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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bullying Complaint Filed After 91-0 High School Football Score In Texas

There was little chance of defeat when Aledo's undefeated Bearcats faced Fort Worth's Western Hills on the football field Friday.

The final score, 91-0, though, led one parent to file an official complaint of bullying against the entire coaching staff, reports CBSDFW.com.

Aledo ISD administrators say the complaint suggests the coaches should have told players to take it easy on the competition. 



  1. Get out of here. Hell tbh....a lil bullying helps build character. For both ends.

  2. From the article it seems the coach did all he could. Once he subbed his back up players in what was he supposed to do? Tell them not to score? I'd look more at the people responsible for scheduling.

  3. October 22, 2013 at 10:37 PM

    Yeah, bad character for one, dangerous character for the other. it is abuse, period.

    1. Here we gp! How in the world do you figure? Please explain yourself. Hell could've been recruiters watching. Just think of what the game reel looks like.it'll probly send those WINNERS on a full ride to college. If I were them id pushed harder.

  4. The pussification of our youth. Suck it up or go play another sport, pansy.

  5. Anonymous said...
    October 22, 2013 at 10:37 PM

    Yeah, bad character for one, dangerous character for the other. it is abuse, period

    How is it abuse? The coach sent in his "sit on the bench" players. Should he have told them to forfeit the game so nobody's feelings get hurt? Haven't you ever had your butt whooped in a game, either sports or maybe even a board game? Did you survive getting beat? Did you learn anything from it? It is not fun to get spanked like that, but guess what--that is called LIFE. That is why people are acting like they do today--doing whatever they want, to whomever they want with no thoughts of right or wrong...because they have not learned life lessons--you don't win all the time-if you lose you pick yourself up, figure out how you can improve yourself and GET OVER IT. The wussification of America is almost as dangerous as who is sitting in the White House.

  6. so can we call one side losers or would that be to offending? Maybe the fans ought to revolt for being offended by the lack of football prowess and the flagrant impersonation of a football team!

  7. can't stand the heat...?

  8. let's give them all a trophy, hold hands and sing I'd like to teach the world to sing.

  9. Don't want to get beat 91-0 versus back ups... stop them. Stupid news story, brought on by one parent. She should be arrested, as her kid will face MORE bullying at school for his mom filing a complaint. The losing coach wasn't even mad.

  10. 5:43...I think you missed the point. 11:12 was referring to "bullying", I think...
    How in the hell does a bully build character from picking on a kid half his size? Is that how cops are created? One of the biggest bully's I EVER knew is now the SHERIFF of Charles County --- Rex Coffey. As far as the 91-0 score goes, it's not bullying (some liberal pansy's complaint). Its football AND POOR SCHEDULING.

    1. So your from Southern MD...the other side of the crick'...that explains a lot! I guess you favor the ol' motto "If ya can't beat em, join em" and decided to paddle on over to the Eastern Shore, huh? Was that a volunteer or "voluntold" move? (Court ordered probably) That would explain your extreme bitterness towards law enforcement...I have heard they are a little dirtier over on that side of the ditch. Perhaps you experienced some of their "tactics?" Did you put the lotion on the skin? You have seen Joe Dirt right?

  11. Some worthless judge will sympathize & rule in their favor.

  12. 5:31
    I guess you think you are better than others because you were raised here. Typical! Trying to put others down to try to make yourself look better. Let me educate you a bit. It is not a "crick" nor is it a "ditch" it is called a bay. We moved here over 20 years ago by choice because there was no one in this area that had the knowledge my husband had for the job he was hired to do and also to get away from people LIKE YOU. Lets look at the people you have elected that are from here. Who should we start with first. Pollitt? Ireton?

    1. Ladies and Gentleman...please welcome, Mrs. Imclain!

  13. 5:54
    I am 5:48 but no I am not Mrs lmclain. I guess that was suppose to be an insult? You know what they say about people who assume.


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