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Sunday, October 06, 2013

Shame On You Mr. President!


  1. LOL really people? Although this is entertaining, please remember that there are folks who take this kind of crud seriously and can't distinguish fact from fiction too well.

    1. Obama Crooked MotorsOctober 3, 2013 at 9:35 PM

      5:16 Did u bump your head? And you are right, We the People take this stuff seriously.

  2. Arrogance doesn't feel shame. Dictators dictate, without regard for anyone else's input. While the muslim drowns his enemies in debt and smiles his liberal media spreads their traitor's gospel of lies. American's suffer the weight of his existence.

  3. Libtards think fence is bushes fault...it was his idea..bush would have shut down open air memorials site...talk about being childish..not getting his way..he pulls typical libtard move..dare him to have any one arrested...

  4. We pander to minorities. We do not pander to elderly vets. Being tough on them is what we do, being tough on thugs is what we do not do.

  5. 516, ??? This is really happening today in real life, you know. What are you trying to say here? Or do you get your news from MSNBC?

  6. Impeach the Bastard and lock his ass up in jail.

  7. I sincerely hope our current military is being made aware of these actions. If any of your family are military please, please let them know about these things. I'm quite sure there is a black-out of this for them.

  8. To add to poster 9:35 PM: the picture dictates actuality so therefore yes i take it seriously to...

  9. Who would want to ever serve in our military after the blatant dishonor, lack of respect and cowardice this president has demonstrated towards our military, both active and non-active. He has no code whatsoever and does not want to honor the sacrifice made by so few for so many. If I were active duty military in a so called war zone, I would find the first enemy combatant, negotiate an on the spot truce, hand him all of my weapons, inform him of my intent to return to my family, explain to him that I refuse to fight for a so called commander/chief who is a communist and traitor, explain to him that I will only fight if my country's sovereignty is compromised, then finally change into civilian clothes and return home by any means possible. Some folks may call this desertion but let it be known that our so called president has deserted those in uniform and those who previously wore the uniform with his disrespect, his dishonor and his cowardice. I would not fight for a man who has no code of decency. When will enough finally be enough?????


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