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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Overpopulation: Should America Have A One-Child Policy?

“There’s no doubt that innovation increases under pressure,” urban designer and public policy analyst Michael E. Arth tells The Washington Times Communities. In 2010, he launched a quixotic bid for Florida’s Democratic gubernatorial nomination. While this was not a success, it set the ball rolling for discussion about the role special interests play in politics.


  1. Will this apply to the man or the woman?

  2. OMG NOOOOOO. OMG. This is an insane, communist, ideology.

  3. If they are on welfare for more than a year it should be a one child policy. If you cant pay for them then you shouldn't have them. Also, I think the U.S. should give bonus money as an incentive to those willing to have their tubes tied or a vasectomy. I was going to say $1,000 but maybe a free I phone would work.

  4. if you were stupid enough to vote for Obama then you should have no children

  5. Everyone should go listen to Bill Burr's bit on population control. I completely agree with it.

  6. I agree 12:17. If we have to pay for babys through the welfare system, they should be kept to one child.

  7. There definitely needs to be a spay/neuter program built onto the welfare system. If you cannot take care of yourself you have no business having a child. It defies common sense and good reasoning. Spay and neuter is the only way to obliterate those ignorant enough to reproduce without the means to support the offspring. Not only would it save the county billions in welfare handouts, the crime rate would dramatically decrease.

  8. Welfare = tie the tubes.

  9. hey how about this, the government should stay the hell out of peoples business and welfare should be abolished, along with food stamps, wic, school lunch program etc, etc, etc, stop thinking the government should be in the social welfare business because once it starts look where it has gotten us.

  10. Every male should have a reversible vasectomy done at a young age. Then pass a written and financial test to get it reversed. Also they have that implant that goes in women's arms. It is birth control for 3 years. If you go on welfare you get one implanted

  11. Instead of funding abortion why don'r we fund sterilization instead. Also if same sex couples want to marry they should not be able to use any artificial or alternate means to reproduce.

  12. I thought this was the land of free?

  13. Land of the Free handouts on the back of the middle class taxpayer you mean.

  14. 1:23 You need to run for public office! Many will vote for you!

    I feel that if you are on welfare: one baby could be a mistake; two isn't. After the 2nd baby, free sterilization before they leave the hospital.

    While I am on my soapbox, why should I go to any more of their baby showers because I am giving them money taken out of my paycheck every week called taxes.

  15. black population would dwindle.

  16. we need a NO child policy for dumbocrats!!!

  17. Only the self sufficient should be allowed children.

  18. 3:16 And your point is?

  19. See how well it is working in China? Women dragged off into the night when they are 8 months pregnant for a forced abortion...sonograms are a big business so they can determine if they want to carry their current fetus to term...Obamacare is bad enough with death panels--you want them to tell you how many kids you can have? I understand the welfare remarks, and no, I don't like paying for all those others peoples baby's either, but every time we give up a freedom, we never get it back.

  20. Anonymous said...
    I thought this was the land of free?

    October 30, 2013 at 3:16 PM

    Oh you poor pitiful democrat. I bet you voted for Obama and don't pay any taxes.

  21. Anonymous said...
    OMG NOOOOOO. OMG. This is an insane, communist, ideology.

    October 30, 2013 at 12:11 PM

    What a democrat loser!

  22. Anonymous said...
    See how well it is working in China? Women dragged off into the night when they are 8 months pregnant for a forced abortion...sonograms are a big business so they can determine if they want to carry their current fetus to term...Obamacare is bad enough with death panels--you want them to tell you how many kids you can have? I understand the welfare remarks, and no, I don't like paying for all those others peoples baby's either, but every time we give up a freedom, we never get it back.

    October 30, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    Must be an Obama voter. I be everything you wear and every item in your rental house was made in China.

  23. There should be a NO CHILD policy for some people.

    And a lot of them show their stupidity on here.

  24. 11:50 you are right but you surly don't own a dog if you can't feed it. I am wondering how many welfare ghetto babies I am now owned by. since I am working to feed so many of them! this is the new slavery only reversed!


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