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Sunday, October 27, 2013


Taxpayers are paying the Baltimore Ravens, the defending Super Bowl champions, $130,000 to promote Obamacare in Maryland.

Judicial Watch, which has held Republicans and Democrats to account, obtained documents that detailed the deal, which was secured on September 9 between the Ravens and Maryland health officials.

In September, the Baltimore Ravens announced they would help the Maryland Health Connection, which is the state's Obamacare exchange, after the Obama administration failed to strike deals with professional sports leagues like the NFL and the NBA to promote Obamacare.



  1. Disgusted as a fan.truly disappointed. But hey after treating flacco like Manning and letting the true mvp players go what can I expect

  2. It is an education program so people can get the truth instead of the propaganda spewed by Fox News.

    1. The truth? From Obama's people? Mighty fine stuff your on.

  3. That is why I can't stand the Ravens any longer and I am glad they are loosing. I will never ever support them again.

  4. 12:27 I hope you are being sarcastic.

  5. 12:27 Why would you have to sell a law by advertising? It's like you can put your boots in an oven but it won't make them a pie.

  6. 12:27 Hello Gov. Omalley......it's a Gov't paid commercial of last years Super Bowl champs

  7. I'm sorry for your ignorance 12:27. You'll see one day how you've been duped.

  8. Crappy Healthcare. Crappy franchise. Goes together perfectly.

  9. 1:25 Your comment was justified, and remember, you can't fix stupid. The advertising was meant to sway public opinion. 85% of the American public says they do not want this trash. Obama is trying to convince them that they need it.

  10. How many of these ravens players have signed up for the obamacare program? They are all millionaires. The excuse that they would promote healthcare of what a player makes in one quarter, shows the greed of the owner, which trickles down. I challenge any player to take a stand on this abuse? Do you have any courage?
    This disgusting agreement will haunt the team for a long time.
    The ravens team has broken my heart, a very loyal fan...

  11. 4:15 is a perfect example of why we do need an education program on this. They have insurance through their employer so they cannot sign up for a different insurance.

  12. The Raven's provided the segue for willing NFL teams to become thugs diguised as athletes, just as they (Raven's) are...
    The sport of football like so many other components in our society is a reflection of what we have become.
    Just like I have discontinued cable TV, I will ignore the NFL.
    That is me and in no way do I mean for anyone else to share the same sentiment. so if you are a dyed in the wool football devotee, don't waste your time ranting at my opinion.
    How is everyone enjoying swimming in the slime at the end of the slippery slope?


  13. Quoth the raven fan,

  14. Were these guys paid to do other non-profits public service announcements? No? Then why get paid for this? Actually, it's not the players per se. It's the owners. If I played on that team, I'd tell the owners to shove it or at least cut me in.

    No matter what, it's disgusting. Either it's a volunteer thing or nothing.

  15. Lately the nfl has become a little too political for me. Think I'm done with it.

  16. Hey 12:27
    Alinsky tactics don't work here.

    Fox is about the only MSM news channel where the real truth is uncovered.
    But you can never expect much from a Chris Matthews, Rachael Maddow fan.

    Good luck in the FEMA camp.

  17. I hope the Ravens keep losing every game. Can't blame it on Flacco though.


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