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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Doctors In Congress: Obamacare Worse Than You Think

At least 12 doctors in Congress have expressed serious concerns about Obamacare, and now President Obama admitted the recently unveiled online health insurance exchanges have been a technological headache and that he’s “frustrated” by them.

Obama also insists once those problems are fixed people will discover that the exchanges offer wonderful health plans at affordable prices, but a prominent congressman says the facts are not on the president’s side.

“They’re still trying to sell a program that the American people know won’t work,” said Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., a former physician who authored a free-market version of health-care reform that is still awaiting House consideration. “And it won’t work because the same things that are wrong with the website, that is the challenge of getting into it and having it work are the same things that are going to be wrong throughout the entire health-care system when Washington is running it.”

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  1. Dr's are in there to look after their own.

  2. Those working in the healthcare field will tell you, that doctors are and will continue to quit their profession. They refuse the limitation of care and the limitations for income. You might sign up for Obamacare, but will have to doctor yourself, because they ain't gonna play along with a bunch of liberal liars in Washington D.C.. **** Obama and his new, forced down your throat, we don'tcare system. What was it that that Sheshell Obama wanted the little children to be forced to eat in the school lunch system, just a couple of years ago? Oh yea, tofu, bean sprouts and a yummy glue ball of nutritional supplements. We see how far that stupid went. But you don't hear a word today from main stream media or the corrupt liberal school system, who were all in bed together, back then. Save those lil' chillen was their mantra, whether dems chillen likes it or not. Now Barry the Big Head is gonna cement his legacy by save da big uns. Those to fat and to lazy to care for themselves. A collective plan hatched by a group of moronic know nothings. And who's gonna suffer their stupid, who's gonna have it surgically attached to their backs forever to come? Why it's the working class of course, they're the ONLY ones paying for the bums that refuse to work. And looky looky looky the feral govment, pres, seators and reps ain't gonna prticipate. Wonder why after cramming it down your throat?

  3. Doctors want to quit? The next one will step up and take their place.

  4. Dem Old White Slavery Dudes will pay for dis foe meOctober 22, 2013 at 4:07 PM

    Hold up YO...dis bee free to meee

  5. hahahahah, Dr.s won't quit. Hell they still make a ton of dough for doing literally nothing.

  6. I believe that doctors will not quit. They will just take up private practice and break away from the corporate structure of hospitals who bow down to politics and government control. Remember, doctors in private business have a right to treat or not to treat a patient. I would trust an independent doctor to treat me for an illness instead of one that is under government control.

  7. 5:04 I believe you are correct. Doctors did fine before government programs kicked in. I remember, as a child, my parents had a local doctor who we went to and at times we didn't have the cash. We would pay what we could and then make monthly payments. Even back then the doctors lived in the best homes and drove the newest cars.

  8. To Obama, it's success is measured by it's failure.
    Alinsky's rules for radicals 101.

    Pull the wool over peoples eyes with false and misleading promises and get them to fight your battles for you.
    In this case, imploding 1/6th of the American economy.

  9. Doctors won't quit? They already have started quitting a year or more ago.

    The next one will step up and replace him? What doctor will do that? The one from India, Pakistani, Iraq?

    What dream world are you guys living in?

    1. I have three females in my immediate family that work in hospitals/health care, all state that doctors, not only have been quitting, knowing what was about to come, more have already tendered their resignation, or intend to. The fictional health care system, that Obama promotes, will be free of many of the doctors that you currently see today. Don't take my word, ask the doctors that you go to. You're not going to like their answer.

  10. 5:04 I'm sure bammy has a plan for that too. Like maybe a doctor can't legally practice if he, she, or it, is not part of his wonderful scheme.

  11. why are so many jealous of what doctors earn and have materially? they worked very hard and spent many years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to earn their degree.

    there are some bad apples, but most want to simply serve their patients without government rules, regulations and interference.

  12. Remember, doctors in private business have a right to treat or not to treat a patient. I would trust an independent doctor to treat me for an illness instead of one that is under government control.

    October 22, 2013 at 5:04 PM

    All doctors are under government control, either directly or indirectly. If they have a license to practice medicine, they are required to follow the law.

    Another American icon — the independent doctor with a private practice — is taking a hit from economic realities. An increasing number of U.S. doctors are expected to leave private practice for hospital employment over the next 18 months because of rising costs and technology mandates, according to a new study. And those who remain independent are beginning to test alternative business models.

    Over the past decade, the number of independent U.S. physicians has dropped dramatically, from 57 percent of all physicians in 2000 to 39 percent in 2012, according to a survey of 204 physicians in independent practice conducted by Accenture, a global consulting firm. By the end of 2013, this number is predicted to drop further, to 36 percent.

    NEW YORK, June 14 (UPI) -- A survey by Accenture indicates more U.S. physicians are selling their private practices to work at larger healthcare systems.
    By 2013, less than one-third of U.S. physicians are expected to remain in private practice and patients may increasingly find that being treated by physicians in private, small practice settings may be a thing of the past.

    "Health reform is challenging the entire system to deliver improved care through insight driven health," Kristin Ficery, a senior executive at Accenture Health, says in a statement.

    Physicians tell the survey that they are increasingly attracted to the benefits offered by hospital-based employment opportunities, which include: relief from administrative responsibilities; greater access to leading healthcare information technology tools, facilities and equipment; and a more manageable work week and stability.

    "We see an increasing number of physicians leaving private practice to join hospital systems,

    How many doctors are there in the USA?

    661, 400.

    There are 661, 400 physicians and surgeons in the United States in 2008. This is according to the 2010 Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Census Bureau. This represents about 12% of all healthcare professionals and 0.6% of all employed persons in the United States. 30.5% of all doctors are female and 16.6% are Asian.

    While making the case for his health reform package, President Obama argued that his proposal would make life easier for small-business owners.

    Unfortunately, Obamacare threatens to undermine a group of small-business owners that is perhaps more important than any other to his reform effort — doctors in private practice.

    The number of privately owned medical practices has declined sharply in the past five years. In 2005, at least two-thirds of practices were in private hands. That figure has dropped to less than half today — and is expected to sink below 40 percent by next year.

    Many doctors, specifically those who have just completed a resident specialty, are now choosing not to enter private practice in the first place. Instead, they’re heading to salaried positions at large hospitals. Last year, 49 percent of first-year specialists chose hospital employment.

    Obamacare will only exacerbate these trends. Some of the law’s dictates will make it more expensive to operate small practices — even though the rules are supposed to reduce medical costs

  13. Doctors had been quitting private practice to go to work in hospitals for a long time. They wanted better health tools, benefits, stable work weeks, steady income, less admin duties, keeping records, filing paperwork, etc.

    You really think they will go back to that? We are going to have a doctor shortage in the coming several years.

    And when the older more experienced doctors leave, here come the young and inexperienced doctors to try and fill their shoes.

    Good luck with that.

  14. This is all by design people, the march towards the single payer system, which is what Obama & Company have publicly stated that they want.


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