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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Estimate: 16 Million Americans Will Lose Current Coverage Because of Obamacare

The president:
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”
A new estimate from healthcare expert Bob Laszewski (via the Weekly Standard):

The U.S. individual health insurance market currently totals about 19 million people. Because the Obama administration's regulations on grandfathering existing plans were so stringent about 85% of those, 16 million, are not grandfathered and must comply with Obamacare at their next renewal. The rules are very complex. For example, if you had an individual plan in March of 2010 when the law was passed and you only increased the deductible from $1,000 to $1,500 in the years since, your plan has lost its grandfather status and it will no longer be available to you when it would have renewed in 2014. These 16 million people are now receiving letters from their carriers saying they are losing their current coverage and must re-enroll in order to avoid a break in coverage and comply with the new health law's benefit mandates––the vast majority by January 1. Most of these will be seeing some pretty big rate increases.



  1. All part of the plan in the march towards single payer system...this is what they want, and it will bring this great nation to its knees. Obama has got to go!

  2. I've heard that in Dec a huge number of cancellations are coming. The largest numbers yet to date.

  3. This man has no clue. With Obamacare in trouble, he has decided to go on a 6 week campaign promotion for Democrats.

  4. Obamacare transfers 700 million dollars from medicare (elderly people that earned and payed into the system all their lives for benefits)to medicaid (lazy people that refuse to work and never paid into the system for anything).
    This is another of Obama's socialist redistribution of wealth schemes that will destroy the economy and steal from working Americans to prop up his degenerate voting base.

  5. If he were a family member, we'd get a restraining order and an admission to inpatient psychatric care.

  6. I'm becoming frightened. I have health insurance but I cannot go anywhere and get what I already have and now I hear that insurance companys are changing things around to make more of a profit and people are losing their insurance plans. I wish this whole thing had never started.

  7. I blame congress for not impeaching him. What are they waiting for?

  8. Due to Obamacare, more people have LOST their quality insurance than have enrolled in a system that will secure them with crappy insurance with higher premiums and skyrocketing deductibles with lower compensation for hospitals, doctors, pharmacies and medical product companies.
    In other words, Obamacare is designed to fail. Fail the United States, all of it's citizens and businesses.
    It is designed to collapse the Capitalist system that made American health care the best in the world.

  9. Those of us who read the bill before it was passed knew he was lying when he said that.

    We tried to tell folks, but they had to pass it to find out what was in it. You know, like a big Christmas present.

    Well, how about everybody read the new "Comprehensive Immigration Bill" now, before it's passed, so we can all see how totally enslaving that is. You'll be shocked at what's in it and will be writing Congress as you're halfway through it.

  10. This, America's WORST president, would rather swim to Africa than to stand still and tell the truth. This is what we get when we put a man in charge of the most powerful nation on Earth when the greatest thing he ever did before that was write welfare requests for welfare communities. A truly incompetent and unqualified disaster of a leader. The rest of the world can't decide whether to laugh or cry....

  11. Anonymous said...
    Obamacare transfers 700 million dollars from medicare (elderly people that earned and payed into the system all their lives for benefits)to medicaid (lazy people that refuse to work and never paid into the system for anything).
    This is another of Obama's socialist redistribution of wealth schemes that will destroy the economy and steal from working Americans to prop up his degenerate voting base.

    October 25, 2013 at 10:26 PM

    And you idiots keep voting for him and other Democrats like Norman Conway who keep steeling from us. Don't complain now because you morons voted for them.

    Steeling from the working man and giving to the lazy. Blacks, Mexicans and some white trash.

  12. Is this BAIT AND SWITCH or what?

  13. I'm am on my husband's plan and it has gone up an extra $40.00 per week for me to stay on the plan. It's just ridiculous. We have a $3,000 deductible.

    We got a note from his employer stating that they needed to call an underwriter and discuss some health issues. I know there are large employers that are dropping the spouse coverage and only covering employees. If I get kicked off of his plan God only knows what I would qualify for with Obamacare and how much it is going to cost me.

    I know some older people who have retired and hurting significantly. I spoke with one man personally and the cost of his medications has gone up and the the money he had for retirement is being used up for medications and doctor care. He is going to have to go back to work just to be able to survive.

    I think what pisses me off the most about all of this is that retirees are having to go back to work just to make ends meet. They worked all their lives and now they have to go back to help pay for these people who have been taking advantage of the system and holding their hands out saying I need more.

  14. Please tell me where these retirees are finding jobs.


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