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Sunday, November 03, 2013

GOP Rep's Epic 1-Minute Beatdown Of Barack Obama On House Floor


  1. thank you for saying what most of us think .

  2. And he is just scraping the surface.

  3. They have been beating him down for 5 years and he's still more popular than any of them. My guess is Obama couldn't care less what this idiot has to say.

  4. 12:10 It figures that you don't even comment about what he had to say. Blind and clueless Obama lover.

  5. 12:10 You have some serious mental problems. I hope you don't own a gun.

  6. So why not impeach him? I'm tired of the talk, it's time for action.

  7. 115-The GOP has a majority only in the House, not the Senate. Secondly, if Obama is impeached, Joe Biden becomes President.

  8. Newsflash! You would actually need to have impeachable offenses to impeach POTUS.

  9. Just look around you 12:10. Even right here in Sby the class of people has dropped significantly. 50% of the US population are dirt bags anymore and that's who votes for incompetence like Obama. They may now even outnumber us because all these degenerates know how to do is multiply like cockroaches.

  10. Now the big question is how to have him removed from office? Biden is such an idiot that he can be declared mentally incompetent, but we can't let Obama stay supreme dictator..

  11. 3:53 we can start with Benghazi, the NDAA, the IRS scandal, Solyndra, Fannie Mae, identity fraud aka Barry sotoro.....shall I go on?

  12. Anonymous said...
    They have been beating him down for 5 years and he's still more popular than any of them. My guess is Obama couldn't care less what this idiot has to say.

    October 30, 2013 at 12:10 PM

    Obama voter and clueless idiot. ie. Chuck Cook


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