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Sunday, October 27, 2013

14-Year-Old Reportedly Killed Massachusetts Teacher With Box Cutter

A 24-year-old Massachusetts high school math teacher who authorities believe was murdered by a 14-year-old student was remembered across the state Wednesday night. Hundreds turned out for a candlelight vigil in the parking lot of Danvers High School, where Colleen Ritzer worked. At nearby Fenway Park in Boston, a moment of silence was held in Ritzer's memory prior to the first pitch of Game 1 of the World Series.

Meanwhile, Phillip Chism was being held without bail after he was charged by the Essex County district attorney as an adult Wednesday during his arraignment at Salem District Court.

Chism pleaded not guilty. His defense attorney argued for the proceedings to be closed and her client to be allowed to stay hidden because of his age. The judge denied the request. The judge approved a motion for a mental evaluation, The Boston Herald reported.



  1. If I had a son. Well tell me its not a spitting image of Obama

  2. This is a tragedy..but.. that guy even looks like obama s son

  3. Bammmmy? Shopton? Jackson? Where is youuuu?

  4. Young woman is murdered and we see law enforcement doing its job to get the perp off the street. Yet you guys feel the need to make this political? Careful, your Obama is hysteria is showing

    1. No 8:13! We're just wondering why those clowns aren't stepping up like they usually do when the tables are turned. I.e. treyvon martin?

    2. Defense of a tyrant, a wannabe dictator, is reflective of a diehard democrat with his head clearly stuck in his ass 8:13am. You're nothing new to Americans, that are willing to see what's right in front of them. The kid looks exactly like that ass you kiss up to. Indentured servant.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Young woman is murdered and we see law enforcement doing its job to get the perp off the street. Yet you guys feel the need to make this political? Careful, your Obama is hysteria is showing

    October 25, 2013 at 8:13 AM

    Are you an F*N idiot or what? You are a cop hater and you voted for Obama. Are you black or just plain stupid.

    These savages are killing more whites than whites are killing each other.

  6. Now watch some attorney turn this into a sexual issue.They'll say she was having an affair with him.The most recent encounter was around a week before she died,or so they'll say.He'll be the victim.Just watch and see.

  7. 9:26am,
    Thinks for giving the defense team an ideal for this young boys defense. DUMMY!

  8. Boy, you guys are way too funny.

    Difference is we have a clear cut case (ie murder, with a suspect with overwhelming evidence that is locked up). Not a minor killed under suspicious circumstances with POSSIBLE civil rights violations.

    "....law enforcement doing its job.." = cop hater? LOL x 2

  9. Guess its time to ban all box cutters.

  10. This is a hate crime.

  11. This type of person needs to be put down.., youth or not. You cannot fix these mental issues.


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