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Sunday, October 27, 2013

True Liberal Hatred!


  1. idiot! Be glad all those that sacrificed, so that you can have your misguided opinions!

  2. show that that name!!!

  3. Cant we just ship all the liberals off to.europe? They would fit right in and we would get our country back.

  4. I wish I could give every one of these idiots a one way ticket to the communist/marxist/socialist country of their choice...I will even help them pack. Ungrateful a$$holes.

  5. She has forgot , the people who served are the reason she can comment. It's called Freedom!
    Without them we would have nothing!

  6. Some people have chose to kill many American citizens , I suppose this is OK with you , you dumb A$$.
    Sounds like she needs a lesson in my care.

  7. If a store offers a military discount , I will take it.
    I don't demand anything.
    However I would demand if I knew you , to move to a pure socialist country , mostly middle east , you would love it.
    Maybe then , you will release your little girl to be married at the age of 9. You are brain dead!
    Next time think before you comment butt head.

  8. My goodness , I can't imagine there are people out there that think like this.
    Is she on drugs or what? Does she have a family? Is she married to a muslim? Is she married? Is she on assistance , I'm sure of this.
    Did she go past the 2nd grade?
    I keep saying she because of the picture. Maybe she's a stripper or a call girl or a prostitute .Is her disease terminal?
    She looks as though she is pretty , but her comment has made her very ugly.

  9. In some countries this person who made this comment could be hung for treason or stoned to death.
    That's the reason our military is precious to America. We are free , so far at least.

  10. I bet I know who she voted for

  11. Its a great country, isn't it? Say whatever you want....brought to you, personally, by hundreds of thousands of men and women who said "yes" to violence and yes to our freedoms. All this person ever did was whine about those who died....print their name. If you want to say something, own it. Stand up for it. But don't talk the smack and hide behind "anonymous". Little sissy ace coward.

  12. I bet who ever wrote that is living high on the hog, off the gov't tit, on welfare, we pay for everything they've got. Ungrateful. Despicable. We need to salute our troops no matter what war, where they go, and whatever we may agree or disagree gov't policies are.

  13. You don't deserve to live here Libtard. You and your fellow "dimwits" ship out.

  14. Freedom is not free. Perhaps this person would be welcome in an islamic country where they can insist on their peace.

  15. grrrr I hate all liberals because they all must think like this if one posted on this. And this must be an authentic post from a liberal because I read it on the internet.

  16. One point the poster makes I sort of agree with. The term "hero" has become as overused in today's time as the word "superstar" was in the 1980's-1990's and as overused as the word "awesome" was in the 2000's. Perforning duties that you are trained for and paid for such as putting out fires does make someone a "hero". Being in the military does not make someone a hero - hell, they could be a personnel records clerk for all I know.

    People involved in combat or people partaking is risky actions that they have no experience with are "heros". Remember the plane that crashed into the frozen Potomic River years ago and a civilian standing on the bank of the river dived in to save a drowning passenger? That is a hero.

    I intend no disrespect towards those who work in life threatening professions and I certainly do not agree with the poster but i do believe the word "hero" has been used so often it has lost its original meaning. I have become desensitized to it just like "awesome" and "superstar" before it. Just my personal opinion.,\

  17. I as a Veteran, would love to meet this person face to face. She (I'm assuming, but I think I'm right) would drop to her knees and cry when I told her one brief history lesson.

  18. brb figuring out her name and trolling. And the (See you next tuesday) has been bred. Such a shame not to end that gene pool.

  19. Damn, no sooner did I post that, I found her. I'll let some boys I know handle her.

  20. Nevermind, justice was served, although not to the extent she deserves. Her name is Meagan May, of Manhattan, Kansas. She lost her job and received death threats (Nicholas Cage "You don't say meme").

    She was manager at a cinema, and got fired for the outcry the post brought, which people forwarded to her employer. She's probably on the tax dime now.

  21. Anonymous said...
    She has forgot , the people who served are the reason she can comment. It's called Freedom!
    Without them we would have nothing!

    October 26, 2013 at 6:17 AM

    Guess what you soft hearted idiot! We have nothing now! People get more stupid all the time.

  22. October 26, 2013 at 11:22 AM

    Is Rick Hoppes a hero in your book?

  23. I have to believe that this is a bit of tongue in cheek just to rile people like you and me. Cannot believe that there is a person who sincerely thinks that way

  24. This is all over the internet...just google the first few words of the post...so I do not see reason for SBYNews not posting her name.

    "Posted: 09/27/2013

    MANHATTAN, Kan. - A Kansas woman says she was fired and has received death threats after posting comments on Facebook that criticized the military.

    Meagan May, of Manhattan, Kan., posted a comment in September that she did not consider the military heroic and criticizing military personnel for expecting discounts at businesses........."

  25. This person doesn't have a clue! And I bet this person votes! Scary.

  26. A Facebook response:

    "Dear Meagan Lyn,

    Congratulations! You won a free tour to negotiate peace with terrorists.
    Enjoy breath taking mountain views in Chechnya and Afghanistan!
    Explore upscale malls in Somali and smell the odors in Syria!
    Experience the warmest of welcomes in Benghazi!

    Peace out!"

  27. Pacifism is a luxury paid for by warriors.

  28. 10:21 AM , I do not know Rick Hoppes. I know who he is but know nothing of his character, actions, demeanor, etc. I consider him a public servant and if part of his job entails entering burning buildings, etc that puts his life at risk, then "NO", he is not a hero. A hero is someone who isn't a firefight, someone with no training, someone who has never done something before performs a life threatening action to help someone else. Someone just sitting behind the desk is NOT a hero in my book.


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