppers like Laura Mitchell has been called. Why? Because it is widely known that Laura Mitchell was/is on METHADONE and her son is a drug dealer.

  13. If Mitchell really has an issue with Tilghman, she should work through the council president, not with public displays of barely controlled emotional outbursts. She reeks of dysfunction.
    Then there's Shanie, reading her scripts, trying to make us believe she knows the meaning of the words she parrots. She reeks of stupid.

  14. Ireton is mentally sick. I hope his Obamacare will cover him when he ends up in the loony bin.

  15. These children continue to support my pride in Not being a resident of Salisbury. If this is the type of behavior those who are residents applaud they can continue to watch their town deteriorate.

  16. Sour grapes, truth is Day will be re-elected, SHields will be re-elected, Mitchell will be re-elected and if he chooses to run, Ireton will be re-elected.

  17. I agree 3:36-Mrs Campbell, Mrs Cohen and Mr Spies have forgotten more than then ireton and his peanut gallery could ever hope to know. They are treated like dirt because the rest of them are jealous. When you don't have a pot to piss in you are jealous of successful people and that's all this amounts to.

    1. The only TAX PAYERS on the council are Spies and Cohen. The other 3 scum bags don't have a pot to piss in or a home to call their own. Renters spending PROPERTY TAX dollars.

  18. Lore' certainly has enough material proving the mayor to be emotionally ill. His many displays of temper, fits, rages, and his obvious distaste for women is the fuel he can't take back because there is too many displays in too many places in front of too many people for him to deny any of it. Can't take it back now.

    Mitchell is trying so hard to be relevant and at every meeting it shows just how uneducated, and unethical she really is. Mitchell loves the gutter and that is where she flourishes and belongs.

    Shields if she can stay awake long enough, just nods and spouts off by repeating whatever Mitchell usually tries to say. Little Miss echo. She will never have it.

    And least of all is Day, another know nothing that gets his talking points from the mayor prior to the meetings and displays his lack of knowledge on the easiest of issues. When he doesn't know he will defer the issue until he can talk to the mayor to get his feedback. Day never had any experience and it shows at each meeting. He is the human puppet and nothing more.

    The council is a disgrace and the laughing stock of the community. It is embarassing to hear what others say of them when speaking of Salisbury.

    It's like a three ring circus, monkey see, monkey do in each ring. The so-called ring leader is no leader at all, and the master of ceremony (Stevenson) is so blantantly ill-prepared and incompetent it will cause the circus to go out of business.

    Barnum and Bailey were right a fool is born every five minutes afterall we only have to look at Ireton, Day, Steveson, Mitchell, and Shields. What more can you say???????

  19. I think so also 5:45. I'm from another county but I can see what's become of Salisbury including since the last administration. It's the armpit of the Eastern shore. There are very few even small pockets of nice areas anymore. Many more areas resemble West Baltimore. We read the papers and crime is rampant in Salisbury. The problem is this admin subscribes to the same ideas as the last one that started the downward spiral.
    Anywhere you go in Salisbury anymore you can see it's mostly a lower class of people the city is attracting. Those are the types that votes in the incompetent people you mention.

  20. Terry and Tim--do not run again. Let Salisbury become the next Detroit. The amount of abuse that is hurled at you is despicable and you cannot beat Big chicken and Big slumlord. Salisbury had a chance to become a prosperous viable city with Albero as mayor and Campbell on council--they chose the most incompetent and immoral candidates possible. So Tim and Terry do not fight it anymore--the rich 1% that control Salisbury will make your lives miserable next election. Get out while you can.

  21. If Lore wants to prove a pattern of abusive conduct toward women, perhaps having the Mojo's women give sworn depositions will shine the light where it needs to be.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Sour grapes, truth is Day will be re-elected, SHields will be re-elected, Mitchell will be re-elected and if he chooses to run, Ireton will be re-elected.

    October 29, 2013 at 5:45 PM

    That is sadly and absolutely correct, but not because of sour grapes. All of the people you name have spent more time promoting themselves (at taxpayers' expense), plotting to destroy anyone who has an idea different than theirs, and selling the city out to whatever group they want votes from to have ever paid attention to the real needs of the city.

    I'm glad we got out when we did.

  23. The council is made up of a liberal majority. Expect nothing less than what you get.
    Just like the federal staff , they don't use the rules , they do what they want. What you gonna do about it ? Nothing but complain!
    In the past , these people would disappear never to be seen again
    like that union leader.
    This type of government is accepted. Sorry about that crap.

  24. I thought this council was elected to stop the "in-fighting" amongst council members...or so "they" ran. Only 2 on council are NOT idiots!
    (not to mention everything else listed here in this article)

  25. Debbie (campbell)
    I am so glad you are no longer associated with this theater of the absurd.
    You have such greater value. It is sad the voters in Salisbury continue to fall for the "neophytic" mindset this great nation has fallen to.
    Thank you again for your past service!

  26. I disagree with 3:36 and 5:54's thinking. What were you thinking? We needed Debbie Campbell re-elected so they could be the majority and make intelligent decisions.

    Jake Day is nothing more than a little boy from this good for nothing clown town.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Terry and Tim--do not run again. Let Salisbury become the next Detroit. The amount of abuse that is hurled at you is despicable and you cannot beat Big chicken and Big slumlord. Salisbury had a chance to become a prosperous viable city with Albero as mayor and Campbell on council--they chose the most incompetent and immoral candidates possible. So Tim and Terry do not fight it anymore--the rich 1% that control Salisbury will make your lives miserable next election. Get out while you can.

    October 29, 2013 at 9:39 PM

    You are wrong! If you live in Wicomico County you have to realize that whatever happens in the city happens in the county. They are both attached at the hip and if Salisbury fails so does Wicomico County. Think about it. What does the County have to offer the citizens, visitors and businesses? NOTHING! It doesn't even have running water or sewer. It has to depend on the City of Salisbury so if Salisbury fails so does Wicomico County. This county needs water and sewer to survive and it can't even provide it to the citizens, visitors and businesses. You people are foolish to think otherwise.

  28. Anonymous said...
    If Lore wants to prove a pattern of abusive conduct toward women, perhaps having the Mojo's women give sworn depositions will shine the light where it needs to be.

    October 29, 2013 at 9:48 PM

    First and foremost who are the Mojo's women? That hasn't been revealed yet.

  29. 11:49 PM are you saying Fake Day is a renter or does he still live in mommies basement?

  30. Does anyone have the pic of the methadone bottle - it's easy to see if it is for opiate replacement therapy. Also I am hearing rumors that her son deals drugs?


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