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Sunday, October 06, 2013

Harry Reid: Forget Constituents, We Serve The Government


  1. Now I understand why the big deal about October 1st. The Obama administration has prepared for an uprising or maybe a civil war.
    So be it , if it happens it may be a good thing for the nation.
    This country has never seen turmoil in government like now.
    Mr. president , you have really screwed up , take a hike.
    I spoke with a registered democrat yesterday had she was pissed at this administration and mostly Obama. She said " He acts as though he is a ruler or a king".
    The blacks in the country are so out of control , it will hit the fan with slaughter.

  2. The police kill a lady in Washington and the media will prey on this for days. In the mean time blacks are killing people in every city daily. What's up with that?
    I'll protect my sector from this enemy , many other groups are doing the same.
    We have about 65,00,000 hunters in the country , ready ,willing and able. Come on to my house , come on. If it happens I'll be living in an all white neighborhood again.

  3. It is my understanding that China owns a vast amount of land and assets in this country.
    I have a suggestion:
    Give this country to China as payment for what we owe them.
    I think they have done a wonderful job of turning their country into a profit making capitalist nation.
    Everyone works even the blacks. Oh that's right , no blacks in China , cause they would have to earn their way.
    Mmm , all problems solved.

  4. Yes the senate does represent the population as well as the house..so harry dont forget we the people run this country

  5. What a POS...TRAITOR.

  6. This guy is one flippin idiot!

  7. This is one evil man and anyone who supports him is evil by default.
    He won't fund the NIH. This proves the democrats are sick and evil people!

  8. First honest statement this corrupt immoral lying bast@rd has ever made. He had made an absolute fortune for himself with crooked land deals in Nevada.

  9. Reed has just spoken for every elected Democrat in this country and I, for one, am sick and tired of it.

  10. Don't forget--the entire state of Nevada got Obamacare exemption...

  11. Perhaps a little revolution from time to time is required for democracy to survive. We are in the grip of a dictator and his band of communists who are doing nothing for hard working tax paying Americans who believe deeply in the Constitution. It now appears to be just two classes in America today; the government and then those not in the government. Have we had enough yet?? Perhaps the time is rapidly approaching for more praising of the Lord while passing the ammunition. It's so tragic that our great country has been so rapidly destroyed so extensively in only five years. Every democrat should be considered a pocket lining communist, hunted down, tarred & feathered, castrated & then given a one way ticket to Russia.


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