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Sunday, October 27, 2013


(SYKESVILLE, MD) -- Maryland State Police are inviting the public to join them in an upcoming community run to raise funds for a trooper who loves to run, but was critically injured when she was struck by a car while backing up a fellow trooper on a traffic stop earlier this month.

The “5K for JK” will be held Sunday, November 10, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., at the Maryland State Police Academy, 6852 4th Street, Sykesville, Md. Registration is available at www.5KforJK.eventbrite.com. A $25 donation is requested. Runners will be eligible for raffle prizes that include Ravens tickets, dinners and gifts from area restaurants and businesses.

All funds raised through the 5K for JK will go to assist Trooper Jacqueline Kline and her family with expenses related to her recovery. In the early morning hours of October 6, 2013, Trooper Kline was struck by a passing car as she was backing up another trooper on a traffic stop on Rt. 100 in Anne Arundel County. Trooper Kline was walking on the shoulder of the road when she was hit. She was propelled into the back of the K-9 trooper’s car she had stopped to assist. She struck the back windshield and metal K-9 cage inside the car. She landed in a ditch near the highway shoulder.

Trooper Kline remains a patient at the University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center where she is listed in serious condition. Her doctors see continuing improvement in her condition and remain optimistic. Despite the optimism, it is no secret that Trooper Kline will have a long road to recovery. Many of the expenses for her and her family will not be covered by insurance. Her fellow troopers want to provide Trooper Kline with financial backup and have created this run in an effort to help.

Trooper Kline is known as an outstanding athlete and a passionate runner. She was part of the Maryland Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics while a recruit in the State Police Academy. The 5K run will cover a course run by Trooper Kline and other State Police recruits while completing the six-month training to become a state trooper.

The race course will have flat and hilly segments. Parking is free and on-site. Race packets will be distributed on-site beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Nov. 10th.

In addition to runners, race organizers are seeking the assistance of donors and volunteers. To help, or for more information, contact 5KforJK@gmail.com. The 5K for JK Facebook community can be found athttp://www.facebook.com/5KforJK.


  1. let the commie state of maryland pay for her care with the billions of tax dollars they STEAL from us. or maybe that wonderful obamacare will fix her right up, just give her a pain pill and send her home to croak.

  2. actually most of the troopers I know that have had job related health issues have found out just how loyal an employer the state of md is when they get hurt! damn shame wrote all those tickets generated all that revenue but yhe state never has enough to take care of their own!

  3. Police receive nothing from the tickets they write.

  4. Anonymous said...
    Police receive nothing from the tickets they write.

    October 24, 2013 at 1:03 PM

    BS! Stop repeating that same old bs. It doesn't work.

    And after hearing about cops killing a KID I could care less if a cop is hurt.

    I hope more of them get hurt, at a minimum.

  5. There is no "aid" for a hard working person!

  6. Thank God for you 10:10 that your identity is unknown!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Thank God for you 10:10 that your identity is unknown!

    October 25, 2013 at 12:47 AM

    Why is that? Gonna shoot me too? Write me a handful of tickets? Get you thug brothers to gang up on me? What?

    Truth hurts doesn't it. I meant every word. Your ANNONYMOUS veiled threat is of little consequence. Maybe you should thank God YOUR identity is UNKNOWN.

    I'm not a little kid with a toy gun.

    1. Little kid, old lady, boy, girl, it doesn't matter 4:28. You point ANYTHING that remotely resembles a gun at me you're gonna go down!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Thank God for you 10:10 that your identity is unknown!

    October 25, 2013 at 12:47 AM

    But we know yours right? lmao

  9. 6:45 and we know who you are, one of a handful of government thugs easily identified by your uniform, However you'll never know just which one of the 300 million plus american's we are! ever wonder what custer went through? or doesn't you inadequate pea brain think that far ahead? History books are filled with story's of outnumbered idiots who failed to realize the tide of humanity washing over them!

    1. Lovely fairytale 9:35. Ever think of being a writer? Just kidding. Don't quit your day job if you even have one.

  10. 9:40...we should be saying the same thing....and notice 'Im not "anonymous"....little punk you are...

    1. But you gotta have ba**s 10:36. I don't think you do!

  11. You're not anonymous mcnut (10:36) but I have no clue who you are. Tell me more about yourself and the fantasyland you live in.

  12. Post your name, then, you short little sissy. MY name is in the phone book and so is my address. Does that sound like I'm afraid of anything, especially YOU? And I guarantee that many, many cops have already looked me up on their system, hoping to find SOMETHING - anything --- to post to embarrass or degrade me. Guess what? AIN'T NOTHING THERE. Cops follow me all the way home sometimes and it's NOT because they are interested in my safety. Sign your name, mcsissy. And, do tell, what did you do when you saw another cop commit a crime?

  13. Sounds like 1:36 is a paranoid baiter. Be careful boys in blue. He probably Has his house and property booby trapped with surveillance cameras. Psychoooo!

  14. October 25, 2013 at 9:40 AM

    If I point something at you, it won't be a toy gun, and YOU will be the one hit 7 times instead of a boy. Hero

  15. LOL! First it's "you probably have a record". No record? Try some name calling. Insults. Do your best. But the fact remains that you "anonymous" tough guys, who can't fight anyone until back-up shows up and it is 10 against one, cannot refute the facts. Thats ALL you have to do for me -- refute my arguments. Has just ONE (thats all we need here, just one) cop EVER answered the question --"what did YOU do when you saw another cop commit a felony?". No. Can you justify the murder of hundreds of citizens a year (why don't the police publish THAT statistic?), including old ladies and children? Paranoid? LOL!! That the best ya got? Answer the questions. And take down the pictures of innocent citizens you have posted on the bulletin board in the State Police barracks for those whom you wish to mete out "extra" attention (and "attention" is probably NOT what you have in mind, huh?). Oh, did I just give away a Gestapo secret?

    1. Not the guy you were talking to but I'll answer your question. I've been a police officer 10+ years and have never seen a officer commit a felony. I have also rarely seen 10 officers on one scene with the exception of a special event. But I'm sure you have seen more than I ever have or will. Funny how you can hate so many people you have never met but would rush to your aid.

  16. October 27, 2013 at 12:00 PM

    that's right. they want to know who everyone is so they can go on the attack. covertly of course. threaten their authority, which WE ALLOW them to have btw, and they go all ape shit. It's not a job to them, it's a role. They just don't realize the hook is coming to take them off stage.

  17. I've never seen a cop commit a felony. There's your answer to the question.

  18. Thank you mcnut (12:00). Week after week you entertain me and make me laugh like no comedian could ever do. Sometimes I don't know if it's you intention but nontheless you're very funny!

  19. 7:36 PM

    I wish we could say the same about you guys.

    And to the other egyptian in denial, you must work a very small force, turn a blind eye or don't know what a felony is, if you haven't seen a cop commit a felony.

    They are in the news everyday. I guess you and your ilk haven't heard about the balt. cop who just got over 6 years for selling drugs, for example.

    Keep telling lies, me and others will keep countering with the truth, no matter what you call us.

  20. Thank you trooper for your sacrifice for an truly UNGRATEFUL community.

  21. 5:05...props to you for answering the question. And it was a good answer. There is much more to be said on this issue, but I'll leave it there. Keep working with integrity and honor....

  22. as far as 7:36 is concerned, perhaps more time in school learning spelling and grammar would do you much better than spending your time weakly (and poorly) insulting me. Anonymously, too, of course....man up, you sissy. You actually passed an exam? God help us. Now, hit the books, girlie.

    1. I'm sorry about your delusions of persecution and grandiosity (bipolar perhaps) 10:51. And I'm sorry about your condition of ocd when it comes to my grammar. I was only trying to compliment you because you really do humor me.

    2. Oh come on 10:51! 7:36 left the "r" out of the word "your". Lighten up. You take yourself too seriously.

    3. I think it is referred to as Grammar Pedantry Syndrome 9:26. And yes, it is usually associated with other conditions.

    4. Maybe 10:51 should take a close look at his or her own comment. English teachers dream. FAIL!

  23. 11:24 PM

    What sacrifice? Ungrateful community? How about an alert community? How about a freedom loving community? How about an hold them accountable community? How about a community that wants the police to obey the same laws they enforce. How about a community that wants the police to actually KNOW the law they try to enforce? How about a community that knows their rights and stands up for them when they are violated, especially by police?

    How about a community that even protects YOUR rights after you so freely give them away?

    No, I would never want to be in a community that is GRATEFUL for cops to kill innocents, dogs, CHILDREN, anything that moves or doesn't get on their knees and worships them.

    Thanks is given for when they do their job well and correctly.

    Hell is to be paid when they do not and overstep their bounds.

  24. October 28, 2013 at 9:48 PM

    It's called caring enough of what you are saying, of the people who read what you are saying, to look and sound intelligent enough for others to take you more seriously, to make you look like an adult who knows how to spell or use a spell checker, to look like you actually know what you are talking about, not give any distraction or miscommunication to what you are saying so none of the message gets lost, and just THE PROPER WAY TO WRITE.

    If one doesn't care what they write, say, or how they say it, that comes across and makes others not care what you say since you do not take the time and skill to say it properly.

    And stubborn refusal to acknowledge mistakes and correct them seems lazy and juvenile.

    Therefore, you are treated as such. And in most instances, it fits.

  25. Or... people rely on Grammar Pendantry Syndrome when they get blown away and have nothing left 11:58. The old saying "you ain't got nothing".

  26. Shame on you 11:58! imp claim is gonna be just as upset with you for not identifying yourself.


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