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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Texas Police Assault Legal Gun Owners


  1. His statement is true. If the gun is pre-1899 it does not have to be registered. Question, is it legal to carry one in Maryland.

  2. A sheep with a badge. Sworn to uphold the law , yet clueless as to what the law is .

  3. Nothing is legal in MD, UNDERSTAND? HEIL HITLER!

  4. You can't expect the police to know every single facet of every single law and you can't expect them to be weapons experts that know what date a particular firearm was manufactured over 100 years ago.

    These people (as well as many other types of protesters) go out into public looking for a confrontation with police and the hope that they will be able to get some good video of it. Instead of supporting instigators like this we should be blaming them for keeping the police from being able to be in the areas where they are needed most.

    1. You are a fool. so you think it's okay that the cops just guess that they might be breaking the law .

  5. 2:32PM
    And, I suppose the 13yr old with his BB gun was out to provoke a cop?
    You're an idiot as well as a boot licking leftist.

  6. Yeah, modern guns post 1899 are all worn out cap and ball muzzleloaders! Riiiiight, 2:32!. The police were being told the gun histories as they were manhandling people. This is NOT how it's done.
    An officer, when informed of this, can politely ask to inspect the handgun. The carrier can either pull the handgun out and safely present it to the officer for inspection, or refuse. If he refuses, THEN the officer may assume the carrier has something to hide about the gun and proceed accordingly.
    If the gun is inspected and found to be reasonably pre- 1899, the officer has a duty to politely return the gun to its owner with a smile, and be on his merry way.

  7. 3:24PM I would much rather the police guess that a handgun on the side of a person doesn't fall into a slim category of antiques that are exempt from the law then to have people walking around with guns on their sides because police are too afraid that they may make a mistake and end up on youtube.

    We have a criminal justice system for a reason. These people are innocent until proven guilty and the police arresting them doesn't change that. They will have their day in court where they can plead their case. I would much rather the police err on the side of caution for the public's safety.

    The bottom line is this is exactly what these people wanted. They went out their with the sole purpose of starting a confrontation with the police, while armed. The law may classify these weapons differently than other handguns but let's make no mistake they are just as deadly.

  8. I'm an avid defender of the 2nd amendment but please tell me how you distinguish a gun manufactured in December of 1899 with one made in January of 1900. These people got what they were asking for.

    This is not responsible gun ownership and is the exact reason why people that don't believe in the 2nd amendment have such an easy time labeling gun owners as they do.

  9. "....shall not be infringed."

  10. Common sense approach. The police knew what this was all about. It was a power play by gun owners with the law on their side. My opinion is that the police should have let it alone and everyone would have gone home and no grandstanding by either side. After all, the police know the places where the black youth mobs gather each weekend and just stay away unless called. Pore judgment on both sides but makes for good news coverage.

    1. The cops can talk about black mob violence. but they gladly will go after Patriots ,Christians ,Tea Party People ,conservative ,you know the new American terrorist right .

  11. Those police officers would have been better off chasing down illegal aliens who are carrying illegal guns hidden in their pants and killing DPS. Check the statistics in Texas many DPS officers have been killed by illegal aliens. Oops I mean undocumented Democrats.

  12. You can't expect the police to know every single facet of every single law and you can't expect them to be weapons experts that know what date a particular firearm was manufactured over 100 years ago.

    These people (as well as many other types of protesters) go out into public looking for a confrontation with police and the hope that they will be able to get some good video of it. Instead of supporting instigators like this we should be blaming them for keeping the police from being able to be in the areas where they are needed most.

    October 30, 2013 at 2:32 PM

    Oh yes we can. Not only expect to know the laws they enforce, but DEMAND they know the laws they enforce.

    IF they don't know the law, how the hell can they enforce it?

  13. I'm an avid defender of the 2nd amendment but please tell me how you distinguish a gun manufactured in December of 1899 with one made in January of 1900. These people got what they were asking for.

    This is not responsible gun ownership and is the exact reason why people that don't believe in the 2nd amendment have such an easy time labeling gun owners as they do.

    October 30, 2013 at 5:20 PM

    Damn, I am sick to death of people like you. Always mouthing off "people got what they deserved". If feceheads like you got what YOU DESERVE, you wouldn't be typing your nonsense on the internet.

    Stop being a wannabe government agent and being part of the problem. Karma has a way of finding and dealing with 'people' like you.

    And then YOU will get what YOU DESERVE.

    Let us know how it feels.


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