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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Is Immigration Destroying America's Quality Of Life?

Every year, America grows bigger and bigger.

This has nothing to do with land size, and everything to do with population. While our country’s days of acquiring new territories have long since passed — arguably for the better — it is now home to more people than at any other time since the Pilgrims set foot on Plymouth Rock.

Just what is going on here?

Quite a few things, interestingly enough. Unfortunately, very little is mentioned of it. Chalk this up to one of the few issues which rightists and leftists alike can agree on: Piping down about overpopulation.


  1. Put an F*n fence around our borders and quit letting so many illegal foreigners in our country. They come here in droves for all the free entitlements while attacking Republicans. They are obviously future Democrats.

  2. ALERT...ALL AMERICANS ...MOVE TO MEXICO................

  3. I'm sure all of you are native Americans who are just super upset at everyone with European descendants...

  4. illegals are destroying our country. period.

  5. If anybody actually believes the number of illegals that are here is 12 million or so must have been taught Common Core math. The number is easily double that. Everywhere you go in Selbyville, a good half the people you see are certainly not speaking English (to be fair, a lot of Americans use their own language in an incorrect fashion, grammatically speaking). It seems the southeren border would be a great place for terrorists to enter our country, considering our presidnet refuses to enforce the laws already passed regarding immigration--he is just rolling out the red carpet!

  6. The "land of the free and home of the brave" used to be the reason our immigration system worked. People admired what we stood for and wanted what had. Now they see us as what they can take...without any recourse...contribution....or consequences . We are on the verge of that being lost forever.

  7. Anonymous said...
    I'm sure all of you are native Americans who are just super upset at everyone with European descendants...

    October 26, 2013 at 2:19 AM

    You are to stupid to understand. To bad you are allowed to vote and breed.

  8. People have been saying this since the Mayflower landed. This country would be no where without people from other countries.

  9. @ Anon at 9:02 AM

    Would be nice if people who are parading this thesis ("this country would be nowhere without immigrants") all over Internet understood the difference between Mayflower/Ellis island and today's immigration. Here, I'll try to explain it to you:

    1. Mayflower immigrant's options:
    - make a living or die.

    2. Ellis island immigrant's options:
    - make a living or die or go back to where you came from.

    3. Today's immigrant's options:
    - make a living or go on welfare. And stay there for generations.

  10. I actually think it helped mine. Prior to the influx all we had were lazy American women who wouldn't even make you a sandwich if you were dying. The only time sex came along was when they initiated it. That's all changed now thanks to the new laws.

  11. 1:03. You start drinking way too early in the day.

  12. Anonymous said...
    People have been saying this since the Mayflower landed. This country would be no where without people from other countries.

    October 26, 2013 at 9:03 AM

    Hey.... You ignorant moron... those people got here legally and they didn't demand welfare, Spanish and sharia law. Why don't you just do us all a favor and overdose on your Kool Aid.

  13. 1:03 Huh?
    What new laws?

  14. Does that guy doing all the speaking seem to have big lips? Oh great a Mexican homo demanding all kinds of special treatment.

  15. repeat after me: LEGAL immigrants are ok, fine, and legal.

    ILLEGAL immigrants are NOT ok, not welcome, a drag on our finances, and breaking the LAW aka ILLEGAL.

    did you get that? I hope so. I know it's hard since you were government school educated, but I promise if you repeat this several times it will sink in.


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