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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Princess Chelsea

Who would care about Chelsea’s political opinions if her name weren’t Clinton?

Has there ever been anyone the media have wanted to see run for public office as desperately as they do Chelsea Clinton?

Asked Monday if she planned to run, the former first daughter told CNN, “Not now,” adding that she currently lived in a city, state, and country where “I really believe in my elected officials, and their ethos and their competencies.”

Then she added, “I had very much led a deliberately private life for a long time, and now I’m attempting to lead a purposely public life.”

Cue the media-hype cycle. “Chelsea Clinton Leaves Door Open to Political Run, but ‘Not Now,’” ABC declared, while the Huffington Post blared, “Chelsea Clinton: I’m ‘Attempting to Lead a Purposely Public Life.’” CNN announced: “Chelsea Clinton still open to running for office,” and the Washington Posthelpfully detailed “Where Chelsea Clinton could run for office.”



  1. Who cares what she does. Just another liberal democrat.


  2. Gee, Newark, NJ needs a mayor; bet she'd fit right in. Could commute just like the last mayor.

  3. She is exactly the kind of young person I would like to see run for office. Her education, her life experiences, and her willingness to consider it after all she has seen, are all attributes that would, potentially, make her a good candidate.

  4. 1:30PM Shut up Hillary.


  5. Re: 1:30

    She is a girl raised in a bubble. Fanciest private school in DC; private college; $100K per year job with Wall St. firm immediately upon graduation. Married to son of convicted, former congressman. Not a day of real work in her sheltered life.

    But since she's the progeny of two deceitful grifters you'd like for her to govern you.

    Be my guest and move to wherever she is launched.


  6. 130...what life experience? Moron of a mother and dirtbag cheating father? Maybe Chelsea is the same ad her perents...

  7. 1:30 The Clintons are one of the most dishonest, immoral anti-American lying cheating greedy sociopathic people in the world. They are in bed with George Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood. They probably murdered Vince Foster and their trashing of the White House just before the Bushes moved in was a low life trashy move. Good Lord do you not ever read anything but People and Us magazine?????

  8. Will we ever be free of the Clinton family???

  9. Oh please 1:30- Her gene pool speaks volumes about her. Last thing anyone needs is another subservient slave woman like her mother. A man says jump and Hilary obeys without question. Any woman who would stick by cigar wielding Bill is putrid, not to mention the way she lied when Obama made her about Benghazi.
    The country needs strong women politicians, not ones whose heads are stuck up men's asses willing to do their dirty work.

  10. 1:30
    The only think she would be good for is the stripper pole!!

  11. She's just gross and an example of all that is wrong in the country. No one stands behind a father who continually made an ass out of their mother because he couldn't keep his pants on. This "unconditional love" stuff is BS. Just an excuse so people do not have to be held accountable.

  12. I feel sorry for her...after all, she has to live in a dumpy little $10,000,000 apartment she and her husband bought. Poor thing--how will she ever survive!

  13. Wow, such animosity toward a young person who has done nothing to warrant it. I hope we can all be judged by our own acts rather than those of our parents. Give her a chance, people. Wait until she actually does something wrong to crucify her. Geesh!

  14. She cannot be honest. It's in her jeans. Her husband isn't. Just another slime bag liberal democrat with money they didn't earn.

  15. where's the pig amy carter at? this is just another of many lib children who have been given everything and want to tell the rest of us how to live!


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