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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Jesse Jackson To Muslims: “Stand Up And Fight Back!”

Retired Senator and supposed Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. spoke this weekend at the Arab American Civil Rights League. He showed his true colors this weekend by not supporting the “Christian” church he belongs to, but by saying that Muslims and Arabs in our country need to “stand up and fight back!”

Hundreds of people on the internet are talking about an article first covered by the Detroit Free Press. Al Jeezer and Al Arabia are praising this move by the Reverend as a positive step in bringing Muslim “enlightenment” to the people.

One of Jackson’s senior campaign advisers during his presidential bid was James Zogby. Today, Zogby heads the Arab-American Institute as its president.

Zogby said during the event that Arab-Americans have “a voice America needs to hear.”~Al Arabia


  1. Ok Jessie. Go over there and live you lying, ignorant, bastard. You belong in prison with your son.

  2. Just another "embedded" muslim pretending to be a Christian until the right moment. Why do the media give him free time?? Who cares what he thinks or says?? A waste of a human life.

  3. JJ is now trying to get money and support from the muslims because true Christians are rejecting him. ANYTHING is for sale: honor, integrity, even religion.

  4. He is as much of a Reverend as my horses ass. He claims to be part of the American Civil Rights League and then throws his support to anti American Muslims. Because I do not have freedom of speech anymore in the Country I fought for, and do not even here on SBY News, I can not use the "N" word. So, I'll just say that Jackson is a complete prick!

  5. Sarah Palin, put some crosshairs on him.

  6. this idiot and al sharpton both are cut from the same cloth. neither of them if helping this country or its people inany way. thanks sjd

  7. he is the king racist.

  8. Oh we heard their voice! Like all the little Pakistani kids cheering in the streets of DC on 9-11-01? How much more do we need to hear?!

  9. retired senator? from what state? I don't ever remember that. He's just a race baiter that's all. but I do agree with him that the name redskins has to go! hate that team! maybe next he can target the ravens!

  10. Does anyone still actually listen to him?

  11. Don't you just love it when jerks like Jackson whose own house is a mess try and tell others what to do? HIs son is a criminal-a thief and a drug addict. He has no business telling anyone anything.
    Perfect example of why the black communities are in a shambles. They look to jerks like this as leaders!

  12. The Muslims will never "stand up and fight." They'll just continue to attack unsuspecting, unarmed people with hidden bombs and ambush attacks. Cowards is all they are, all they ever will be! P.S. Jessie you can go to Hell.

  13. I don't need or want religious elightenment... not muslim, not christian... none. It's all bad, and needs to just go away. Then, maybe, you will see world peace... Miss Maryland will have to pick something else as her "wish".

  14. With Jackson & Sharpton as preachers doesn't make you wonder what they preached about all those years, Martin Luther King would be ashamed of both of them and their families a disgrace to this country is what it is.

  15. Jackson should have a bounty on his head


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